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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Nader For President 2004

    http://www.votenader.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2004

    Statement by Ralph Nader before the Skull and Bones Headquarters

    High Street, New Haven, CT—October 6, 2004

    New Haven, CT: George W. Bush and John Kerry have been members of the Yale secret society – Skull and Bones – since the late 60s. Hundreds of Bonesmen are in powerful positions at the top echelons of government and business. They are sworn to secrecy throughout their lives, bound together for life, says Yale’s William Sloane Coffin. Skull and Bones alumni have a common drive to get their members into “positions of power” and to have those members hire other members into similar positions of power, says Alexandra Robbins, author of the book, Secrets of the Tomb, and herself a member of another secret society at Yale.

    Initiation rituals involve morbid admission of personal sexual experiences and coerced displays of sophomoric masochism and mystical mumbo jumbo, hooded robes and members carrying skulls and bombs according to a remote video of one recent ceremony.

    All this might appear like a more extreme version of fraternity capers, but Skull and Bones is far more rigorous, enduring and embracing. Bones’ patriarchs converge on Deer Island, a forty acre “resort” on the St. Lawrence River. This secret society has revealed no limitations on its code of silence.

    When asked about their membership in Skull and Bones, George W. Bush only said “it’s so secret I can’t talk about it.” Kerry was asked what it meant that both he and Bush are Bonesmen, he responded, “Not much because it’s a secret.”

    When it comes to election campaigns and elected offices, principles of openness are supposed to operate in a democratic society. A secret society of powerful personages running for office or holding office raises several important questions:

    1. How inclusive is this oath of secrecy?
    2. Does this oath extend to member’s political and business careers?
    3. What are the sanctions for breeching the secrecy? Do they extend to members political and business responsibilities?
    4. Are Bonesmen expected to preferentially advance or select people for responsible positions who are Skull and Bones Patriarchs rather than base their choices on the merits of the various applicants for positions?
    5. What general subject matters and roles of Bonesmen are outside the oath of secrecy or code of silence?
    6. How do Bonesmen rank the oath to Skull and Bones when they have to take oaths to public office?
    7. When oaths conflict, which takes precedence? Which takes their allegiance?

    These are questions that cannot be cavalierly dismissed by Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry; if they cannot or will not answer them they should resign their membership in Skull and Bones publicly and immediately.

    JAXXE --- ---
    11. září 2001, podvod milénia a návrat kolonialismu

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Illuminati-Staged US Presidential Election

    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon Crash?

    This is not about Conspiracy Theories. This Page is about documenting and analyzing evidence to determine what happened. Yes there is a Conspiracy to hide the truths about September 11th, it is not a theory though. Keep an open mind and read through and follow the links.

    JAXXE --- ---
    BBC Expose On Zionist Christians

    "Millions of Americans believe this pitiful nonsense. They pine for a nuclear Armageddon because it will fulfill their "prophecies." They ignore the national interests of their own country, and worship at the altar of Israel, functioning as a far more effective – and dangerous – fifth column than any commie "conspiracy" ever did. They are worse than Aum Shinrikyo, that nutball Japanese cult that unleashed sarin gas in the Tokyo subway, not only because they are more numerous, but because they are a potent economic/political force in the U.S. -- Why if Israel held the key towards ushering in Christ or the Jewish messiah, why didn't Christians and Jews, in churches and synagogues not preach this ZIONISM gospel for the past 1897 years? It was'nt until a bunch of communists from Europe and Russia who got around forming the World Zionist Organization in 1897 -- "

    BBC Expose On Zionist Christians


    Click on link and sit back and LISTEN very carefully.

    Great Documentary/expose requires audio media real player...forward this to everyone you know.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel accused of masterminding attacks


    The suicide bombings in Sinai have triggered a wave of conspiracy theories in Egypt, where many believe Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Jews were behind the attacks.

    Several Egyptians interviewed over the past few days on Arab satellite stations said they did not believe Muslim terrorists were capable of launching such massive attacks. Most interviewees agreed Israel was the only beneficiary of the bombings and claimed once again that the Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington.

    Egyptian journalist Nabil Sharif Eddin said numerous conspiracy theories about Israel's alleged role have flourished.

    "Analyses based on conspiracy theories are spreading not only on the level of the man on the street, but also among political and intellectual circles," he said.

    General (Ret.) Muhammad Abdel Fattah Omar, a former senior official with the Egyptian Ministry of Interior, which is responsible for the country's security services, was one of the first Egyptians to accuse Israel of masterminding the attacks.

    "In each operation, we should first try to find out who benefits from it," he said. "Israel is the only party that benefits from the Sinai attacks. The Israelis and their agents are the only ones who are able to enter this area without difficulty."

    University professor Salwa Hussein vehemently defended the conspiracy theories as a "historic fact." She explained: "The Arab world lies in the heart of the globe and if its power continues to grow, the Arabs will control the other countries as was the case with the Islamic state... Today the conspiracy against Islam is continuing and even spreading."

    Abdullah al-Ashal, a former top official with the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, said he had no doubts that Israeli hands were involved in the bombings. "Israel's ultimate plan is to bring Egypt to its knees and eliminate its regional role," he told the IslamOnline Web site.

    Ashal, who served as assistant foreign minister, went on to claim that by pointing a finger at al-Qaida, Israel was seeking to include Egypt in the US-led war on terror.

    The Muslim Brotherhood organization issued a statement in Cairo in which it accused the Mossad and Jews of planning and carrying out the attacks. The group said the attacks were designed to divert attention from Israel's "brutal massacres" against the Palestinians and the "barbaric attacks by the American occupation forces in Iraq."

    JAXXE --- ---
    N Korea: 'Sanctions mean war'

    News 24 | October 11 2004

    Seoul - North Korea warned on Monday that any move by the United Nations to impose sanctions on the country to make up for stalled diplomacy would spark a "merciless war".

    The warning came after US officials last month hinted at bringing North Korea to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions if it continued to cold-shoulder talks on the country's nuclear weapons drive.

    "Sanctions mean a war and war does not know any mercy," said Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency.

    "If the US applies more sanctions to the DPRK (North Korea) by putting the UN in motion, the DPRK will promptly and resolutely react to it with self-defensive war deterrent force."

    The agency said the United States would "be wholly responsible for all ensuing fatal consequences" if war broke out.

    Two years into the nuclear standoff, hectic diplomacy has yielded little.




    China deploys 150,000 troops on Korean border

    AFP | Oct 11 2004

    HONG KONG: China has deployed up to 150,000 troops on its border with North Korea to deter Pyongyang’s nuclear build-up and to stifle mounting violence from rogue North Korean soldiers, a report here said Sunday.

    Hong Kong’s Sunday Morning Post cited an unidentified security source in China as saying five divisions of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troops had been deployed in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, bordering North Korea, since last month.

    Large troop movements and new military barracks have also been seen in the border towns of Hanchun, Tumen, Kaishan, Sanhe and Baijing, while air force jets have frequently been seen flying over the capital Yanji, some 40 kilometres from the border, the report said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Kerry to add Russia to the new "axis of evil"

    10/11/2004 18:38

    The team of the president creates the policy of the president

    Dem. Senator John Kerry will most likely announce the existence of the new "axis of evil," embracing Iran, Russia and North Korea. According to the senator, the nuclear possessions of these countries pose the most dangerous threat to the national security of the United States.

    It is an open secret that the team of the president creates the policy of the president. Richard Holbrooke, the US ambassador to the United Nations, and Mark Brzezinski, the son of Zbigniew Brzezinski, presented their recommendations regarding the future relations between Russia and the USA after the presidential election.

    According to the US officials, the new American president is supposed to express America's concern to Moscow about the destruction of democracy in Russia. The US administration must also increase the financial and the general support of democracy in Russia. Washington should prevent Russia's influence on the policy of former republics of the Soviet Union. "Six hundred tons of nuclear materials remain unsecured in Russia. Currently, it would take 13 years to secure it. But with a concerted effort, and at a fraction of the cost of the war in Iraq, the problem could be eliminated in three to four years," Holbrooke and Brzezinski wrote.

    Two natural persons expressed their concern about Russia's possession of nuclear arms and decomposing materials. However, Holbrook plans to take Colin Powell's post, if Kerry is elected president. Mark Brzezinski, in his turn, is ambitious about the position of the president's advisor.

    Senator Kerry repeatedly said during the second round of the pre-election debate that it would take George W. Bush 13 years to secure the nuclear materials in Russia and in other countries of the former USSR. Kerry stated that he would set forth his own plan, which would allow to complete the works within four years. Weapons of mass destruction in Iran and North Korea create a similar problem, Kerry believes.

    What is hidden behind the security of the Russian nuclear materials? Russia is a sovereign state, which means that it does not need help either from the incumbent, or from the future US administration. It is not clear, why American politicians think that they should control the security of nuclear objects in the Russian Federation.

    John Kerry has virtually repeated Halbrooke and Brzezinski's writings. Bush and Kerry discussed the national security issue only and did not touch upon other questions from the recommendations of the two officials. However, Kerry's diligent citing of the document showed that he would learn other paragraphs of the article by heart too. Kerry expressed his concern about "the offence against democracy in Russia" a week before, during the first pre-election round. He even told the whole world the touching story about him descending to the KBG basements underneath Treblinka Square.

    The Democratic nominee believes that the Kremlin violates democratic norms, suppresses the opposition, interferes in the affairs of allied states and poses a potential nuclear threat to the USA. This situation is very reminiscent of the Iraqi problem, which was formed two years ago.

    GEDDON --- ---
    Laureátka Nobelovej ceny vraví, že HIV vytvorili zámerne

    (Agenture France Presse) dr. Alan Cantwell


    Kenská ekologička Wangari Maathai, prvá Afričanka, ktorá dostala Nobelovu cenu mieru, dnes opäť zopakovala tvrdenie, že vírus AIDS vytvorili ako biologickú zbraň.
    "Niektorí vravia, že AIDS pochádza od opíc, ale ja o tom pochybujem, pretože my žijeme s opicami už od nepamäti; iní hovoria, že je to kliatba božia, ale ja vravím, že to nemôže byť. My, černosi, zomierame viac, než iní na tejto planéte.", povedala pani Maathaiová na tlačovej konferencii v Nairobi deň po tom, čo získala Nobelovu cenu mieru za svoje úsilie ohľadom ľudských práv a zalesňovania prostredia. Ďalej povedala:
    "Obsadili sme Irak, lebo sme boli presvedčení, že Saddam Husajn vyrobil alebo bol v procese vytvárania biologických zbraní. Lenže HIV vytvorili vedci ako biologickú zbraň. Prečo sa ohľadom AIDS robia toľké tajnosti? Keď sa spýtate, odkiaľ sa ten vírus vzal, hneď sa všetci majú na pozore. V dôsledku toho som veľmi podozrievavá."
    Podľa odhadov UNAIDS, z 38 miliónov osôb, nakazených HIV, sa 25 miliónov nachádza v Afrike a väčšinu infikovaných Afričanov predstavujú ženy.
    Spojené štáty americké v piatok zagratulovali pani Maathaiovej k získaniu Nobelovej ceny, ale v dôsledku jej tvrdení o AIDS bola tá pochvala chladná: "Povedala, že HIV/AIDS vytvorili ako biologickú zbraň v nejakom laboratóriu na Západe. A s tým my nesúhlasíme.", povedal popredný predstaviteľ ministerstva zahraničia. Takisto poukázal na správu, publikovanú v kenskom denníku Standard, kde pani Maathaiovú citovali, že HIV/AIDS vytvorili vedci kvôli masovej exterminácii.

    GEDDON --- ---

    GEDDON --- ---
    American Style Democracy in Afghanistan

    Even before the polling booths closed in Afghanistan's first-ever direct presidential election, all 15 candidates running against incumbent Hamid Karzai denounced the election as a fraud and refused to recognize the results.

    Electoral officials said that the problem had affected only a minority of voters. Given the declaration of no confidence from Mr Karzai's rivals, however, the poll's credibility seemed doomed.

    "Today's election is not a legitimate election. It should be stopped and we don't recognise the results," said Abdul Satar Sirat, one of the candidates and a former aide to Afghanistan's last king.

    GEDDON --- ---
    35 Days Till Disaster: Is an Election Day Faux-Terror Event All But CERTain?

    Mark Erwin | October 4 2004

    On Tuesday, September 28th, a new federally-funded, FEMA-directed citizen training program began in my town called CERT. CERT stands for "Community Emergency Response Team.”

    A quick internet search reveals that my town isn't the only one participating. Nearly every town in America has its own CERT program, it would appear.

    My neighbor's teenage son attended CERT’s initial orientation meeting and later showed me the equipment and materials he was given.

    He received free of charge a backpack containing hundreds of dollars worth of gear, including a hard hat, reflective garb for checkpoint/traffic-control duty, a high beam flashlight, eye guards, etc.

    In the near future, he said, he’ll also be given (again, free of charge) a special radio over which he can tap into the county's emergency communications net.

    Then, he showed me his 300 page CERT training manual along with his training schedule for upcoming weeks.

    The CERT training program is intensive. It’s scheduled to last for only a little over a month.

    In the short span of just 35 days, CERT trainees will learn the following:

    1) Disaster preparedness
    2) Disaster fire safety
    3) Disaster medical operations
    4) Light search and rescue
    5) CERT Organization
    6) Disaster psychology

    But what really caught my eye were the last two items on CERT's training schedule:

    On Tuesday, October 25th, CERT trainees will receive training on "Terrorism and CERT.”

    Then, exactly one week later, CERT’s training program will conclude with a "Disaster Simulation & Examination".

    This final day for the CERT training program, the day when CERT will climax with a "disaster simulation," is none other than Election Day!

    Is this mere coincidence? I can't believe that it is. CERT is a nationwide FEMA-sponsored citizen training program, after all. I assume, in every town and hamlet, fledgling CERT teams are following this exact same training schedule. And that means a nationwide "disaster simulation" is scheduled for all of them come Election Day!

    As 9-11 demonstrated, federal drills and simulations can sometimes be used to provide cover for preparations for what are, in fact, premeditated events timed to coincide exactly with the drills and simulations.

    Does the timetable for the CERT program portend something like a second 9-11 come Election Day?

    Will the same spooks who staged the 9-11 faux-terror event perpetrate another faux-terror event come November 2nd?

    The CERT training timetable parallels exactly the training timetable for the Texas State Guard leaked by a brave guardsman to talk radio host Alex Jones. He told Alex that elite units of the Texas State Guard were being intensively trained to be ready for martial-law-style deployments come the first week of November.

    Needless to say, in light of this leak to Alex, when I learned that Election Day was scheduled to be the day when FEMA’s CERT training program climaxes with a "disaster simulation," chills went down my spine.

    If, in fact, a second 9-11 does happen come Election Day, there won’t be much doubt about who did it. Like the original, it too will have had to have been an inside job. How else could our next domestic terror event be timed to coincide exactly with the “disaster simulation” set to conclude FEMA’s CERT training timetable?

    Check out Mark’s blog at: http://americathebushieful.blogspot.com
    JAXXE --- ---
    Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control

    HVJ3R --- ---

    // prevzato z root.cz

    Zanedlouho nastane doba, kdy za pěstování libovolné rostliny bude muset každý platit nekontrolovatelně vysoké licenční poplatky, protože se do ní dostane kontaminací nějaký ten patentovaný gen. I v případě, že došlo bez vašeho vědomí a zavinění k neoprávněné kontaminaci vaší vlastní původní kultury (řepky), jak se stalo v případu Percyho Schmeisera.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Tag! You're recorded

    Schools turn to high-tech tags for security

    By Kenji Hall, The Associated Press
    October 10, 2004

    TOKYO Every time a fourth grader passes through Rikkyo Elementary School's front gate, a small, gray plastic tag tucked inside his backpack beams a message to a computer in a nearby office.

    The students are oblivious, but the computer logs the time they enter and leave and a security guard watching the screen takes note. Moments later, their parents receive confirmation by e-mail.


    In Japan, high-tech tagging has made the jump from grocery stores to the school yard.

    Rikkyo officials hope the Radio Frequency Identification technology will serve as an early warning system for children who go missing.


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