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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 is an Expression of a Deep and Abiding Crisis in the Capitalist World Order:

    9/11 a CIA- MOSSAD False Flag Operation

    by Ralph Schoenman

    video: http://sandiego.indymedia.org/media/2004/04/103866.mov
    JAXXE --- ---
    The truth is out there

    Sachin Rao

    Mumbai, February 26: EVERYBODY loves a good conspiracy theory—just ask Dan Brown. For the most part, it’s for a quick you-gotta-hear-this laugh, before heading off to gawp at some easy masala like Independence Day (where America saves the world) or Armageddon (where America saves the world) or Black Hawk Down (where America saves, uh, nothing).

    The rest of us, though, know that conspiracy theories are, more often than not, the real thing; that life as we see it is simply the mask cloaking the agenda. The Matrix, anyone?

    Consider the 21st century’s Number One conspiracy: Who ‘did’ 9/11? Cold evidence—the twin towers’ demolition-like collapse, the absence of Jews from their WTC offices that day, the strangely intact Saudi passport in the rubble, the delay in scrambling fighter jets from an emergency-response airbase a minute away, the immediate occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan as a response, the current noises against Iran and Syria—seems to point to, not a bunch of jihadis with boxcutters, but US neocons and their Project for a New American Century (PNAC). It’s not empty conjuncture—consider the historical precedent of the CIA’s 1962 Operation Northwoods.

    Declassification of this top-secret Cold War document reveals an American military plan to sink a US warship, engineer terror attacks in Florida, or blow up a planeful of collegians—to falsely implicate Fidel Castro and invade Cuba. See, now ‘weapons of mass destruction’ sounds almost pretty, doesn’t it?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Under The Skin

    WUSA 9 News | February 25 2005

    Comment: This piece is too overwhelmingly sycophantic not to have been paid for by Applied Digital. This video carries a revulsion warning.

    Losing your wallet these days can quickly sink you into the chaotic world of identity theft.

    But what if your credit cards, drivers license, even your medical records were hidden under your skin?

    It's an idea that makes some people's skin crawl!

    Jennifer Ryan shows you why everyone from Alzheimer's patients to secret agents may some day be imbedded with their very own barcode!

    Jennifer Ryan's report

    Just like the barcode on a can of tomatoes, reduced to a number in a fraction of a second and linked to a computer database, people are voluntarily being bar-coded.

    The number is stored within a tiny glass chip that's the size of a grain of rice and surgically implanted just under the skin.

    "A lot of people think this is a tracking device, a GPS. That's not what it's about", says Dr. Albert Lee, an Internist in Bethesda.

    What it is, is a VeriChip, a radio-frequency i.d tag by a company called Applied Digital. The chip is loaded with whatever personal information you choose.

    That can include your Social Security number, insurance, health information or even name and address.

    Exclusive nightclubs in Europe allow patrons to run a bar tab with their credit card number accessed through that chip imbedded in the back of their arm.

    A special reader has to be within a few inches to access your 16 digit number. To access your computer file, a password is needed.

    Its original intent was for medical emergencies. In fact the company is about to give chip readers to 200 Emergency Rooms in America for free.

    But Verichips could someday be implanted in our military with information, like next of kin.

    Top secret government officials could use them to gain access to offices or files, or to anyone required to give i.d verification for financial reasons.

    Humans can be tracked just like your dog or cat. The first id chips were put in pets. Today 70,000 shelters and veterinarians in American can scan a lost or injured animal and find the owner, in seconds.

    In fact, Verichip has yet to land its first domestic account.

    These telecommunications marketers in Virginia hope to be the first if they can convince the Department of Defense to get on board.

    Maybe it's fear of the unknown or a sort-of 'techno-paranoia' about Big Brother or crafty hackers.

    But unlike your fingerprints or iris scan, which once you give you can never get back, a Verichip can be removed and therefore the link is broken.

    So like the 'now-familiar' product barcode, hearings on the hill suggest human barcodes are the future.

    And to think, 30-years ago Maryland lawmakers tried to outlaw the product barcode. Technology forged ahead.

    Today, tomatoes. Tomorrow, you could say, is up in arms.

    Verichip's maker says no one would ever be forced to get a chip; it's by choice.

    In fact, the individual is responsible for entering or deleting whatever information he types into his own file.

    As for hackers? They say there are several security barriers, but no computer system is fool-proof.

    JAXXE --- ---
    must read


    JAXXE --- ---
    VIDEO: CNN reported no plane hit Pentagon

    Check out this shockwave video file of a clip from CNN coverage on the morning of 9/11. CNN reporter Jamie McIntyre says he inspected the Pentagon site and it is obvious no plane crashed there.

    Transcript by Total911.info:

    JAMIE MCINTYRE: From my close-up inspection, there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon.

    The only site, is the actual side of the building that's crashed in. And as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon and then caused the side to collapse.

    Even though if you look at the pictures of the Pentagon you see that the floors have all collapsed, that didn't happenm immediately. It wasn't until almost about 45 minutes later that the structure was weakened enough that all of the floors collapsed.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Images from Iraq combined with audio clips of Dubya's pre-war 'intelligence' make a powerful case for War Crimes Prosecution of the Bush Regime.¨

    FERDA --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian Soldier Held for Planting Bombs in Residential Areas

    Created: 24.02.2005 12:46 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 12:47 MSK, 7 hours 33 minutes ago


    A soldier of the Russian Interior Ministry’s Internal Troops has been detained in Chelyabinsk, central Russia, on suspicion of planting bombs in apartment blocks, RIA-Novosti news agency reported citing Chelyabinsk police authorities.

    The police said that homemade bombs were found in the entrance to an apartment block in Chelyabinsk in November 2004 and January 2005.

    “Yesterday, criminal investigation officers from the city’s police detained a chief special communications technician from a unit of the Russian Internal Troops on suspicion of committing a crime,” the source said. He added that an investigation is in progress.

    A homemade bomb consisting of a metal container with 2 kg of a TNT mixture, smoke powder and aluminium powder, as well as a homemade detonator, two batteries and electrical wires was found by the front door of a 10-storey apartment block in Chelyabinsk on Jan. 5. The building’s residents were evacuated while the bomb was defused.


    The Hegelian Dialectic in History: Russian FSB caught blowing up buildings

    JAXXE --- ---
    Cash under threat from RFID payments

    VNU Net | February 23 2005

    Cash is increasingly coming under threat from Radio Frequency ID contactless payment systems that require a user only to wave a small object such as a credit card, key ring or mobile phone near a reader terminal.

    According to ABI Research, the coming year will see a sharp increase in the number of contactless payment opportunities for consumers.

    "As consumers continue to use card-based transactions for smaller, traditionally cash-based purchases, contactless payment capabilities make more sense, especially for card issuers looking to increase customer loyalty and convenience," said Erik Michielsen, director of RFID and ubiquitous wireless research at ABI Research.

    The analyst firm's report noted that previous generations of contactless payments were limited to closed-loop systems not tied to financial services networks. In contrast it expects 2005 to be "a year of transition".

    JAXXE --- ---

    U.N. to control use of Internet?

    Developing countries want global body to govern cyberspace

    Posted: February 22, 2005
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

    Leaders of a U.N. Internet panel yesterday said they hope to set up a global system where cyberspace would be under the control of the United Nations.

    The committee, which was set up in December 2003, is laying the groundwork for the U.N.-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society where a final decision on the control of the Net will be determined, stated a Reuters report. The summit will take place in Tunis in November.

    The panel is considering such problems as cyber-crime and e-mail spam.

    ICANN, the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, currently is the most recognizable Internet governing body, but developing countries want a U.N. agency, such as the International Telecommunication Union, to have control over domain names and other issues.

    JAXXE --- ---

    An unidentified man tears down a poster asking 'Where are the weapons of mass destruction?' on a billboard in central Bratislava on February 23, 2005.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Surveillance Hell in Los Angeles :.

    Spotting suspects without ever leaving the station has become a reality for the Los Angeles Police Department.

    New technology is helping officers make more arrests with less manpower.

    “The software will actually bring the number of suspects down from several thousand to just a few,” said Steven Safari, vice president for sales for Neven Vision, a California-based company that specializes in comprehensive facial biometric analysis technology.

    With cameras placed in parks and on city streets, Los Angeles police identify what may be suspicious activity and zoom in on the faces of the people involved.

    Officers on the beat get to use handheld personal digital assistants with cameras that can access a complete set of mug shots. Police are able to take a picture of anybody on the street and then can match up the digital photograph to the faces in a database of gang and felony suspects.

    “We're going to be able to identify who's wanted, not wanted, we’ll be able to eliminate people that are possibly wanted, identify gang members that weren't being able to be identified before,” said Matt Zeigler, an L.A. police officer.

    posted by Kevin F at 6:22 PM

    JAXXE --- ---
    Well, now, isn't that quaint, both of the Bush administration's top-guns in the intelligence field, CIA-Director Porter Goss and the new Intelligence Czar John Negroponte are both members of the Fence Club aka Psi Upsilon at Yale. Psi Upsilon was formed as a pact between seven students at Union College in 1833:"We, the undersigned, having determined to form a secret society, and having some conversation on the subject, do now and hereby pledge our sacred honors that we will keep all that has been done and said a most profound secret''

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hunter S. Thompson thought 9/11 an inside job

    JAXXE --- ---
    Human Tracking: Big Brother Goes Mainstream :.

    Once viewed as a futuristic nightmare, human tracking is now affordable and available without restriction. For $200 plus a monthly service fee of $20, anyone can purchase an electronic device that puts George Orwell's 1984 surveillance technology to shame. They're marketed as "kid-tracking" devices, though some ads also mention pets and senior citizens. In vivid shades of doublespeak, one company offers service plans named "Liberty, Independence, and Freedom," but surveillance and control are their purpose.

    At the very least, human-tracking devices will alter relationships between some parents and children, husbands and wives, employers and employees more dramatically than any other product emerging from the information revolution. Ultimately, they offer a new form of human slavery based on location control. They pose the greatest threat to personal freedom ever faced in human history.

    Whatever legitimate uses there may be - to safeguard a child or incapacitated adult, for example - abuses will occur. Even full-blown geoslavery is inevitable: the uncertainty is how many people will suffer from it - hundreds, thousands or millions.

    Copyright © 2005 North Jersey Media Group Inc.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Gannon paymaster key 9/11 Pentagon 'witness'

    Now, this is rich. One of the most vivid "eyewitnesses" for the official storyline that American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon is none other than Bobby Eberle, the founder of GOPUSA and Talon News; the man who paid to put Jeff Gannon in the White House.

    JAXXE --- ---
    In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger asks why so much western journalism looks at the world through a one-way moral mirror, and discovers that at the root of this censorship by omission is a more subtle attack on our collective memory. :


    JAXXE --- ---
    Flirting with Armageddon: welcome to a new arms race

    JAXXE --- ---
    WTC Cutter Charges Clearly Visible


    Madrid fire heats up 9-11 debate

    JAXXE --- ---
    Pálení symbolů nic neřeší

    Franco Frattini, evropský komisař pro spravedlnost a vnitřní záležitosti, navrhl celoevropský zákaz nacistických symbolů. Skupina poslanců Evropského parlamentu jej hodlá rozšířit o komunistické symboly. Velmi evropské řešení: vyskytne-li se problém, zakážeme jeho příznaky. Problém islámského radikalismu "řeší" zákaz závojů ve veřejných budovách. Problém radikálního nacionalismu zákaz hákového kříže a tak dále. Co to ale vlastně je fašistický symbol? Jistý pražský krejčí indického původu má svastikou ozdobenu objednávkovou knihu. Pro štěstí. V jeho kulturní oblasti nemá tento symbol hrůzný význam jako v Evropě. Státní znak Francouzské republiky obsahuje fasces, svazek prutů se sekerou. Tento starořímský, původně etruský symbol, přijali Francouzi za svůj dávno před Mussolinim. Měli by jej teď měnit? A co Rakušané, jejichž státní znak obsahuje srp a kladivo? Existují přitom jiné symboly, které nikdo zakázat nehodlá. Naopak, řada evropských politických stran se jimi doslova holedbá. A jde o více než jen o symboly.V první řadě se jedná o socialismus a sociální stát. Lidé již zapomněli, že slovo nacismus je zkratkou pro nacionální socialismus, s důrazem na podstatné jméno. Hitler sám nenechával nikoho na pochybách: "Jsme socialisté, jsme nepřátelé dnešního kapitalistického ekonomického systému kvůli vykořisťování sociálně slabých, kvůli nespravedlivým mzdám, a protože kapitalismus hodnotí lidské bytosti podle bohatství a majetku namísto zodpovědnosti a výkonnosti. Jsme rozhodnuti bezpodmínečně zničit tento systém," hřímal na prvomájovém projevu v roce 1927. O dvanáct let později se vychloubal, že "nacionálně socialistické Německo vytvořilo novou ekonomickou doktrínu, která pohlíží na ekonomiku jako na služku pracujícího lidu". Termín radikální pravice zní v tomto kontextu hodně fantasticky. V jedné propagační příručce napsal ministr propagandy Goebbels: "Jsme socialisté, protože vidíme sociální otázku jako záležitost potřebnosti a spravedlnosti z hlediska samotné existence lidového státu - nikoli jako otázku laciného soucitu nebo vtíravé sentimentality. Zaměstnanec má nárok na životní standard, který odpovídá jeho práci. Nemáme v úmyslu o tato práva prosit. Zahrnout dělníka do státního organismu není kriticky důležité pouze pro něho, nýbrž pro celý národ. Jde o víc než jen o osmihodinový pracovní den. Jde o formování nového státního povědomí, což zahrnuje každého produktivního občana."
    V projevech mnoha dnešních demokratických státníků zaznívají podobné motivy: právo na spravedlivou mzdu, kritika konzumní společnosti, sociální koheze, a tak dále. Politici často užívají "nacistickou" rétoriku, aniž si to uvědomují. Například Tony Blair a jeho proslavená Třetí cesta, což je termín z fašistické Itálie. Je to také symbol, který by měl být zakázán? Z Mussoliniho Itálie pochází také tripartita, společné jednání zástupců státu, odborů a podniků. Ovšem ve fašistické Itálii vláda poroučela, zatímco odbory a zaměstnavatelé poslouchali. V mnoha dnešních evropských zemích poroučejí odborové svazy (italsky fasci, čtěte faši); vlády a zaměstnavatelé poslouchají. "Hitler anticipoval moderní hospodářskou politiku," napsal v roce 1973 levicový ekonom John Kenneth Galbraith. Tato politika je typická nejen vysokou mírou zdanění, vysokou mírou státní regulace a důrazem na pečovatelský stát. Hlavním rozdílem mezi fašismem a liberální společností je postavení a role vlády. V liberální ekonomice náleží vládě péče o bezpečnost, spravedlnost a několik dalších funkcí, které nejsou pro trh atraktivní. Politika slouží ekonomice, zájmy jednotlivců mají přednost před zájmy státu. Ve fašistické ekonomice jsou podniky a jednotlivci nástroji v rukou vlády, která jejich prostřednictvím uskutečňuje své cíle. Ekonomika slouží politice, přesněji politikům. Zájmy státu mají přednost před zájmy jednotlivců. Fašisté velmi rádi operují pojmy jako veřejný zájem či služba veřejnosti. Nikdo nepodezírá demokratické politiky, že chtějí zavést totalitní režim. I většina dalších atributů fašistické ekonomiky (administrativní určování cen, dozor nad zahraničním obchodem, kontrola nad centrálními bankami) již patří minulosti. Myšlenka, že stát má pečovat o občany a regulovat podnikání, je však houževnatá. Kdyby evropské protifašistické tažení mířilo na podstatu věci, šlo by bezpochyby o historickou událost. Zřejmě však zůstane jen u symbolů. Umí si snad někdo představit, že role státu v moderních evropských ekonomikách výrazně a trvale poklesne?

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam