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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    The 2004 US Elections: The Mother of all Vote Frauds

    SUPAFLY --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

    JAXXE --- ---
    by ouranos
    Wed Nov 10th, 2004 at 08:07:02 PST

    Dr. Avi Rubin is currently Professor of Computer Science at John Hopkins University. He "accidently"got his hands on a copy of the Diebold software program--Diebold's source code--which runs their e-voting machines.
    Dr. Rubin's students pored over 48,609 lines of code that make up this software. One line in partictular stood out over all the rest:


    All commercial programs have provisions to be encrypted so as to protect them from having their contents read or changed by anyone not having the key..The line that staggered the Hopkin's team was that the method used to encrypt the Diebold machines was a method called Digital Encryption Standard (DES), a code that was broken in 1997 and is NO LONGER USED by anyone to secure prograns.F2654hd4 was the key to the encryption. Moreover, because the KEY was IN the source code, all Diebold machines would respond to the same key. Unlock one, you have then ALL unlocked.

    I can't believe there is a person alive who wouldn't understand the reason this was allowed to happen. This wasen't a mistake by any stretch of the imagination. This was a fixed election, plain and simple.

    This second coup d'etat is either stopped now or America ceases to be.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The following letter was sent today by Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories to Frank Gayle of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Underwriters Laboratories is the company that certified the steel componets used in the constuction of the World Trade Center towers. The information in this letter is of great importance.


    Dr. Gayle,

    As I'm sure you know, the company I work for certified the steel components used in the construction of the WTC buildings... The samples we certified met all requirements. . . I'm aware of UL's attempts to help, including performing tests on models of the floor assemblies. But the results of these tests appear to indicate that the buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel.

    There continues to be a number of "experts" making public claims about how the WTC buildings fell. One such person, Dr. Hyman Brown from the WTC construction crew, claims that the buildings collapsed due to fires at 2000F melting the steel. He states "What caused the building to collapse is the airplane fuel?burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The steel in that five-floor area melts." Additionally, the newspaper that quotes him says "Just-released preliminary findings from a National Institute of Standards and Technology study of the World Trade Center collapse support Brown?s theory." ...

    The steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours. .. Even un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F. [CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 61st edition, pg D-187.] Why Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildings makes no sense at all.

    The results of your recently published metallurgical tests seem to clear things up, and support your team's August 2003 update as detailed by the Associated Press, in which you were ready to "rule out weak steel as a contributing factor in the collapse.". . . Your comments suggest that the steel was probably exposed to temperatures of only about 500F (250C), which is what one might expect from a thermodynamic analysis of the situation.

    However the summary of the new NIST report seems to ignore your findings, as it suggests that these low temperatures caused exposed bits of the building?s steel core to "soften and buckle(p. 11)." Additionally this summary states that the perimeter columns softened, yet your findings make clear that "most perimeter panels (157 of 160) saw no temperature above 250C." To soften steel for the purposes of forging, normally temperatures need to be above 1100C. However, this new summary report suggests that much lower temperatures were be able to not only soften the steel in a matter of minutes, but lead to rapid structural collapse.

    This story just does not add up. If steel from those buildings did soften or melt, I?m sure we can all agree that this was certainly not due to jet fuel fires of any kind, let alone the briefly burning fires in those towers. That fact should be of great concern to all Americans. . .

    There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11. My feeling is that your metallurgical tests are at the crux of the crux of the crux. Either you can make sense of what really happened to those buildings, and communicate this quickly, or we all face the same destruction and despair that come from global decisions based on disinformation and "chatter." . . .

    There are a number of other current and former government employees that have risked a great deal to help us to know the truth. I've copied one of these people on this message as a sign of respect and support. I believe your work could also be a nucleus of fact around which the truth, and thereby global peace and justice, can grow again. Please do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jet fuel fires to soften or melt structural steel.


    Check any electronic appliance in your house, and the odds are that it has a (UL) seal indicating it has been certified by Underwriters' Laboratories.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tony Blair will tomorrow set out a new world vision for tackling poverty and democratic failure as he tries to refocus the war on terror on the root causes of conflict.

    Downing Street, which has produced a map revealing the most dangerous threats in the world, is drawing up plans for more proactive intervention in 'failing states' - countries on the verge of collapse, which not only fail their own people but also become havens for drug dealing, organised crime or terrorism that threatens the West.

    The map, drawn up by the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit, concentrates on Africa
    , seen as a potential breeding ground for fundamentalism.

    The Prime Minister will also vigorously defend the 'special relationship' with America in his annual Mansion House speech on foreign affairs, as well as urging new initiatives on climate change and overseas aid.

    Party strategists now believe the war on terror could become a plus at the election if reshaped around contributory factors such as poverty and repression, an approach described by Alan Milburn, Labour's election co-ordinator, today as 'tough on terrorism, dealing with Afghanistan and Iraq, and tough on the causes of it'.


    The commission has noted the rise of al-Qaeda cells in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia among other countries, with poverty a climate for terrorism.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Arrested

    By PETER ENAV, Associated Press Writer

    JERUSALEM - Heavily armed police commandos stormed a Jerusalem church compound Thursday and arrested nuclear whistle blower Mordechai Vanunu for allegedly revealing classified information, seven months after he completed an 18-year prison sentence for treason, police said.

    Vanunu was detained at his rented rooms in Jerusalem's St. George's church, but police spokesman Gil Kleiman declined to discuss the nature of Vanunu's alleged disclosures or to whom he made them.

    Police removed papers and a computer from Vanunu's rooms, Kleiman said.

    Vanunu, 50, was released from prison in April after 18 years, much of it in solitary confinement, for disclosing secrets he learned as a technician at the Israeli nuclear reactor in the southern town of Dimona in the 1980s.

    He has acknowledged violating his release arrangement which barred him from meeting foreigners or discussing his work at Dimona, but he said he had no more classified information to reveal.

    On Thursday morning, about 20 police commandos wearing bulletproof vests and wielding machine guns burst into the walled compound of St. George's Anglican church where Vanunu took sanctuary in a guesthouse after his release, arresting him as he ate breakfast.

    " We were sitting ... having breakfast at nine o'clock, then all these military stormed in, running everywhere with heavy arms," said Ninni Rydsjo, a Swedish aid worker staying at the hostel attached to the church.

    " They were looking outside, everywhere. We were very frightened."

    While Vanunu appeared calm as he was led away, the bishop, Riah Abu El-Assal, accused Israeli police of violating the sanctity of the church, Rydsjo said.

    " He was very upset. He said you don't bring weapons in here," Rydsjo said.

    Vanunu was convicted in 1988 for divulging information and pictures of the Dimona reactor. The details, published in London's Sunday Times, led experts to conclude that Israel has the world's sixth-largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, including hundreds of warheads.

    Israel has followed a policy of nuclear ambiguity, neither confirming nor denying it has nuclear weapons.

    Vanunu, a convert to Christianity, became a hero to peace activists for his role in unveiling Israel's nuclear program.

    Peter Hounam, the Sunday Times journalist who published Vanunu's nuclear revelations, said he was "horrified" by Vanunu's arrest, and accused the Israeli authorities of using Thursday's death of Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat to try to divert attention from it.

    " I think they deliberately waited until Arafat died," he told The Associated Press from England.

    In an AP interview in September, Vanunu said he wanted to replace his Israeli citizenship with a foreign one, perhaps Palestinian.

    " In Israel, I am regarded as a traitor ... and since my release they are not respecting my human rights, my freedom of speech or my freedom of movement," he said.

    He said he planned to continue his anti-nuclear campaign, but he had no more secrets to reveal. "All I knew was published 18 years ago," he said.




    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian President Putin planning to glue together the most powerful superpower coalition in the world - India, China, Russia and Brazil

    Sudhir Chadda, Special Correspondent
    November 10, 2004

    Russian President Putin is taking a lead role in putting together the most powerful coalition of regional and superpowers in the world. The coalition consists of India, China, Russia and Brazil. This will challenge the superpower supremacy of America as well as the European Union. The Chinese are concerned about American and European influence over the world. So is India, Brazil and Russia. Russians need Brazil badly. Brazil is in South America in the American corridor. According to Startfor, a strategic think tank, when Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Brazil Nov. 21-23, he likely will talk economic issues with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva. However, Putin has bigger ambitions: He wants to establish a long-term Russian footprint in Latin America in order to expand Moscow's geopolitical influence in the region. Brazil is very open to the coalition concept where these large countries support each other in term of trade, economics, international politics and defense.

    According other think tanks, this coalition will have an overwhelming influence over the United Nations. Russia and China are permanent members of the security council. India and Brazil are in the process of becoming the same. In terms of population, the coalition will have three quarters of the world population, largest amount of natural resources and largest pool of technical and scientific talent.

    JAXXE --- ---
    must see !

    The Power of Nightmares: The Shadows In The Cave

    BBC | November 12 2004

    The Power of Nightmares assesses whether the threat from a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. In the concluding part of the series, the programme explains how the illusion was created and who benefits from it

    JAXXE --- ---

    Lebka a kosti

    Amerike už roky vládnu členovia slobodomurárskej spoločnosti " Lebka a Kosti " z Yalskej univerzity. George Bush mladší a aj John Kerry sú členmi tohto slobodomurárskeho bratstva.
    O súčasnom prezidentovi G. Bushovi ml. je známe, že nie veľmi rád spomína na svoje študentské roky na univerzite, nezúčastnil sa napríklad ani jediný raz na tradičných stretnutiach absolventov Yalskej univerzity, lebo ako sám povedal, veľmi sa mu nechce spomínať na vtedajšie roky na univerzite, kde panoval "intelektuálny snobizmus".

    "Po niekoľkých semestroch som vstúpil do spoločnosti "Lebka a Kosti" - píše vo svojej autobiografii G. Bush v roku l999. A Charge to Keep - "spoločenstvo je natoľko tajné, že nič o ňom viac povedať nemôžem."
    Názov tohto spoločenstva znie naozaj tajuplne, ale podobné spolky, či spoločenstvá sú na amerických univerzitách celkom bežné, tak ako rôzne kluby, do ktorých majú prístup len členovia, všetky majú svoje rituály, svoje pravidlá. A obyčajne absolvent na ne po skončení zabudne. Iná káva je však " Lebka a Kosti ", lebo členstvo skončením univerzity nezaniká a možno povedať, že sa prenáša z generácie na generáciu, čo je evidentné podľa členstva bohatých rodín východného pobrežia Ameriky, ktoré už takmer dvesto rokov v podstate vládnu USA.

    Keď v roku 2OOO filmová spoločnosť Universal Pictures chcela nakrútiť film "Lebka", členovia spolku dostali list v ktorom sa prikazuje, aby zotrvali vo svojej konšpirácii a bez ohľadu na to, čo sa deje "vo svete barbarov". Podľa názoru rytierov tohto spolku sú totiž všetci tí, čo nie sú členovia spolku "barbarmi." V scenári tohto filmu ide o mladého novinára, ktorý sa snaží preniknúť do tajného spolku, ale jeho pokus sa končí smrťou.


    V Yale sa nakoniec dočkali študentského spolku, potom ako vo Virginii vznikol študentský spolok Phi Beta Kappa, o tri roky sa jeho vetva objavila aj na Yalskej univerzite, bol to tajný študentský spolok, o cieľoch ktorého nečlenovia nemohli nič vedieť. V neskorších rokoch sa tajomníkom tohto spolku stal istý Wiliam Russel, ktorý sa predtým učil v Nemecku. Do Ameriky prišiel práve v čase, keď vrcholil boj proti slobodomurárom a ich lóžam, žiadalo sa odtajnenie lóži. Študentská Phi Beta Kappa využívala na zasadnutia miestnosti slobodomurárskej lóže. Wiliam Russel sa rozhodol založiť iné tajné bratstvo a ako predloha mu slúžil nemecký Rád Illuminatov /illuminatis - osvietený, tento Rád pokladajú za predobraz všetkých tajných bratstiev, podľa dostupných prameňov boli jeho členmi Goethe, Herder, Mozart, Karl August Weimar a ďalší, mal pobočky v celej Európe, členovia tohto bratstva sa zaoberali rozširovaním sfér vplyvu, inak povedané súčasnými slovami -lobbizmom - pozn. autora/.


    Zo začiatku na Yalskej univerzite toto bratstvo nazývali" Bratstvo Smrti" a jeho symbolom bolo číslo 322. Podľa niektorých členov ide o rok založenia 1832, podľa iných ide o dátum smrti Demosfena - 322 rokov pred Kristom. Zo zdrojov svetovej tlače je známe, že údajne Averel Harriman, člen tejto spoločnosti, mal kufrík v ktorom boli tajné materiály a kódové číslo na zámku bolo 322 /A. Harriman, veľvyslanec USA v Moskve v rokoch II. svetovej vojny- pozn. autora/. Jedným z l5 členov prvého výboru bratstva sa stal Alfonzo Taft - zakladateľ dynastie známych politikov USA a otec Wiliama Howarda Tafta , 27-prezidenta USA.


    Zo začiatku sa bratstvo "Lebka a Kosti " stretávalo po rôznych domoch., neskoršie si však kúpili dom, ktorý sa nápadne podobá na hrobku. Problémy s financiami bratstvo nemá, pretože existuje zaregistrované ako trust fond - Russel Trust Associaton. Na rozdiel od iných spolkov, tu sa členské neplatí, existujú však sponzorské dary. Po ukončení univerzity každý člen bratstva dostáva l5 tisíc dolárov ako dar a ako svadobný dar - hodiny vyrezávané v dreve. S hodinami je v tomto bratstve ešte jedna zaujímavosť, v dome, pevnosti, či inak nazývanom aj "hrobka" sú hodiny, ktoré idú o päť minút dopredu, ako je oficiálny čas. Podľa tohto času sa riadia členovia bratstva, čas ktorým sa riadia ostatní nazývajú "barbarským". V sídelnom dome bratstva sú rôzne trofeje a relikvie, predovšetkým kosti významných ľudí ale aj živočíchov. V jednej zo sklenených skríň sa chránia pozostatky, ktoré nazývajú "madam." Ide údajne o pozostatky Madame Pompadour, favoritky Ľudovíta XV.

    Je tu však ešte jedna zaujímavá trofej, lebka Jeronyma, vodcu Apačov, lepšie povedané kmeňa Čirikaua Apačskej národnosti. Jeronymo je legendárna bytosť. Statočne bojoval, hlavne proti tomu, aby sa dostali jeho súkmeňovci do rezervácií, chytili ho, utiekol a nakoniec sa vzdal presile protivníkov. Zomrel v roku 1909 a prijal kresťanstvo.
    /Ide o toho Jeronyma, ktorý preklial všetkých amerických prezidentov, ktorý sa stanu pánmi Bieleho domu v roku, ktorý sa končí na číslo - 0. Zaujímavé je, že všetci prezidenti, ktorí boli zvolení v roku - 0 - od tejto kliatby, zomreli, buď ich zavraždili, alebo zomreli inak. /Výnimkou je R. Reagan, ktorého však postrelili a G. Bush ml.- pozn. autora/
    K tejto trofeji lebke Jeronyma sa vzťahuje aj zaujímavá história. Jeho hrob údajne vykradol Prescott Bush, budúci senátor a starý otec terajšieho prezidenta, ktorý viedol expedíciu k pevnosti Sill v štáte Oklahoma, kde bol Jeronymo pochovaný.

    G. Bush mladší vstúpil do bratstva " Lebka a Kosti " v roku 1967, predstavuje už tretie pokolenie členov tohto Rádu po dvoch líniách. Už spomínaný Prescott Bush si zobral za ženu Dorothy Wolker, dcéru svojho spoločníka G. Wolkera ml., tiež člena bratstva "Lebka a Kosti" / Prescottovci a Wolkerovci prišli do Ameriky na známej lodi Mayflower, na ktorej prišli aj Kennedyovci. Kým Kennedyovci boli "len" Íri spomínané dve rodiny patrili k anglickej aristokracii, ktorá sa ku Kennedyovcom aj tak správala. Nečudo, že J.F. Kennedyho zabili práve v Dallase v štáte Texas, kde je najviac týchto anglických aristokratických rodín, ktoré si už vytvárajú v Amerike dynastie ako napríklad dynastia Bushovcov- pozn. autora/

    Skutočne zaujímavé boli tohtoročné voľby prezidenta v USA. O post bojovali dvaja členovia tajnej slobodomurárskeho bratstva, pretože aj John Kerry je členom bratstva "Lebka a Kosti." Pred voľbami to vyzeralo tak, ako keby G. Bush ml. stratil dôveru slobodomurárov a nahradiť by ho mal ďalší z tohto tajného bratstva. Takže v Amerike nešlo o nič nového.
    Hodiny v "hrobke" v Yale idú o päť minút dopredu....

    JAXXE --- ---
    Why is Israel threatening to murder Arafat?

    By the Editorial Board
    16 September 2003

    The Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has publicly declared its intention to murder Yasser Arafat, the popularly elected president of the Palestinian National Authority.

    This announcement was not an emotional outburst by some out-of-control cabinet member. It was delivered by Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Sharon’s closest ally and a man frequently mentioned as his likely successor. The threat was deliberate and calculated to serve definite political purposes.




    Arafat's illness still a mystery




    'Israel poisoned Arafat

    Beirut - A top leader of a Palestinian militant group publicly accused Israel of killing Yasser Arafat.

    Neither doctors nor Palestinian leaders would say what caused Arafat's death on Thursday after days in a coma at a Paris hospital. Rumours he had been poisoned by Israel had swirled for weeks.

    "I hold Israel responsible for the crime of killing Abu Ammar," Hamas' top political leader, Khaled Mashaal, told Al-Jazeera television by telephone, using the late Palestinian leader's nom de guerre. He offered no evidence.

    Mashaal referred to his own poisoning by Israeli agents in 1997 in Jordan. Mashaal survived only after Israel sent the antidote under pressure from the late Jordanian King Hussein.

    "French, Arab or Palestinian doctors may not be able to find evidence" Arafat had been poisoned, Mashaal said.

    "Yes, death is an act of God and a man the age of brother Abu Ammar may die a natural death, but all the circumstances which we have seen in the past two weeks and medical reports indicate that brother Abu Ammar had been poisoned," Mashaal said. '


    JAXXE --- ---

    Interview with Steve Harvey; A look at Conspiracy Theories Surrounding 9/11

    Aired November 10, 2004 - 19:00 ET


    COOPER: Joining me from Los Angeles, the man behind the advertising campaign, Jimmy Walter. And in Miami, lawyer and investigator, Gerald Posner...Jimmy, let me start off with 2 things. You talk about the Pentagon and Tower Number 7. Let's talk with the Pentagon. If Flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon, as you claim it didn't, what did and what happened to the 64 passengers who have died?

    JAMES W. WALTER, CREATOR OF REOPEN911.ORG: Well, I don't know. And I am not the person to ask this, I don't have the best evidence. I do know that in 1962, the United States military joint chiefs of staff commissioned a program called Operation: Northwoods, in which they planned to have military personnel dress up as civilians, get on a civilian aircraft, land it secretly, take off a drone, shoot the drone down and blame it on Cuba as a pretext to invade Cuba.

    COOPER: So you think this was a pretext, to what, invade Afghanistan and Iraq?

    WALTER: I'm just saying that the United States military has done it before. To ask me what happened is absurd. I don't have the evidence. And the Pentagon refuses to release the tapes that would clearly show what hit the Pentagon. Why, if they are not trying to cover something up, won't they release the tapes to prove it one way or the other?

    COOPER: All right. Gerald, let me bring you in here. A lot of the conspiracy theorists on this say that there was a small hole. And that there was no large hole from the wings of the plane that hit the Pentagon, therefore, there was no plane that hit the Pentagon. Your explanation.


    COOPER: Jimmy, your other major assertion is that the World Trade Building Number 7 was detonated from within. And in your commercial, you say that there's never been any public explanation given for why the building collapsed. What is your theory or belief on that?

    WALTER: The building is brought down by explosives. Clearly if you look at Larry Silverstein in a movie he claims he told the fire department of the city of New York to pull the building. That's a construction industry specific term to bring down a building with explosives. Larry Silverstein is not an official of the government...

    COOPER: Gerald, let me bring in you here ...


    COOPER: We're going to have to leave it there tonight. Gerald Posner, appreciate you joining and Jimmy Walter, as well, thank you very much.

    WALTER: It's totally wrong.

    COOPER: Well, I know that is your theory and you have been airing those commercials.


    COOPER: Right. And I think what he is saying is that the wings disintegrated while hitting the ground. That's what I heard him saying. But people can go to your website, they have seen your commercials and you have spent $3 million propagating this.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Micronuclear Devices Used in OKC Bombing: Explosives Placed by FBI, ATF

    Dr. Bill Deagle MD | September 8 2004

    Note: This article is presented as it was received, with no editing.

    In 1995 I worked at Penrose St. Francis Hospital in Colorado Springs, as an Occupational Physician for CCOM. We had many of the most classified contracts in the Colorado Springs area, including Falcon Air Force Base program employees, NORAD employees and classified ATMEL and Symbios Logic, etc. EMP proof and Supercomputer chip classified manufacturers.

    My director, Dr. George Swinder MD, was unavailable when the Military Expert Forensic team was sent from Fort Carson to Oklahoma city and was just returning to the Springs for exit examinations. This duty fell to me to perform exit physicals and testing, for all five members of the team. One of the team requested sperm testing, stating, "I want to have kids." I replied sarcastically, " Go ahead, and have kids." He said, "No, you don't understand." I said, "What do you mean?" "Doc, you really don't know what happened at Oklahoma City do you?"
    I said, "Well I heard that an ammonium nitrate bomb was reported to have exploded killing 168 people."

    He leaned forward, "See this rash on my arms, and chest, and legs. Check me doc. I want all the blood tests and do a sperm test." I was irritated now, "Now just a minute, I'm the doctor. If you don't come clean and tell me what you were exposed to I can't possibly know what type of tests to order. I was a biochemisty major, before going into medicine, and we do toxicology testing when there is suspected industrial exposures that put an employee in danger." He said, "You won't release my name or put this in your report to my superiors, will you. I know about doctor-patient confidentiality." "Well," I said, "I won't release your name, but if affects others, I can't say I won't release the information to the correct authorities."

    "Doc, what happened in Oklahoma City wasn't caused by ammonium nitrate bomb in the small truck they say was parked by the building." "What are you saying?", I snapped back. "See this rash, it was caused by radiation. We broke three radiation detectors there. See, we were the same team that was sent to Riyad, Saudi Arabia and the bomb only blew the windows into the building. We estimated the explosion was by our calculations to be seven times more ammonium nitrate in that truck bomb. The whole front of the building was sheared off doc in Oklahoma; cleanest controlled detonation our munitions expert forensic team has seen ever. " "What!!", I blurted. "Yeah, we were examining the building site under Wakenhut armed guard, and told not to take any radioactive debris off the site, or they were ordered to shoot on site to kill. All our bags were searched and put through a detector, to make sure we didn't take any off site, or away from the place where they burried and concrete capped all the debris, again under armed Wakenhut guard." "You are telling me that the building was exploded with a nuclear device?", I said. Shaking with a now very pale and distant face, he grunted, "Yeah!". "Oh my God!, and how did this happen?", I inquired.

    "There were micronuclear bombs placed on support pillars in the walls of the Federal Building, by special units of the ATF and FBI. They were paged out not to enter the building on the morning of the detonation, and the Federal Judge was warned to cancel court that day. We removed to undetonated softball sized micronuclear bombs, and one C4 pineapple bomb, attached to the pillars of the remaining building."

    "I can't believe this story!", I blurted. "Well, doc are you going to test me?", now sweating and shaking more violently with anguish at these revelations. "I will order some more tests of your blood cells that will rule out radiation effects on your blood cells and bone marrow. As for the sperm count and morphology testing, you need to just go to your primary family doctor's office, and I am sure he will do this for you. Call me with the results, and I can interpret if there are any abnormalities." "Ok" Looking relieved, "thanks for listening to what happened to us doc."

    This story dialogue was very disturbing, and I told my wife Michelle that night, placed the information of the 'shelf', and hoped that he was lying, but I had an aching feeling of serious doubt that continued until other events proved to me he was right on with the details of the Oklahoma Murah Building detonation by the NWO.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    In the days after 9-11, the story broke of the largest spy ring ever uncovered in the United States, a spy ring with access to every telephone in the nation, every phone bill and record, police communications, even phone taps into the White House itself. The most startling revelation of this story was that evidence existed linking some of these spies with 9-11.

    The spy ring was being run by Israel.


    However, just as we saw with the more recent Pentagon Israeli spy scandal, the matter was hushed up, the evidence linking the arrested Israeli spies was CLASSIFIED by the United States Government, and Fox News obediently pulled the four part story from their website and archives.

    Now, all four parts of the original video story have surfaced again.


    In the series Carl Cameron talks about all the different ways that the Israeli government with its spies have infiltrated the US including with their telecommunications that have exclusive contracts with the US and have used their technoligies to even to botch an LAPD attempt to bust Israeli drug-dealers a few years ago. Yes, it appears as if the Mossad sometimes works IN TANDEM with the Israeli Mafia.

    The series reveals how Israeli spies were trailing the terrorists involved with 9-11 and one might even come to the conclusion that they actually colluded, aided and abetted the terrorists of 9-11 and therefore WERE actually ACCOMPLICES in 9-11, as I have come to believe. Therefore, they
    were/ARE terrorists themselves, in my opinion. Even Carl Cameron said at the end of the show, "How could they NOT have known???"

    JAXXE --- ---
    Nový Bushův generální prokurátor považuje Ženevské konvence za "zastaralé"

    Prezident Bush si vybral za nového generálního prokurátora Alberta Gonzalese, právníka z Bílého domu, který mu poradil, že nemusí dodržovat Ženevské konvence, protože jsou "zastaralé".

    Americké organizace na obranu lidských práv přivítaly Gonzalesovo jmenování kriticky a poukázaly na to, že ignoroval důležitá ustanovaní mezinárodního práva o lidských právech.

    Jamie Fellner, šéf amerického oddělení organizace Human Rights Watch, konstatoval: "Volby neznamenaly, že má prezident Bush volnou ruku jednat jako dosud. Je znepokojující, že první osoba, kterou Bush jmenoval, není známa obranou lidských práv, ale naopak tím, že se aktivně stavěl proti jejich uznání.

    Jako právník v Bílém domě byl Gonzales ústřední postavou v debatě v Bushově vládě o tom, jak jednat s vězni v "globální válce proti terorismu" po 11. září. V memorandu prezidentu Bushovi z ledna 2002 Gonzales argumentoval, že má americký prezident právo ignorovat Ženevské konvence. Vyjádřil názor, že Spojené státy jsou "v novém druhu války", v níž nutně potřebují "od zatčených teroristů a jejich stoupenců" rychle získat informace. "Toto nové paradigma znamená, že přísná omezení výslechu vězňů, která vynucují Ženevské konvence, jsou nyní už zastaralá." Gonzales také charakterizoval jako "podivně staromódní" ustanovení Ženevských konvencí, podle nichž mají váleční zajatci dostávat měsíční plat, atletické uniformy a vědecké nástroje.

    Kritikové americké vlády poukazují na tom že Gonzalesovo memorandum pro prezidenta Bushe vedlo nakonec k týrání vězňů ve věznici v Abu Ghraib.

    Gonzales pochází z Texasu. Jako hlavní právní poradce měl v Texasu povinnost shrnovat případy vězňů, kteří tam čekali na popravu, pro texaského guvernéra, který měl pravomoc rozsudek smrti zrušit. Bush jako texaský guvernér trest smrti nikomu nezrušil a Gonzalesova shrnutí byla kritizována jako příliš ležérní a zaujatá proti odsouzenému vězni.

    Podle některých zpráv však nechvalně známé memorandum z roku 2002 o "neplatnosti" Ženevských konvencí nenapsal Gonzales, ale právní poradce Dicka Cheneyho David Addington a Gonzales ho jen podepsal.

    KERRAY --- ---
    Video: tanks at anti-war protest, LA federal building
    GORG --- ---

    Live rats driven by remote control

    James Meek, science correspondent
    Thursday May 2, 2002
    The Guardian

    Scientists have turned living rats into remote-controlled, pleasure-driven robots which can be guided up ladders, through ruins and into minefields at the click of a laptop key.

    The project, which is funded by the US military's research arm, Darpa, was partly inspired by the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US, and partly by the earthquake in India last January.

    Animals have often been used by humans in combat and in search and rescue, but not under direct computer-to-brain electronic control. The advent of surgically altered roborats marks the crossing of a new boundary in the mechanisation, and potential militarisation, of nature.
    GORG --- ---

    Did The Electronic Voting Machines Work As Planned?

    Last June, Stephanie Harris felt good about casting her ballot in New Jersey's primary election on a new Sequoia Voting Systems touchscreen voting machine, a replacement for her county's rickety half-century-old lever models. Until it came time to vote, that is. After designating her choices with a few taps on the large single-screen ballot, she thought she had completed the process by pushing the Cast Ballot button. A poll worker informed her that her vote hadn't been tallied; the audible tone intended to inform officials that the transaction was registered had never sounded. Harris pushed the button several more times. No tone. Then the poll worker volunteered that he thought her vote had been registered after all. "At this point I have no idea whether my vote was counted at all," says Harris.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Will chip advance civilization?

    November 8, 2004

    THE GOVERNMENT mustn't control our lives. The benefits and potentials of the VeriChip in Rob Stein's Oct. 14 article "FDA OK's implant holding personal medical records" (Page A3) can advance us in the world, but more importantly, it will dehumanize our human race.

    The world and people's lives are continuously improving thanks to advanced science for its discoveries of multiple vaccines and medicines. But such gratitude will be cut short with the VeriChip. As much as this new technology will efficiently help the medical world save lives, no praise or thanks will be genuinely uttered as people's personal beings are invaded by a cold, heartless piece of metal.

    The potential threats of such a chip far outweigh its benefits. The possibility that the chip will act as surveillance, watching over our every movement, mustn't be taken lightly. What guarantee do we have that the VeriChip won't be used against us: that the government, following every little suspicious activity, could start to control our lives.

    People are not meant to be scanned like cans at a grocery store. The chip won't advance our civilization, but turn us into nothing more than controlled artificial intelligences in a tyrannical world. Such barbaric treatment will dehumanize the evolution of mankind.


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