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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Experts Call for New World Body to Fight Global Terrorism


    problem > reaction > solution
    JAXXE --- ---
    US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev

    JAXXE --- ---
    Russians suggest foreign help in attack

    By Associated Press
    Sunday, November 28, 2004

    MOSCOW - The head of a parliamentary commission investigating the September hostage seizure at a school in southern Russia said there is evidence of involvement by a foreign intelligence agency, the Interfax news agency reported Saturday.
    The statement was the latest of several in which Russian officials and politicians have alleged foreigners were involved in the Sept. 1-3 attack on a school in the southern town of Beslan, which ended in bloody chaos and left more than 330 people dead, many of them children.


    MARSHUS --- ---
    Artist: Coldcut (lyrics/vocals: Jello Biafra)
    Album: Let Us Play
    Song: Every Home A Prison

    Rejoice friends!

    Big government is over.
    From now on, instead of Community,
    You will be left in the market place,
    To fend for yourselves, claw for yourselves,
    Stab for yourselves, guard for yourselves
    What little money, savings, dignity and shelter You have left.

    After your jobs are downsized and exported to Mexico,
    Tennis shoes made by slaves in camps in Indonesia,
    Computer jobs sent across the ocean to Indonesia...
    You will be next unless you bow down in the garboots
    And throw your benefits away, your raises away...
    And this is all you have to look forward to,
    Forever and ever and ever
    As more and more benefits are slashed.

    No more "tax and spend" welfare state.
    The windfall from tax cuts for the rich is more
    And more people out in the cold on the street.
    Begging for money.
    And when that doesn't work:
    Robbing people
    Car jacking
    Home invasion.
    Everyone taught that life is so cheap,
    And there's nothing to look forward to,
    Except what you can score
    And smoke in a pipe

    Ending welfare as we know it
    Means third would crime
    As we know it

    So why is it all these young people today

    Don't they appreciate the world we've built for them?
    Crappy jobs, dod eat dog, no compassion in the marketplace.
    If you like school, you'll love work.
    Instead they ditch school
    And hang out on the street.
    Yob culture, Young hooligans.
    Everywhere you look, on TV anyway,
    And in the newspaper,
    More and more people
    Will pour in the streets
    As their rents go up
    And job opportunities go down.
    So we have to keep them down
    Before they rise up and burn our
    House of cards to the ground.

    It's just the cost of doing business
    In third world countries where we keep the peasants down.
    We have to live in armed compounds, with armed guards,
    Play tennis at gunpoint

    A different route to work behind bulletproof glass each day,
    But hey, the more the hordes hate you the more status you've got.
    Why not do this with the whole world?
    With GATT treaties, downsizing...
    But what about those goddamned hooligans in the street?
    We stole their future?!
    It's all their fault!
    We must lock them up
    But there is no room in the jails
    So the best way to sweep them away:
    Make every home a prison today!
    Curfew, Curfew!
    Who cares how much our leaders are corrupt,
    As long as they are tough on crime...
    Keep them away!
    No longer unauthorised activity

    You can't leave your home without an electronic ankle bracelet.
    Young offenders must be tagged and watched at all times.
    Tag their parents with bracelets too if they don't obey.
    For that matter tag them at work and make them stay...

    The main enemy,
    Terrorist threat,
    Is your own children...

    Think about it:
    The music they listen to
    That tells them the world is bad.
    It's the songs that are the problem
    Not the violence outside
    Keep them locked up!
    Keep them in curfew...
    Put them away!
    Don't let them out!

    We are tougher on crime,
    before the election.
    We want a national law
    Establishing children's bedtimes.
    Bedtime Patrol,
    We'll check up on you...
    Bedtime Patrol,
    Make sure that your bracelet is on.
    The nanny state:
    To reach down your pants and check to see if you've been
    Moistening yourself with any unauthorised substance without permission

    Tag them!
    Curfew them!
    Keep them down!
    Keep them at home!
    At school!
    To rent a video on the way home
    And stay home.
    Just like at work...
    Do not gather after dark...
    It's such a family oriented word.
    A much more acceptable smiling soft word.
    A much more pallatable concept,


    Put your bracelets on
    You are safer when you are watched
    Don't go outside
    You'll set the alarm off!
    And ever and ever!
    JAXXE --- ---
    Ten Questions for bin Laden

    On 29 October 2004 Osama bin Laden supposedly admitted to ordering the 9/11 attacks:
    http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/binladen30.html. I guess people are starting to ask too many questions about the events of that day - what better way to throw folks off the scent than a "confession from the accused".

    Okay, here's a few questions I'd like "criminal mastermind" bin Laden to answer:


    Did he inform the CIA of his plans since pre-9/11 insider trading on UA and AA options lead to the highest ranks of the CIA?

    Did he ask FEMA to be in New York on 9/11?

    Did he tell Larry Silverstein to prepare WTC 7 for demolition on 9/11?

    Did he inform the Israelis of his plans?

    Did he stand down the USAF on 9/11?

    Did he inform the US secret service that President Bush wouldn't be a target?

    Did he phone New York's authorities to inform them that the WTC was going to collapse?

    Did he plant explosives in the twin towers to ensure perfect collapses?

    Did he make provisions to ensure the investigation into the collapse of the twin towers was an underfunded farce?

    Why doesn't he know the identities of his "hand-picked" hijackers?

    Answers on a postcard please.

    JAXXE --- ---
    no vsiml ;) opet jsem si ho ted filtroval a ceska media ho milujou a o sachovnici ale nikdo moc nemluvi /krome blistu a osudu ;) /...


    mozna stoji za to si pripomenout tohle:

    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: vsiml jsi si, jak se ve v ceskych mediich (HN, MF, Lidovky) hned vynorily Brzerzinskeho komentare a rozhovory s nim? tentokrat je to Strelcem na J2 ;)
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Explosives Were Placed In The 7 World Trade Center Building Before September 11, 2001!

    Free Press International


    Most of America is not aware that three buildings fell on September 11, 2001. The 47 story 7 World Trade Center building also fell. In fact, there is absolutely nothing about 7WTC on CNN's 9/11 archive web site.

    In a PBS interview, Larry Siverstein, the leaseholder for the World Trade Center, told PBS that the fire department commander made a decision to detonate the building because of fire in the building. The building was detonated at 5:20pm on September 11, 2001.

    There is no way to 'precisely' detonate a building in less than one day! It takes weeks and sometimes over a month to prepare a building for demolition.

    This can only lead to one conclusion. Explosives were placed in the 7 World Trade Center Building before September 11, 2001!


    video, kde sam majitel WTC Silverstein priznava, ze 11.9. dal prikaz "to pull down" budovu 7...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian Political Scientist Blames Brzezinski Conspiracy To Bring US And Russia Into Conflict For Ukraine Crisis



    Cold War crisis in Ukraine . Control of oil, key Grand Chessboard 'pivot' at stake


    Ukraine: Key Square on the "Grand Chessboard"

    Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives has served as a blueprint for world dictatorship, and an incriminating predictor of post-9/11 world conflict. Against today's explosive headlines, Brzezinski's words are, once again, nightmarishly relevant:

    "Geopolitical pivots are the states whose importance is derived not from their power and motivation but rather from their sensitive location and from the consequences of their potentially vulnerable condition for the behavior of geostrategic players. Most often, geopolitical pivots are determined by their geography, which in some cases gives them a special role in either defining access to important areas or in denying resources to a significant player [my emphasis-LC]."

    "Ukraine, Azerbaijan, South Korea, Turkey and Iran play the role of critically important geopolitical pivots . . .

    "Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire. Russia without Ukraine can still strive for imperial status, but it would then become a predominantly Asian imperial state, more likely to be drawn into debilitating conflicts with aroused Central Asians, who would then be supported by their fellow Islamic states to the south.

    "However, if Moscow regains control over Ukraine, with its 52 million people and major resources as well as access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.

    "Ukraine's determination to preserve its independence was encouraged by external support. In July 1996, the US secretary of defense declared, "I cannot overestimate the importance of Ukraine as an independent country to the security and stability of all of Europe," while in September, the German chancellor . . . went further in declaring that "Ukraine's firm place in Europe can no longer be challenged by anyone . . ."


    Then Brzezinski goes directly at Ukraine's importance to world energy:

    "For Ukraine, the central issues are the future character of the CIS and freer access to energy sources, which would lessen Ukraine's dependence on Russia.

    "Accordingly, Ukraine has supported Georgia's efforts to become the westward route for Azeri oil exports. Ukraine has also collaborated with Turkey in order to weaken Russian influence in the Black Sea and has supported Turkish efforts to direct oil flows from Central Asia to Turkish terminals.

    "Neither the West nor Russia can afford to lose Ukraine to its geostrategic and geoeconomic adversary."



    Ukraine crisis: A Western circus with Yushchenko, the clown

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraq Pipeline Watch

    Attacks on Iraqi pipelines, oil installations, and oil personnel:


    But the supposedly empty pipeline to Haifa/Israel, protected by three US military bases, is never touched.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Arnie's 'eye in the sky' fuel tax

    Robert Lusetich, Los Angeles correspondent
    November 26, 2004

    NO one is quite sure whether to laugh or cry over the proposal from Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration to do away with traditional petrol tax in favour of taxing cars on the number of kilometres they are driven.

    The problem is California's answer to how the distance would be tracked: by installing detection devices in every car in the state that would be constantly monitored by satellite.

    Drivers would have their taxes automatically added to the cost of petrol when they filled their tanks.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Congress Funds Psychological Tests for Kids


    No child left unmedicated
    Phyllis Schlafly (archive)

    November 23, 2004 | Print | Send

    Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is under way, and pharmaceutical companies are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs.

    Like most liberal big-spending ideas, this one was slipped into the law under cover of soft semantics. Its genesis was the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health created by President George W. Bush in 2002


    Mental health diagnoses are inherently subjective and social constructions, as even the diagnostic manuals admit. Many thousands, if not millions, of children would receive stigmatizing diagnoses that would follow them for the rest of their lives.

    "State-of-the-art treatments" will result in many thousands of children being medicated by expensive, ineffective, and dangerous drugs. The long-term safety and effectiveness of psychiatric medications on children have never been proven.

    The side effects of suggested medications in children are severe. They include suicide, violence, psychosis, cardiac toxicity, and growth suppression. Several school shooters, such as Eric Harris (Columbine) and Kip Kinkel (Oregon) had been on antidepressants or stimulants when they committed their crimes.

    Will they face coercion and threats of removal from school, or child neglect charges, if they refuse privacy-invading interrogations or unproved medications? How will a child remove a stigmatizing label from his records?

    BULHI --- ---
    KERRAY: no je to mozny, pac tohle je fakt silenost...
    KERRAY --- ---
    BULHI: Navrhy jsou realne, pochybuju ale, ze v tehle podobe projdou... bohuzel to asi ani neni zamer, vzhledem k osvedcene taktice "navrhnout neco sileneho, co smetou ze stolu, a pak navrhnout neco podobneho, co neni tak moc, a to vsichni s ulevou schvali"...
    JAXXE --- ---
    autor dopisu zpochybnujiciho oficialni priciny padu vezi wtc vyhozen.... /viz jeho jeho dopis --- JAXXE 12:49:37 15.11.2004 /

    South Bend firm's lab director fired after questioning federal probe

    Tribune Staff Writer

    SOUTH BEND -- The laboratory director from a South Bend firm has been fired for attempting to cast doubt on the federal investigation into what caused the World Trade Center's twin towers to collapse on Sept. 11, 2001.

    Kevin R. Ryan was terminated Tuesday from his job at Environmental Health Laboratories Inc., a subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories Inc., the consumer-product safety testing giant.

    On Nov. 11, Ryan wrote a letter to the National Institute of Standards and Technology -- the agency probing the collapse -- challenging the common theory that burning jet fuel weakened the steel supports holding up the 110-story skyscrapers.

    Underwriters Laboratories Inc., according to Ryan, "was the company that certified the steel components used in the construction of the WTC buildings."

    Ryan wrote that last year, while "requesting information," UL's chief executive officer and fire protection business manager disagreed about key issues surrounding the collapse, "except for one thing -- that the samples we certified met all requirements."


    BURAK --- ---
    Bulhi: jo, to uz si rikam par let :)
    BULHI --- ---
    ty jo porad nad tim premejslim, to si snad nekdo vymyslewl, to neni mozny...
    BULHI --- ---
    JAXXE: ohooo, tak to je husty... povinny psichiatricky prohlidky, tomu se fakt clovek muze jenom smat, ale obavam se, aby nas smich nepresel... az do ted jsem ty zvesti o fasisticky americky vlade bral celkem s rezervou, ale tohle je fakt kotel.. a ten dotaznik, to je taky hodne drsny... je to vlastne hodne chytry, lidi na sebe vsechno napraskaj a pokud je nekdo normalni a nema zajem vsechno vykecat, tak na nej vlastne uz vzdycky budou neco mit... pokud vzbudi pozdeji nejaky podezreni, tak se jen nejakej urednik koukne na jeho formular, oznaci 30 otazek za umyslne spatny a nazdar...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Stále více Orwelovská Amerika

    Žurnalisté rádi přirovnávají současnou společnost k totalitnímu režimu z knihy George Orwella 1984. V této knize je zobrazen totalitní stát kontrolující každý aspekt života svých občanů. Když v roce 1949 byla kniha poprvé představena veřejnosti, jen málo lidí si takovou společnost dokázalo představit. Většina se domnívala, že to není možné, že občané by prostě nic takového nepřipustili.

    Kdyby se některý stát pokusil zavést podobný systém ze dne na den, samozřejmě by narazil na odpor svých občanů. Ovšem stát to ví a zavádí jednotlivá opatření postupně a opatrně, aby nevzbudil příliš pozornost veřejnosti. A rovněž se mu daří zdůvodňovat, že se tak děje pro vlastní dobro občanů a pro dobro společnosti. Výsledkem je skutečnost, že odpor veřejnosti je minimální.

    Vy samozřejmě víte, jak pracuje stát, ale přesto bych vám rád znovu připomněl a předložil k diskuzi tři návrhy naší vlády, které hluboce zasahují do našeho soukromí a které značně okleští naše svobody. Říci pravdu, tyhle tři návrhy - budou-li přijaty - by nás měly přinutit vstát od od televize, odložit dálkový ovládač a vyrazit do ulic.

    Na první návrh upozornili LRC senátoři Ron Paul a Wendy McElroy. "New Freedom Commission on Mental Health" (Nová svobodná komise pro mentální zdraví) navrhuje státem nařízené povinné psychiatrické prohlídky pro všechny občany Ameriky, včetně školních dětí a dokonce i těch předškolních, bez ohledu na případný nesouhlas rodičů. Ron Paul o tomto návrhu soudí, že (cituji): "... popírá rodičovská práva a může vést k nadměrnému předepisování léků pro děti." Jistě by tento návrh znamenal zlatý důl pro farmaceutické firmy těsně spojené s byrokraty ve Washnigtonu, ale pro obyčejné Američany, především rodiny s dětmi, by znamenal katastrofu.

    Nadměrné předepisování antidepresiv dětem bylo nedávno tématem diskuze v The Beaufort Gazette, odkud uvádím: "Vzrůstající počet studií, z nichž některé byly prováděny přímo odborníky z FDA, ale jejichž závěry nebyly zveřejněny, uvádějí, že děti a mládež, kterým byla antidepresiva ordinována, mají náběh na vyšší počet sebevražd. Jde o antidepresiva určena původně dospělým." Jeden ze základních léků, často předepisovaný dětem, je Ritalin (methylphenidate). Tento lék je návykový a má další vážné vedlejší účinky. Ostatně methylphenidate a heroin jsou základní složky drogy "speedball" prodávané na ulici a oblíbené především mezi mládeži.

    O druhém návrhu se zatím ještě diskutuje. Týká se zavedení agresivnějšího monitorování domácích učitelů. Ale domácí učitelství už je na tapetě nějakou dobu, včetně např. požadavků vynuceného testování. Upřímně řečeno slovo "monitorování" by mělo u nás způsobit rozsvícení varovných kontrolek v mozku. Vládou organizované monitorování většinou vede k vládou prováděné kontrole. Veřejné školy, nebo lépe řečeno "vládou kontrolované školství", míchá vzdělání a ideologii a nestydatě staví na módních a neověřených učitelských metodách.

    Toto jsou některé důvody, pro které se mnoho rodičů rozhodlo neposílat děti do veřejných škol, a učit je raději doma. Ale washingtonští byrokraté nebudou mít klid, dokud nebudou moci kontrolovat osnovy, ideologii a učitelské techniky domácích učitelů.

    A konečně třetí návrh. Máme tady nové každoroční sčítání lidu nazvané American Community Survey. Mnozí jej označili za (cituji) "pokus proniknout do všech aspektů našich životů". Dotazník má neuvěřitelných čtyřiadvacet stran a obsahuje vše zahrnující otázky týkající se takových věcí, jako příjmu dotazovaného, jeho fyzického a mentálního zdraví, rodinného zázemí a postavení, a dalších intimních a zcela soukromých záležitostí. Dotazník chce vědět, kolik dnů v uplynulém roce jste prostonali, zda máte zdravotní těžkosti vylézt do schodů, a (kupodivu i) v kolik hodin ráno jdete do práce. Musíte uvést jména a adresy vašich přátel a příbuzných a odpovědět i otázky soukromé povahy, které se týkají přímo jich. Máte povinnost uvést, jak dlouho chodili do školy lidé žijící s vámi ve společné domácnosti, kdy naposledy pracovali, jakým jazykem hovoří a rovněž musíte popsat jejich zdravotní a emocionální problémy.

    A chcete vědět, co se stane, pokud se domníváte (jako já), že po takových věcech vládě nic není, a že nebudete dělat informátory a donašeče na vlastní rodinu a přátele? Vaše neochota vás bude stát pěkně kulaté penízky. Za každou přeskočenou otázku sto dolarů pokuty. Za každou úmyslně špatnou odpověď pět set.
    Přičemž byrokraté ve Washingtonu se sami rozhodnou, zda šlo o úmysl nebo ne.

    Tyto tři návrhy se rovnají byrokratické inkvizici. A domnívám se, že nepřeháním, nazývám-li je "orwellovskými". Naše děti se v podstatě stanou chovanci státu - všechny, včetně těch předškolních. Stát bude rozhodovat o tom, zda chování, myšlení a názory našich dětí jsou v pořádku. Bude-li se domnívat, že nikoliv, budou jim předepisovány medikamenty, nebo budou muset podstupovat korektivní výuku. Domácí školství bude nuceno sjednotit své osnovy a filozofii se státními školami tak, aby vše, v co děti věří, bylo uniformní. Rozšířené sledování občanů bude sloužit Washingtonu k identifikaci jedinců podezřelých z nedostatečného nadšení pro snahy vlády o "ochranu" našich svobod a "zlepšení" naší společnosti. Jakmile budou tito jedinci známí, může se vláda rozhodnout, jaké další kroky by přicházely v úvahu k nápravě jejich myšlení.

    Naši apatičtí zástupci ve Washingtonu, ať republikáni nebo demokraté, nebudou váhat podpořit tyto a podobné návrhy. A očekávají, že v úřadech, do kterých byli zvoleni, setrvají.

    Článek The Orwellian US vyšel 27. září na serveru lewrockwell.com

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