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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    More Questions for Florida
    Staff members for Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) met with Curtis last week to discuss the election allegations. Representatives for Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Florida) inquired about other allegations from Curtis that his former company spied on NASA.

    The FBI in Tallahassee, Florida, has set up a meeting with Curtis, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, said it was trying to corroborate his claims about possible election fraud and NASA spying.

    The group hopes that even if the election allegations aren't proven, they will inspire legislators to pass a law requiring voting software to be open to public inspection to help deter fraud and restore public confidence in the election process. The software code used in voting machines is considered proprietary and it is protected from public examination -- an issue voting activists have been trying to address.
    PETVAL --- ---
    An Australian newspaper has reported that the contentious Surveillance Devices Act has been passed. The act will (according to the article) allow Federal Police to obtain warrants to secretly install spyware onto users computers enabling them to "monitor email, online chats, word processor and spreadsheets entries and even bank personal identification numbers and passwords."
    THRAWN --- ---
    pardon za ot... ale nevite nekdo jak to dopadlo s tou zalobou na usa od toho vedce co rika ze aids vymyseleli amici ?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Security To Be Unprecedented For Presidential Inauguration

    Thousands Of Protesters Expected At Ceremony

    POSTED: 4:51 pm EST December 12, 2004
    UPDATED: 6:06 pm EST December 12, 2004
    WASHINGTON -- The first presidential inauguration since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is just 39 days away.

    Security is always tight for the inauguration, but this year, it's being called unprecedented.

    AP Image

    The security effort is so massive that Washington's police department has issued a mutual-aid call for officers from around the country.

    Rain may be delaying construction on the stage, but Assistant Chief James Rohan of the U.S. Capitol Police said plans for security are at full speed.

    The Secret Service is coordinating the various law enforcement agencies, and the military is expected to play a much larger role.

    Police and military personnel will be posted every few feet along the parade route, with undercover officers working the crowds.

    Also out of sight will be sensors to detect biological, chemical or radiological material.

    As the presidential motorcade makes it way along Pennsylvania Avenue, SWAT teams and sharpshooters will be poised on rooftops. There'll be scores of bomb-sniffing dogs, more barriers and more security checkpoints than in previous years.

    Police are telling anyone planning to attend the ceremony not to bring big packages, backpacks, bottles, thermoses, or anything that will cause extra screening and possibly hold up lines.

    Washington police are recruiting 2,700 officers from around the country to help out with both the inauguration and the thousands of protestors expected.

    For the first time, every reporter and photographer covering the ceremony has to have a background check and be fingerprinted.

    Anyone wanting to keep up with the inaugural planning can log onto Inaugural '05.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iranian Missile Could Reach Eastern U.S.

    Newsmax | December 13 2004

    The latest generation of missile technology currently being engineered by Iranian scientists will be able to reach the continental United States, former Israeli ambassador to the U.N. Dore Gold said Saturday.

    Asked what Israel would do if Tehran began producing nuclear weapons, Gold told the Fox News Channel's Cal Thomas: "This is not just an Israeli problem. The missiles being developed in Iran have a range that goes well beyond Israel."

    "Certainly they have the Shihab-3 missile, with a range of 1,300 kilometers, that can strike Israel," he said. "But they're developing the Shihab-4 for hitting Europe and a Shihab-5, with Russian missile technology, that can strike the Eastern Seaboard of the United States."

    Gold called Iran's capacity to launch a nuclear attack on most of the Western world a "global problem [for] which European governments, the United States and Israel have to come up with a solution."




    US Stages Simulated Attack On Iran

    Middle East Newsline | December 13 2004

    WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The U.S. Defense Department was said to have completed simulated war games to determine the feasibility of destroying Iran's nuclear weapons program.

    The Atlantic Monthly magazine reported in its latest issue that the Pentagon held simulations of a U.S. military strike on Iranian bases and nuclear facilities. The magazine said the recent war games also included a ground invasion of Iran.

    The simulation envisioned a three-phase war against the Islamic republic. The first phase was composed of air strikes against bases of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, believed to control Iran's nuclear and missile programs.

    U.S. intelligence sources were quoted as saying that such a strike would require one day and comprised the easiest part of any military campaign.

    THRAWN --- ---
    jo ja bych taky moc rad... zadna cizina :) zadny dalsi sireni...
    GYD --- ---
    HVJ3R: ja bych login rad, slibuju, ze jen z CR, nebudu dal sirit (to je myslim bezny pravidlo pro ftp, ne?)
    HVJ3R --- ---
    PETVAL: tohle problem neni, ale jakmile se provali ten login, muze se posilat dal a dal.. atd. chtelo by to nejak omezit ftp jen pro cz traffic.. zatim nevim jak. do zahranici by slo taky, ale s nejakou rychlostni quotou...

    // bohuzel mame na ftp traffic do zahranici placenej... pokud se mi nekdo zavaze, ze bude stahovat jen z cr, muzu mu login dat. ale jakmile z toho bude nejakej pruser nebo velkej traffic do zahranici, budu to muset stopnout. dekuji za pochopeni.
    PETVAL --- ---
    pokud by nekdo z vas umel napsat stranku, ktera by umela zjistit, zda request prichazi z CZ a presmerovat ho na jedno FTP, pokud ano, napiste mi pls do posty.
    JAXXE --- ---
    In a speech President Bush made to the self-called elite, he said:

    "This is an impressive crowd...The haves...and the have mores.
    Some people call you the elite....I call you my BASE."

    The word Al-Qaeda translated means THE BASE


    JAXXE --- ---
    A theologian asks the hard questions about 9/11


    Douglas Todd
    Vancouver Sun

    Saturday, December 11, 2004

    David Ray Griffin is one of the most respected philosophers of religion in North America. He is the author or editor of more than 24 academic books, including works co-written with the deans of world religions, Huston Smith and Martin Marty. He has lectured around the world, including at UBC.

    Griffin is one of those profiled in the prestigious volume, A Handbook of Christian Theologians. He's painstakingly probed countless philosophical challenges, from the question of why there is evil to the relationship between science and religion, for which he's won numerous awards.

    So why did this soft-spoken professor from the high-ranking Methodist-rooted School of Theology at Claremont, Calif., feel it necessary to risk his hard-earned reputation as a religion scholar to write one of the most incredible -- in all senses of the word -- political books of 2004?

    Because no one else in mainstream America seemed prepared to do it.

    The result? Griffin's book, The New Pearl Harbour: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (Interlink Publishing, $22.50) has already sold an astonishing 80,000 copies.

    Griffin's unflinching analysis of the unanswered questions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington has made Amazon.com's bestseller list despite receiving virtually no reviews in North America's mainstream media. That's unlike in Britain, where he's had solid coverage, including a three-page spread in London's mass-circulation Daily Mail.

    Personally, when people ask how a group of Muslim extremists could have pulled off the devastating suicide attacks against the U.S., in spite of the country's global intelligence network and massive defence arsenal, I tend to side with the German philosopher, Goethe, who once said: "Why look for conspiracy when stupidity can explain so much?"

    But when Griffin, who's known for his careful approach to philosophical problems, poses a series of questions suggesting the administration of George W. Bush had been warned about the terrorist attacks and did nothing, it's enough to make you shudder. The implications would make the Watergate scandal look like a Sunday brunch.

    In effect, The New Pearl Harbour fleshes out in 214 pages the question asked in the final moment of Michael Moore's Academy-award-winning documentary, Fahrenheit 911. That's when the filmmaker wonders aloud: What exactly was Bush thinking as he sat in front of a bunch of school children reading a book titled My Pet Goat, knowing two jetliners had been flown into the World Trade Center?

    Griffin's book is titled The New Pearl Harbor for two reasons. One, because that's what Bush wrote in his diary on the evening of Sept. 11: "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today." But also because members of the Bush administration in 2000 helped author the document, Project for the New American Century, which opined it would be difficult to galvanize Americans to support military expansion in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere unless a "new Pearl Harbor" occurred.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Secretive Bilderberg Founder Dies

    Free Press International 12.12.2004

    Bilderberg founder, Prince Bernhard of the Dutch royal house was buried yesterday at Nieuwe Kerk.

    The Bilderberg group is a secretive annual forum for prominent politicians and businessmen which he chaired from 1954 to 1976.

    The Bilderberg group still meets today and has kept themselves from the public eye for over 50 years, with the help of mainstream media.

    Prince Bernhard was involved in scandals and acknowledged having an illegitimate daughter and accepting more than a million dollars in bribes from US company Lockheed Aircraft Corporation to persuade the Dutch government to purchase planes.

    Despite Bernhard's secretive and criminal past, 40,000 people paid their last respects and more than 6 000 soldiers lined the streets at his funeral.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush Wants To Create A 'New World Order' With Pre-Emptive Strikes

    Free Press International


    On December 2, 2004 while President Bush was in Canada, he challenged international leaders to create a 'new world order' through pre-emptive strikes against what he calls, 'enemies of democracy'.

    The Washington Post (WP) wrote, "President Bush yesterday challenged international leaders to create a new world order, declaring pre-September 11 multilateralism outmoded and asserting that freedom from terrorism will come only through pre-emptive action against enemies of democracy".

    The title of the WP story is, "Bush Calls For New World Order; Strikes Against Enemies of Democracy".

    Did you hear the television networks report on Bush's call for a new world order with pre-emptive strikes?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Gary Webb, Author of Controversial CIA/Crack Series, Dead in Apparent Suicide

    NEW YORK Gary Webb, 49, a Pulitzer-winning investigative reporter who became best known for a widely-criticized series linking the CIA to the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles, was found dead Friday after an apparent suicide, authorities in Sacramento said.

    THRAWN --- ---
    mate jeste nekdo na ftpku nejaky ty filmy ? neco bych potreboval sosnout kuli skole.. diky...
    GORG --- ---

    Guantanamo Britons 'losing sanity' as fears grow for terror suspects held in UK

    US lawyers for the four Britons have told The Independent on Sunday that the men face at least two more years in Cuba as the US government blocks every legal move to get them released.

    Gita Gutierrez, one of the first US defence lawyers to visit the British detainees, said the men were suffering serious mental problems after being held in solitary confinement for two years or more. The only hope of earlier release, she said, was if Tony Blair publicly intervened.

    "I don't see how their sanity, much less their physical strength, will survive. It's very bad down there," she said. "If they were to remain languishing there, they will be broken and will experience permanent mental and physical deterioration when they leave." She added: "The British government has got to do something."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Britský vězeň na Guantánamu denuncuje případy mučení

    LONDÝN - Podle britského vězně zadržovaného na americké vojenské základně Guantánamo na Kubě dochází v této provizorní věznici k případům mučení a ponižování. Vyplývá to ze svědectví, které zveřejnil dnešní londýnský The Guardian.

    Martin Mubanga v článku například vypráví, že ho američtí věznitelé nechali tak dlouho v poutech, až se pomočil a pak musel znečištěnou kobku uklízet. Jindy si mu zase jeden z vyšetřovatelů sedl na hlavu a kromě toho býval vystavován extrémně vysokým teplotám až 39 stupňů Celsia.

    Mubangovo svědectví je zahrnuto do dokumentu britského ministerstva zahraničí, který zpracoval pro jeho rodinu jistý britský úředník po návštěvě na Guantánamu začátkem října.

    Mubanga byl zadržen v Zambii a na Guantánamu je vězněn už přes dva roky.

    Ve stejném zařízení je bez soudního procesu drženo celkem asi 550 osob podezřelých z příslušnosti k afghánskému militantnímu islámskému hnutí Taliban či k mezinárodní muslimské teroristické síti Al-Káida.

    Další britský vězeň na Guantánamu Moazzam Begg, který byl zadržen v roce 2002 v Pákistánu, potvrdil, že věznitelé ho v říjnu mučili a vyhrožovali mu smrtí. Prohlásil rovněž, že byl svědkem smrti dvou dalších vězňů, které američtí vojáci zabili "vlastníma rukama".

    Letos v březnu propustily americké úřady z Guantánama na svobodu pět dalších britských vězňů. Čtyři z nich po návratu do Británie zahájili v USA soudní řízení, aby za dobu věznění dostali odškodné.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Guantánamo torture and humiliation still going on, says shackled Briton

    Vikram Dodd and Clare Dyer
    Saturday December 11, 2004
    The Guardian

    Fresh allegations about a regime of torture and humiliation inflicted on detainees by their American captors at Guantánamo Bay have been made by a Briton still held there, according to Foreign Office documents seen by the Guardian.

    The claims by Martin Mubanga, from London, are the latest to surface from the prison where the US holds 550 Muslim men it claims are terrorists in conditions that have sparked worldwide condemnation.

    Mr Mubanga, 31, alleges that only months ago he was kept shackled for so long that he wet himself, and then was forced to clean up his own urine. He claims to have been threatened, that an interrogator stood on his hair, and that he was subjected to extremes of temperature rising to 36C (97F). He was kept chained to the floor by his feet for an hour during a welfare visit from a British government official.

    Mr Mubanga is one of four Britons still in Guantánamo, held without charge or trial. His allegations follow revelations that FBI agents recently raised concerns about ill treatment they witnessed of prisoners.

    The claim of fresh abuses against Britons came as Lord Falconer, the lord chancellor, ventured further than any senior government figure so far in attacking the US policy at Guantánamo Bay. "At the heart of our culture is a commitment to the rule of law and human rights," the lord chancellor said in a speech to the Institute of Public Policy Research, a leftwing thinktank. "We could never countenance individuals being put beyond the law as has happened at Guantánamo Bay."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Ex-CIA agent says sacked for not faking Iraq WMD reports

    WASHINGTON (AFP) - A sacked CIA official has sued, alleging he was fired for refusing to fake reports supporting the White House position that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, local media said.

    Described as a senior CIA official who was sacked in August "for unspecified reasons," the lawsuit appeared to be the first public instance of a CIA agent charging he was pressured to concoct intelligence on Iraq.

    The suit claims the unidentified ex agent was urged to produce reports in line with President George W Bush's contention that Iraq had illegal chemical or biological weapons, which threatened US and international security.

    "Their official dogma was contradicted by his reporting and they did not want to hear it," attorney Roy Krieger told The Washington Post of his client.

    CIA spokeswoman Anya Guilsher told the daily she could not comment on the lawsuit, adding: "The notion that CIA managers order officers to falsify reports is flat wrong. Our mission is to call it like we see it and report the facts."


    The plaintiff, whose identity is blacked out in the version of the lawsuit seen by the Post, along with any reference to Iraq, is of Middle Eastern descent, worked 23 years in the CIA, much of them in covert operations collecting intelligence on weapons of mass destruction, said the daily.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Governments, Corporations and Media are out of control.

    These prominent components of our society are increasingly driven by hypocrisy, corruption and greed. They have never been more powerful than they are today, and their ability to shape the outcome of events goes mostly unnoticed by the public at large.

    The Cryptogon refers to the hidden structure underlying and interconnecting the political, economic and perception management systems currently in operation on this planet. When John Ralston Saul states that, "In reality, we are today in the midst of a theology of pure power---power born of structure, not of dynasty or arms," the "structure" he is referring to is what I am calling the Cryptogon.


    This site will strive to disseminate information and perspectives that have been ignored, covered up or otherwise belittled by government, media, and corporations. Any number of topics are appropriate. Here is a short list:

    Covert operations
    The behavior of transnational corporations
    Mind control
    Drug and arms trafficking by state intelligence agencies
    The Bretton Woods institutions (World Bank, IMF, GATT-WTO)
    Propaganda and perception management
    Political corruption and influence peddling
    Secret organizations and societies
    Political assassination
    Technology issues related to political control
    And, stuff that's just plain neato

    The information provided here will come from all sources, including my own writing. Users are encouraged to submit information they think may be appropriate via email (text and links only please, no attachments).

    SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

    September 11, 2001 was the opening scene in the final act of the show we sometimes call, "Society as we know it." I'm not saying this event marked the beginning of THE END OF EVERYTHING, although it may be that, but it was definitely the beginning of the end of things as they have appeared over the last generation or so.

    Since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, an international, crypto-fascist syndicate has been rapidly consolidating its grip on this planet. Changes to the global system have been implemented slowly, consistently and in a manner so subtle that only a tiny fraction of the population in the industrialized world ever noticed anything was wrong.

    In the states targeted for control, however, where the interests of what are now the G8 states did not correspond to the interests of the target populations, liberal amounts of genocide, torture and "market discipline" prepared the planet for the overt imperium that is about to be created. The focus during the Cold War was, Containment of Communism. When the Soviet Union collapsed, that focus switched, immediately, to the Expansion of market economies. But how can this expansion go forward if opposition to it is growing with each passing day?

    A final push was needed to justify the theft of the whole damn show. And the world watched on CNN. In reality, what has happened is that a few haves out there have picked a fight with the vast majority of people in the world who happen to be have-nots. Of course, nobody in power in the industrialized world comes out and says that. Instead, they roll tape of the World Trade Center towers falling to the ground and talk about the need to fight terrorism.

    In other words, 9/11 makes the Reichstag Fire look like a boyscout exercise. Regardless of the details of the genesis of 9/11, the effects are essentially the same. Ask yourself: Cui bono? Who benefits?

    In 2000, humanity was at a crossroads. At that point, things probably could have gone either way. After September 11, however, the die has been cast, and we are now witnessing the ascendancy of the same interests that supported Hitler, killed JFK and perpetrated countless and incomprehensible acts against people all over the globe.

    I think it would be wise to bear in mind that the events of 9/11 will probably pale in comparison to the diabolical plots that may be hatched in the near future. I say that because, even as bad as 9/11 was, it wasn't enough to polarize the world. Something else is going to happen that will require a bold move by the G8 states. I don't know what that event will be, but it will be transformational in nature, changing the way we think about freedom of speech and movement, money, surveillance, state sovereignty and many other factors.

    In the wake of 9/11, the outward appearances of things didn't change significantly---except at airports. After the next event, even the most deaf, dumb and blind Americans will scratch their heads and think, "Gee, there are soldiers on the street." America as we think we know it is already gone, and has been for years. What will be different is that even the rhetorical image of America will be shattered into pieces. The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, etc? Remember all of that? The mask will be off and we will finally get to gaze upon the actual system we created with our decades of apathy and sloth.


    Simplicity and usability are the guiding principles on this web page. The Internet is awash with distractive garbage that threatens to make the medium as useless as television. It is up to individuals to take it upon themselves to create content that is informative and useful. I've tried to maximize information while minimizing distractions.

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