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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    Passport Privacy Protection? Nope

    By Associated Press
    11:10 AM Nov. 27, 2004 PT

    WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration opposed security measures for new microchip-equipped passports that privacy advocates contended were needed to prevent identity theft, government snooping or a terror attack, according to State Department documents released Friday.

    The passports, scheduled to be issued by the end of 2005, could be read electronically from as far away as 30 feet, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which obtained the documents under a Freedom of Information Act request.

    "There is little risk here since we plan to store only currently collected data with a facial image," he wrote. "The U.S. will recommend against the use of PINs (personal identification numbers) or other methods that might be required to unlock a chip for reading."
    All new U.S. passports issued by the end of 2005 are expected to have a chip containing the owner's name, birth date, issuing office and a "biometric" identifier -- a photo of the owner's face. The ACLU warns that the chips ultimately might contain far more data and be embedded in drivers' licenses.
    PETVAL --- ---
    HVJ3R: hned bych ti tam upnul asi 6GB dokumentu, co se v historii klubu objevily :) login pls do posty
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush calls for global cooperation

    By Joseph Curl

    HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — President Bush yesterday challenged international leaders to create a new world order, declaring pre-September 11 multilateralism outmoded and asserting that freedom from terrorism will come only through pre-emptive action against enemies of democracy.

    In his first major foreign-policy speech since his re-election, the president set out an expansive second-term agenda with three distinct goals: reforming multilateral institutions, prosecuting the war on terrorism and spreading democracy in the Middle East.


    "The objective of the U.N. and other institutions must be collective security, not endless debate."


    "In the new era the threat is different, but our duties are the same. Our enemies have declared their intentions — and so have we. Peaceful nations must keep the peace by going after the terrorists,"


    HVJ3R --- ---
    no, staci rict... traffic neomezen, ovsem jen do NIXu.. takze nesirit, na soukrome pouziti v ramci CR bez problemu, pokud jste nekdo v zahranici, s downloadem opatrne :)
    HVJ3R --- ---
    muzu poskytnout ftp@100mbit na tyhle filmiky, chcete?
    GYD --- ---
    KERRAY: muzu pak taky "odnekud" stahnout?
    PONKIE --- ---
    /posledni ot

    Predpokladam, ze osazenstvo klubu by mohlo mit zajem. Muzu uploadnout tyhle dva zajimave dokumenty:

    Hugo Chavez - The revolution will not be televised
    Control Room
    GORG --- ---
    jinak je to fakt zvlastni.. onehda jsem se blbec zas zapletl do mensi vymeny nazoru a zjistil jsem, ze kdo nechce ziskat nejaky pochyby tak se na to radeji ani nekoukne.
    co zvlastnejsi! dokonce namisto toho tvrdi, ze jsem ten dokument pry spatne pochopil a dotycny mi vysvetlil aniz by se na nej kouknul o cem ten dokument pry ASI je (ze tam rozhodne netvrdili, ze by neocons vytvorili iluzorni al kajdu nebo nic takovy) to je proste uzasny :))
    GORG --- ---
    jo ta muze mit o neco luxusnejsi prednes :) ja nakonec nasel nejaky mensi verze.. tahle verze je tedy dohromady nejakych 60 mega
    KERRAY --- ---
    huh, no ja to uploadnu v te 1300 megove torrentove verzi ,))
    GORG --- ---
    muzete to pripadne stahnout z myho kompu, ale mam broadbandovy vysokorychlostni ADSL, takze varuju ze by to jelo velmi rychle, abyste se nevydesili :))
    KERRAY --- ---
    hm, okej, uvidim jestli je dost mista :)
    TOUCHWOOD --- ---
    pridal bych se do fronty ;)
    PONKIE --- ---
    Diky. Ale to neni nic pro mne, na Torrent nemuzu. Leda kdyby to nekdo z vas stahl a zpristupnil na ftp, treba.
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: si vzdycky reknu "to uz snad neni mozne" a do dvou tydnu je tu jeste drsnejsi zprava...
    PETVAL --- ---
    PONKIE: z torrentu v pohode
    GYD --- ---
    PONKIE: mozna takto, ale nezkousel jsem (torrent jsem jeste nikdy nezkousel)
    PONKIE --- ---
    KERRAY: Je to nekde ve streamu nebo ke stazeni?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam