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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    Američané zachytili komunikaci teroristů

    Usáma poslal Zarkávího zaútočit do USA

    Autor: Reuters 01.03.2005 09:44

    Dva nejhledanější světoví teroristé spřádají další vražedné plány. Šéf Al-Kajdy Usáma bin Ládin vyzval Abú Músu Zarkávího, aby zaútočil na půdě Spojených států. Uvedla to agentura Reuters s odvoláním na nejmenovaný zdroj z amerických bezpečnostních složek.

    Zarkáví? Takový tichý muž, tvrdí jeho rodáci

    "Mezi bin Ládinem a Zarkávím proběhla komunikace. Ládin vyzval Zarkávího, aby provedl útok na území USA," řekl zdroj pod podmínkou zachování anonymity.

    Zdroj tvrdí, že se teroristé spojili poměrně nedávno. Podle něho ale nejsou k dispozici žádné konkrétní poznatky o aktuální hrozbě na americké půdě. Další informace už odmítl poskytnout s tím, že by mohl ohrozit protiteroristické úsilí.

    Americké ministerstvo vnitřní bezpečnosti už varovalo úřady po celé zemi. Vláda má prý k dispozici blíže nespecifikované informace o plánech Al-Kajdy na útok v Americe. "Tyto informace opakují přání Al-Kajdy zaútočit v naší vlasti," řekl mluvčí ministerstva Brian Roehrkasse.

    Informace podle něj stále analyzují zpravodajské služby. "Na jejich základě ale neplánujeme zvyšovat stupeň protiteroristické pohotovosti," ujistil Roehrkasse.

    Jordánec Abú Músa Zarkáví je dnes nejhledanějším mužem v Iráku. Stojí za desítkami krvavých útoků. Podle Usámy bin Ládina je Zarkáví v Iráku jeho zástupcem.

    Německý list Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung v této souvislosti cituje Daniela Banjamina, experta na terorismus z Washingtonu. "Zajímavé na tom je, že by byl Zarkáví něco takového provést, že by měl takový dosah. Ještě zajímavější je, že bin Ládin zřejmě věří, že by to Zarkáví dokázal," řekl Benjamin.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hunter Thompson was working on WTC collapse story before mysterious sudden death

    Tuesday, March 01, 2005

    Toronto Globe and Mail February 26, 2005:

    He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. ..

    Hunter S. Thompson ... was indeed working on such a story.


    Now check out this February 25 Associated Press story about Thompson's death. Sounds a lot like a professional hit with a silencer: http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/books/02/25/thompsondeath.wife.ap/

    "I was on the phone with him, he set the receiver down and he did it. I heard the clicking of the gun," Anita Thompson told the Aspen Daily News in Friday's editions.

    She said her husband had asked her to come home from a health club so they could work on his weekly ESPN column...

    Thompson said she heard a loud, muffled noise, but didn't know what had happened. "I was waiting for him to get back on the phone," she said.

    (Her account to Rocky Mountain News reporter Jeff Kass is slightly different: "I did not hear any bang," she told Kass. She added that Thompson's son, who was in the house at the time, believed that a book had fallen when he heard the shot, according to Kass' report.)

    Mack White sums up the questions well: http://mackwhite.com/

    Thompson's family says he was not depressed, nor was he in enough to pain to kill himself. In fact, by all reports, he was quite happy. He was talking on the phone to his wife, getting ready to work on his column, when he decided it would be wise to kill himself, so that he could go out (we are told) while "still at the top of his form," even though this would mean not finishing his column or his expose on 9/11 (potentially the most important thing he would ever write) (?)

    KERRAY --- ---
    Huh, nejvaznejsim kandidatem na sefa Svetove banky je pry Paul Wolfovitz...
    NEMRTVY --- ---
    FESTER: dobre som sa pobavil, chlap to ma jasne premakane ... vidim ze tu svoju rit este mimo usa nedostal

    "But we believe that our country is worth defending, and if anyone decides that killing us is an okay thing to do we will go after them with everything we've got"

    Dobra zamienka ako vypadnut niekde von, zlyncovat pol krajiny a potom tam nasrat svoj biznis.

    "Your rate of marriage is at an all-time low, and the number of abortions in Europe is at an all-time high. Indeed, your birth rates are so far below replacement levels that in 30 years or so there will be 70 million fewer Europeans alive than are alive today."

    Do 30 rokov o 70milionov menej ? Hmmm zaujimave. Mozno ked sa rozsiri vtacia chripka H5N1 ktora ma zatial 75% uspesnost ze ten co ju ma neprezije. V tom pripade ale neobide ani bozske usa.

    "And your armed forces are a joke. With the notable exception of Great Britain, you no longer have the military strength to defend yourselves. Alas, you no longer have the will to defend yourselves."

    V tom pripade nechapem preco USA vzdy potrebuje pomoc na svoje barbarske tazenia po celom svete. Aha jasne chapem aby nevyzerali ako barbari co cistia to co im vyhovuje.

    FESTER: mal by si tiez uz vypadnut z usa aspon na chvilu
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli air force training for long-range bombing missions

    AFP | February 29 2005

    The Israeli air force is training its crews for long-range bombing missions, the wing comannder of an F-16I fighter-bomber group said Monday.

    "Israel and the air force have understood for a fairly long time now that the threats that surround us are constantly growing and that's why steps have been taken to extend our range of action," the officer, identified only as Wing Commander D., told Israel's privately run second television channel.

    "That is to say that we are training for medium- and long-range missions."

    The television highlighted that the commander was referring to possible future missions against suspected nuclear facilities in Iran by showing footage of the new atomic power station that Israel's archfoe is completing with Russian assistance in the Gulf port of Bushehr.

    Israeli warplanes destroyed Iraq's French-built Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981.


    "I mean, heck, why NOT bomb Iran now. We got all those dumb American bullet-stoppers in Iraq to keep Iran away from us!"
    JAXXE --- ---
    Obří kontrakt na Future Combat Systems

    "Neznají hlad," říká v listu New York Times Gordon Johnson, šéf Spojených vojenských sil Pentagonu. "Neznají strach a nikdy nezapomenou rozkaz, který dostali. Nevadí jim, že kolega vedle nich byl právě zastřelen," pokračuje ve výčtu vlastností Johnson. "Jsou lepší bojovníci než lidé? Odpovídám ANO." Přicházejí vojáci nové generace. Americká armáda představila vysoce vyspělého robota, který nahradí bojující lidi. Pentagon předpokládá, že se roboti do deseti let stanou rozhodující silou v celé armádě. Dokážou nepřítele vystopovat i zabít. Roboti představují výsledek snahy americké armády se přetvořit v moderní jednotku pro boj v 21. století. Jejich nákup pro US Army bude stát 127 miliard dolarů a skrývá se pod projektem nazvaným Future Combat Systems. Koupě je vůbec největší zakázkou americké armády v historii. Za desítky miliard USD plánuje Pentagon přeměnit svoji útočnou sílu v plně automatizovanou armádu. Tato megatransakce donutí vládu zvýšit rozpočet ministerstva obrany až o 20%, což představuje více než 80 miliard dolarů. A to se do těchto počtů nezahrnují výdaje na válku. "Nebojte, tohle není Hollywood," prohlašuje Rodney A. Brooks, ředitel počítačové laboratoře a IA technologií M.I.T. a spoluzakladatel iRobot Corporation. Žádná vzpoura strojů nemůže nastat. Kde už jsme to slyšeli? Experti tvrdí, že roboti se bojujícímu člověku v mnohém přiblíží. "Budou myslet, vidět a reagovat jako lidé," uvádí se ve zprávě, kterou má NY Times k dispozici. V počátcích využívání robotů v boji budou stroje dálkově ovládány, ale časem by jejich autonomie měla růst. Míra jejich nezávislosti se prý projeví i ve tvarech, jež budou roboti disponovat. Pentagon snil o robotech tohoto typu po třicet let. Nyní ale nastává otázka jejich využití a další nejasnosti: rozpozná robot spolubojovníka od nepřítele? Dokonce i ti nejzavilejší obhájci automatů tvrdí, že válka bude vždy "lidskou záležitostí se smrtí a neštěstím". Robert Finkelstein, prezident společnosti Robotic Technology v Potomacu, tvrdí, že vývoj robotů do podoby, jakou si představuje Pentagon, potrvá ještě dalších třicet let. Do dubna prý Američané nasadí v Iráku prvního robota nového typu. Půjde o stroj řízený přes laptop, který je schopen vypálit až tisíc střel za minutu. Armáda se na roboty těší, již nyní využívá jejich předchůdce při odminovávání půdy v Iráku a prohledávání jeskyní v Afganistánu. Až nová řada strojů ale bude muset rozhodovat situace "na život a na smrt". "Právníci mi řekli, že v zákoně nejsou žádná omezení co se týká rozhodnutí život-smrt," uvedl Johnson. "Ale nepustíme roboty do akce, dokud si nebudeme jisti, že v tomto nechybují," dodal Johnson.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Muslims can expect the police to target them, minister says

    MARSHUS --- ---
    FESTER: škoda že jste tu západní demokracii a civilizaci převzali i s nešvarama typu mučení, potlačování svobody projevu a podobně :(
    HVJ3R --- ---
    rekl bych spis naivni amik... ale evropa jde do pici, v podstate do stejnej pici jako usa. podle me.
    FESTER --- ---
    FRANCIMOR: ani bych nerek... celkem to vidim tak i ja...:)
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    FESTER: to musel psat horozne fanatickej amik
    JAXXE --- ---
    Europe wants a black-box speed spy in every car

    Maurice Chittenden

    BLACK box recorders could be installed in all new cars under a European Union ruling.

    The aircraft-style equipment would also act as a tracker, using global positioning satellites to record the location and route of a vehicle and to tell how fast a driver is going and whether seatbelts are being worn.

    Data recovered from the boxes could give investigators important clues on how accidents are caused.

    However, British motoring groups fear the technology could be used by government to introduce a national congestion charge or to keep tabs on people’s movements.


    A European commission spokesman said yesterday: “There is huge potential for the deployment of this technology. Benefits would far outweigh any costs.

    “The motor industry is fully involved in, and supportive of, this initiative.”

    But Edmund King, director of the RAC Foundation, said: “If it is a voluntary system and the black box reduces your insurance premiums, that is fine.

    “But there is a difference between that and a compulsory system imposed by the EU that tracks cars. There would be opposition if it was Big Brother in the car monitoring our every move.”

    He added: “There is already so much technology in car engines that it is possible for accident investigators to work out how fast a car was going and when it started braking.”

    FESTER --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Zionists Nuke Downtown Beirut - Again!

    In a desperate attempt to slow down their forthcoming defeat in Palestine, Jewish Special Forces micro-nuke former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, then instruct western media outlets to falsely blame the atrocity on Syria

    Copyright Joe Vialls, 16 February 2005


    The logic behind this false flag operation is blatantly obvious. The end of the Jewish State in Palestine is fast approaching, with Syria and Lebanon easily the most likely candidates to administer the coup de grâce. Therefore the Jewish State [with America firmly in tow] wants Lebanon and Syria divided, thereby reducing the magnitude of the awesome knockout punch when it is finally delivered. 'Divide and Rule' has always been a popular Zionist game, but it will not work this time. Nonetheless, Washington still feels obliged to play along.
    The United States called the attack "a terrible reminder" that Lebanon still must shake free of occupation by Syria, the neighbour that keeps 15,000 troops in Lebanon and influences virtually all key political decisions. A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was too early in the investigation to know who was responsible, but said any list of suspects "would have to include the Syrians and their surrogates in Lebanon."
    Now let us look at exactly what happened. The powerfully armed motorcade of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri was no match for the micro nuke that erupted from below Beirut's gleaming Corniche. The blast was so huge that it blew out windows more than one kilometer away, and ripped apart the Mercedes motorcade vehicles like toys. Young men clawed at debris to help rescue workers reach bodies trapped underneath.
    "Everything around us collapsed," a Syrian worker at the site said. "It was as if an earthquake hit the area." Facades were ripped from luxury buildings and cars set ablaze on streets carpeted with rubble and broken glass. Officials confirmed 15 dead [in the motorcade] and at least 100 injured. So advanced was the bomb, security sources said, that it defeated jamming equipment so hi-tech that Hariri's passing motorcade would interfere with cell phones and televisions.


    Ground Zero in Beirut after micro-nuke detonation on Monday. Crater diameter is 32 feet, and judging by the angle of its exposed sides, has a total depth of between 12 and 14 feet. The flat light grey matter in the center of the crater is actually flotsam floating on seawater.


    Characteristic white mushroom cloud rises above Beirut, marking the nuclear murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and thirteen of his associates.


    "The bomb was placed underground, especially (since) the crater was so huge," said Hisham Jaber, a retired brigadier general and former professor at the Lebanese Military and Staff Command College. "Even a car with 1,000 kilograms (2,200 pounds) of TNT wouldn't create such a crater."

    Jaber, who inspected the assassination site but is not part of the investigation, said a suicide attack was the least likely cause of the explosion. He noted the crater was near the middle of the road, indicating the bomb was likely placed under the street and not in a parked car.
    Suspicion that the bomb was under the street increased Friday when the chief military investigator demanded that police investigate recent road works in the area.
    Jaber said that although Hariri's motorcade had equipment to jam electronic transmissions, the device could have been circumvented by a wire-triggered bomb or a counter-device placed in a nearby vehicle.





    Australia in a massive cover up to protect Jews and save Israel

    From Fredrick Töben
    19 February 2005

    In view of today's news report that 10 persons carrying Australian Passports left Beirut airport soon after the massive bomb killed former Prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri, and upon arrival in Sydney were sniffed at by dogs who smelled something, but were released - thereby deflecting from an immediate conclusion they were Mossad agents involved in the detonation of the Beirut bomb

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bratislavský summit USA-Rusko měl i českou "účast". Slovenská policie zatkla dva Čechy, kteří pálili americkou vlajku během projevu George Bushe v centru metropole. U jednoho našla i marihuanu. Zadržení strávili noc na policejní stanici. Úřady je ze Slovenska na 10 let vyhostily.


    Bratislava: Bush za 22 minut řekl 31krát svoboda

    Statistici spočítali frekvenční slovník amerického prezidenta George W. Bushe během jeho čtvrtečního projevu k Bratislavanům na Hviezdoslavově náměstí. Nejčastěji, jak tvrdí páteční vydání bulvárního deníku Nový čas, padlo slovo svoboda, a to celkem jednatřicetkrát. Řeč trvala dvaadvacet minut.

    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 is an Expression of a Deep and Abiding Crisis in the Capitalist World Order:

    9/11 a CIA- MOSSAD False Flag Operation

    by Ralph Schoenman

    video: http://sandiego.indymedia.org/media/2004/04/103866.mov
    JAXXE --- ---
    The truth is out there

    Sachin Rao

    Mumbai, February 26: EVERYBODY loves a good conspiracy theory—just ask Dan Brown. For the most part, it’s for a quick you-gotta-hear-this laugh, before heading off to gawp at some easy masala like Independence Day (where America saves the world) or Armageddon (where America saves the world) or Black Hawk Down (where America saves, uh, nothing).

    The rest of us, though, know that conspiracy theories are, more often than not, the real thing; that life as we see it is simply the mask cloaking the agenda. The Matrix, anyone?

    Consider the 21st century’s Number One conspiracy: Who ‘did’ 9/11? Cold evidence—the twin towers’ demolition-like collapse, the absence of Jews from their WTC offices that day, the strangely intact Saudi passport in the rubble, the delay in scrambling fighter jets from an emergency-response airbase a minute away, the immediate occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan as a response, the current noises against Iran and Syria—seems to point to, not a bunch of jihadis with boxcutters, but US neocons and their Project for a New American Century (PNAC). It’s not empty conjuncture—consider the historical precedent of the CIA’s 1962 Operation Northwoods.

    Declassification of this top-secret Cold War document reveals an American military plan to sink a US warship, engineer terror attacks in Florida, or blow up a planeful of collegians—to falsely implicate Fidel Castro and invade Cuba. See, now ‘weapons of mass destruction’ sounds almost pretty, doesn’t it?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Under The Skin

    WUSA 9 News | February 25 2005

    Comment: This piece is too overwhelmingly sycophantic not to have been paid for by Applied Digital. This video carries a revulsion warning.

    Losing your wallet these days can quickly sink you into the chaotic world of identity theft.

    But what if your credit cards, drivers license, even your medical records were hidden under your skin?

    It's an idea that makes some people's skin crawl!

    Jennifer Ryan shows you why everyone from Alzheimer's patients to secret agents may some day be imbedded with their very own barcode!

    Jennifer Ryan's report

    Just like the barcode on a can of tomatoes, reduced to a number in a fraction of a second and linked to a computer database, people are voluntarily being bar-coded.

    The number is stored within a tiny glass chip that's the size of a grain of rice and surgically implanted just under the skin.

    "A lot of people think this is a tracking device, a GPS. That's not what it's about", says Dr. Albert Lee, an Internist in Bethesda.

    What it is, is a VeriChip, a radio-frequency i.d tag by a company called Applied Digital. The chip is loaded with whatever personal information you choose.

    That can include your Social Security number, insurance, health information or even name and address.

    Exclusive nightclubs in Europe allow patrons to run a bar tab with their credit card number accessed through that chip imbedded in the back of their arm.

    A special reader has to be within a few inches to access your 16 digit number. To access your computer file, a password is needed.

    Its original intent was for medical emergencies. In fact the company is about to give chip readers to 200 Emergency Rooms in America for free.

    But Verichips could someday be implanted in our military with information, like next of kin.

    Top secret government officials could use them to gain access to offices or files, or to anyone required to give i.d verification for financial reasons.

    Humans can be tracked just like your dog or cat. The first id chips were put in pets. Today 70,000 shelters and veterinarians in American can scan a lost or injured animal and find the owner, in seconds.

    In fact, Verichip has yet to land its first domestic account.

    These telecommunications marketers in Virginia hope to be the first if they can convince the Department of Defense to get on board.

    Maybe it's fear of the unknown or a sort-of 'techno-paranoia' about Big Brother or crafty hackers.

    But unlike your fingerprints or iris scan, which once you give you can never get back, a Verichip can be removed and therefore the link is broken.

    So like the 'now-familiar' product barcode, hearings on the hill suggest human barcodes are the future.

    And to think, 30-years ago Maryland lawmakers tried to outlaw the product barcode. Technology forged ahead.

    Today, tomatoes. Tomorrow, you could say, is up in arms.

    Verichip's maker says no one would ever be forced to get a chip; it's by choice.

    In fact, the individual is responsible for entering or deleting whatever information he types into his own file.

    As for hackers? They say there are several security barriers, but no computer system is fool-proof.

    JAXXE --- ---
    must read


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