Human Hand Behind Earthquake and Tsunami?
India Daily | January 2 2005
Was this an earthquake creation experiment that ran out of control? Many countries are working on methods of creating massive earthquakes as means to defeat the enemy. The technologically advanced countries are working on this project.
If an earthquake and Tsunami can be created artificially and directed to a specific enemy, it can literally create havoc to the enemy. Weather control, controlling tectonic plate movements, electromagnetic wave simulated weaponry are all on the table of many countries.
The planetary alignment can cause many earthquakes all around the world of magnitude the modern mankind has never seen before.
Many all around the world are puzzled with the fact that Tsunamis never happen in South Asia. Also is perplexing is the fact that Tsunamis traveled 1000 miles at a speed of 500 miles an hour and smashed the coastal lines of South and South east Asia where Tsunamis do not happen.
There are technologies on the research table that is used to create electromagnetic effects to release the gravitational effects which can cause this kind massive earth movements.
Another astonishing feature of this earthquake and Tsunami is the amount by which the Kar Nicobar Islands have displaced. The level of devastation simulates 10 or higher Richter scale earthquake.
Was this a show down by a country to show the region what havoc can be created?
We do not have the answers to this. We know many courtiers including India are working on anti-gravity lifters and devices.
No matter what, it can be an experiment that went out of control. If it is not, that is the best news.
But given the level of devastation and given the fact India is a regional power in South Asia, Indian Navy has the obligation to investigate and tell the world what they found.
Ionospheric Manipulation Responsible For Devastating Tsunami?
A friend of mine was talking to the imam at his local mosque yesterday ( Friday - prayer day ) and the imam told him that in his home village of [ Sylhet, Bangladesh ] a local pond started bubbling and shaking and the people felt very giddy and started falling over.
This happened at the exact time of the earthquake.
These are classic effects of high frequency polarised RF.
The RF which bounced off the ionosphere landed not only at the point of the epicentre but a second reflection obviously hit at Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Would you know of anybody who is over there to get interviews and medical data to verify this.
I should stress that the information comes from an imam and is very reliable.
This could be proof of Project H.A.A.R.P. involvement.
As the total number of deaths rises above 150,000 This could be more proof of the globalists agenda.
Tsunami Victim Photographed Wearing Strange 'New World Order' Clothing