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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    GORG --- ---
    jo ta muze mit o neco luxusnejsi prednes :) ja nakonec nasel nejaky mensi verze.. tahle verze je tedy dohromady nejakych 60 mega
    KERRAY --- ---
    huh, no ja to uploadnu v te 1300 megove torrentove verzi ,))
    GORG --- ---
    muzete to pripadne stahnout z myho kompu, ale mam broadbandovy vysokorychlostni ADSL, takze varuju ze by to jelo velmi rychle, abyste se nevydesili :))
    KERRAY --- ---
    hm, okej, uvidim jestli je dost mista :)
    TOUCHWOOD --- ---
    pridal bych se do fronty ;)
    PONKIE --- ---
    Diky. Ale to neni nic pro mne, na Torrent nemuzu. Leda kdyby to nekdo z vas stahl a zpristupnil na ftp, treba.
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: si vzdycky reknu "to uz snad neni mozne" a do dvou tydnu je tu jeste drsnejsi zprava...
    PETVAL --- ---
    PONKIE: z torrentu v pohode
    GYD --- ---
    PONKIE: mozna takto, ale nezkousel jsem (torrent jsem jeste nikdy nezkousel)
    PONKIE --- ---
    KERRAY: Je to nekde ve streamu nebo ke stazeni?
    KERRAY --- ---
    Docela zajimavy, ze o tom BBC dokumentu Power of Nightmares, kterej vypada hodne kvalitne a prakticky nenapadnutelne, se snad skoro nevi... JAXXE --- --- 12.49:41 3.12.2004
    JAXXE --- ---
    A Dwarf Known as Al Qaeda

    The threat posed by the group is hugely overblown.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Fallujah Residents Face Choice: Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die

    Alex Jones Show | December 2 2004

    A caller to the Alex Jones show played a segment from Tom Brokaw's last broadcast on NBC which featured a report from Iraq clearly stating that residents of Fallujah (civilians, NOT insurgents) would be forced to give fingerprints, retina scan and take an ID card or be killed.

    Here is the transcript from the report....


    Reporter: "So far the plan is for most of the city's 250,000 residents to return in stages and first only a few thousand will be let in.

    They'll be fingerprinted, given a retina scan and then an ID card, which will only allow them to travel around their homes or to nearby aid centers which are now being built.

    The Marines will be authorized to use deadly force against those breaking the rules....Tom?"

    Brokaw: "Richard, what's the latest on the election?.... "


    Alex has been documenting for years in his acclaimed Police State videos the fact that this same system is being introduced in the US.

    The so-called 'liberation' of Iraq is a test run for when the soldiers over there now become police in the US. From sound wave weapons to detention camps and torture, everything being inflicted on the Iraqis is being introduced in America.

    Alex Jones comments....

    In 1999 I traveled to Oakland California to cover the Marine Corps execution of Operation Urban Warrior. Thousands of Marines opnely trained to biometrically scan American citizens, seperate the men, women and children in a concentration camp environment, and conduct interrogations. Video in my film, Police State 2000 shows Marine Corps officers questioning role-players who were posing as American resistance fighters. Loudspeakers informed the population of the mock camp filled with hundreds of role-players, that if they tried to escape or resist they would be killed.

    Now the public consciousness is so seared that an NBC reporter can just nonchalantly talk about an instant death penalty for anyone that doesn't have their biometric card in order or that strays off pre-determined paths on their way to authorized destinations. The Nazis did the same thing in the Polish ghettos. This is total seige, it is the highest expression of pure martial law. ID cards are now being issued across Iraq, the entire country and its 23 million inhabitants are simply being straight-jacketed so the Globalists can continue the oldest form of total war - seige - upon them.

    From thousands of credible reports, from reporters on the ground, we know that Iraq is now descending into a black hole.
    And I want all of the soft, decadent, bloated, demon-possessed, Neo-Con followers to enjoy themselves. Sit in your easy chairs, cheer the slaughter of over a hundred thousand innocent people. Feel like you're part of this global iron fist. Look at it from your coddled position and know - you don't have to fear the CIA controlled Al-CIAda, you had better fear your Globalist masters because they don't give a damn about you. I've got the government documents, I've got the video. The government's been training to do this to you for a long time. So cheer like it's a football game. Cheer the death of all those innocent children. And know that through your weakness and your lack of historical understanding, you have allowed America to lose its soul. Now prepare to reap what you sow. And as your Globalist owners are raping the hell out of you financially, spiritually, mentally, I know you're so weak-minded you'll thank them for it and blame some imaginary turban-headed bogeyman

    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    I talked with people in Washington DC and Sonoma County yesterday and
    they have been planning a global walkout for the Friday before the
    Inauguration, January 14th. They also thought it would be good to start
    planning a March 18th walkout on the anniversary of the U.S. invasion of
    Iraq. These groups are also planing Non-violence trainings during the
    week before the January 14th walkout so they can have blockades on the
    day of the walkout.

    There will be a Tucson Walkout planning meeting Thursday, December 9th
    at the Cafe, 121 E. Broadway at 6 PM. There are planning meetings in
    communities all over the world. Try to contact local organizations who
    may be working on the walkout in your area. If you can’t find the
    meeting organize one yourself with your friends and coworkers. The
    larger the economic impact the more effective the walkouts will be.



    Join the coalition of artists, musicians, students, teachers, actors,
    cooks, waitresses, longshoremen, truckers, lawyers, contractors,
    veterans, bus drivers, homemakers, cashiers, maids, janitors, grocery,
    office, sanitation,farm, factory and train workers walk the road to
    freedom and peace and walkout on January 14 and March 18, 2005.

    Over 100,000 civilians have been killed and over 1,000 young Americans
    have died
    since the illegal war on Iraq started on March 20, 2003. Everyday we
    learn of
    gruesome acts of torture and crimes against humanity.

    The true outcome of the vote
    in the U.S. election is in question and the world is in crisis. Nuclear
    war, global
    warming, disease and ecological collapse threaten the world. We face
    cuts in
    access to healthcare, education and income. Consider walking out of your
    job or
    class on January 14 and March 18, 2005. Let the war profiteers know how
    we feel.
    Make the government and corporations pay a cost for their crimes.

    Activists all over the world are planning two weekends of actions to
    stop Bush's
    illegal war. One proposal is a walkout on Friday January 14th and March
    18th where
    workers and students take the day off. The walkout can cause war
    corporations billions of dollars and shut down schools sending Bush a
    message. Some people may occupy congressional offices and military
    facilities. There will be teach-ins, concerts, marches, rallys,
    blockades, banner hangings and all kinds of actions designed to show
    that the world wants an
    end to the war crimes in Iraq and reject the Bush agenda. Feel free to
    start planning the walkout and other actions in your community. The
    protests before the war were the largest actions for peace in world
    history. This could be an even larger.

    Now is the time for the people to come together, and stand up for our
    rights. Today
    our rights, liberties, and freedoms are in jeopardy, along with the fate

    of mother earth and her children.

    A Global Walkout Network
    1-800-884-1136 or 520-770-0575

    JAXXE --- ---

    It's getting hard to keep track of all the ways in which one of the biggest 9/11 lies--that the government just didn't foresee, couldn't have forseen, an attack on the World Trade Center--has been exposed. Add another one to the list. The image above is from the cover of the manual "Managing Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents: An Executive Level Program for Sheriffs." The manual was given to people who participated in the training program of the same name, which taught local law enforcement how to deal with terrorist attacks. Notice that the cover is imprinted with the seal of the US Justice Department (and the seal of the National Sheriffs' Association). In the bottom right corner, the date is a little hard to read; it says: "Version: June 2000." The full 250-page manual--with "law enforcement sensitive" at the bottom of each page--was given to me by someone who participated in the training in 2000. The program is now sponsored by the Office of Homeland Security

    JAXXE --- ---

    Here is a photo of Westminster Tower on the Albert Embankment where Al Jazeera has its headquarters. It is not to be confused with the Westminster Abbey Tower.

    Al Jazeera shares this building with a host of British electronic and cable companies and communications firms. How convenient. And exactly why is Al Jazeera based smack dab in the middle of the domain of British intelligence?

    It lies right between the old MI6 building near the Westminster Bridge by the North Lambeth underground station and the new MI6 building
    built where the Vauxhall Distillery once stood by the Vauxhall Bridge.

    Isn't it odd that tapes of "Osama bin Laden" always wind up being given to Al Jazeera? Why have they never been given to real and authentic Pakistani or Arabic language news networks?

    MI 6 has been running this war for the City of London all along and the whole Bush family is in cahoots with them, being family after all with the royals.

    The American people are being taken down a road of self-destruction by those who have long pitted one colony against another.

    If we truly want peace in this world we should send our troops to Britain and occupy London. Fallujah is not the city that needs to be liberated or where the problem lies; the "war on terror" and all of its consequences have been created in and by the City of London.

    The people of London would really welcome U.S. troops with hugs and kisses if we would liberate them from the nasty clutches of the City of London creeps.

    Let's spread a little democracy to our "special friend" across the pond. That's something I could get behind.


    Court Papers: Al Jazeera is an English Company

    Posted By: ChristopherBollyn
    Date: Monday, 29 November 2004, 1:26 p.m.

    In Response To: The City of London and Al Jazeera *PIC* (ChristopherBollyn)

    In a ruling from the British Supreme Court of Judicature, Court of Appeal on December 9, 2003, "Mr. Justice Gray" found that Al Jazeera Satellite Channel Ltd. ("JSC") is AN ENGLISH COMPANY [my emphasis].

    Furthermore, Gray found that JSC is "a maker of television programs primarily for the first defendant," i.e. Al Jazeera Satellite Channel, which is based in Doha, Qatar in the Persian Gulf.

    Al Jazeera is, I believe, a disinformation arm of British intelligence. This is why the "Osama bin Laden" tapes always seem to appear on Al Jazeera - they are producing these TV shows to affect public opinion in the Middle East and about the Middle East.

    Al Jazeera is a very effective disinformation organ but that is all it really is. The Emir of Qatar is clearly an agent of British intelligence and is working against the best interests of the peoples of the Middle East and peace.

    It should be remembered that 95 percent of the work of state security agencies around the world is disinformation and deception, according to Andreas von Bulow, former member of the parliamentary control commission for German intelligence.

    The above information is found in the following paragraph from the court papers of the Royal Courts of Justice:

    Mr Justice Gray's conclusions were as follows:-

    (i) That service on the first defendant could not be effected by service on Mr Fouda who was an employee of Al Jazeera Satellite Channel Ltd ("JSC"), an English company limited by guarantee and a maker of television programs primarily for the first defendant, by leaving the claim form with Mr Fouda at No 8 Ganton Street, studio premises, at the material time being used by JSC.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Kam se poděly miliardy za iráckou ropu?


    Po agresi v Iráku fašisté převzali pod kontrolu nejen celou administrativu státu, ale také dozor nad prodejem irácké ropy. Tyto peníze měly být použity na znovuvybudování Iráku. Tak se k tomu USA zavázali a OSN to schválila. Nyní se ukazuje, že i v tomto kroku (jako ostatně ve všech ostatních) fašisté selhali.

    Z důvodů, které zná jen vrchní řezník v Bílém domě, byl dozor nad penězi z prodeje ropy svěřen necertifikované miniaturní firmičce Northstar, která má "ředitelství" v normálním bytě v domku blízko San Diega a jež má jako zdroj činnosti uvedeno "konzultace". O účetnictví tam není ani slovo.

    Nyní byl proveden audit, který zjistil strašlivé nedostatky. Účetnictví, kde se pohybovaly položky v miliardách dolarů, vedl jeden zaměstnanec firmy Northstar v tabulkovém procesoru MS Excel. Existují dvě sady účetních knih, které navzájem nesouhlasí. Stovky milionů dolarů za naftu jsou uloženy v hotovosti v trezoru v bagdádském paláci, přičemž klíče od trezoru míval jeden pracovník trvale uloženy v backpack - tašce na záda, jakou nosí děti do školy. Vyplácelo se v hotovosti z ručky do ručky. Chybí doklady a potvrzenky. Existuje fotografie, na které vyplácejí v hotovosti dva miliony dolarů bezpečnostní firmě. "Řekli jsme jim, ať si přinesou větší tašky," směje se Willis, bývalý spolupracovník generalissima Bremera. "Připomnělo mi to Divoký západ."

    Podle auditu chybí přibližně 8,8 miliardy dolarů.

    Zdroj: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6621523/
    JAXXE --- ---
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