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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    ANGLAN --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    bulhi: imho takovy "okurkovy" clanek s nulovou informacni hodnotou a hodne nepresnostma, treba co se historie templaru a zednaru tyce... tam nejak neni na co reagovat, takze doufam, ze se to v chat nezvrhne... to mi spis prijde zajimavejsi tenhle starsi kousek ;)

    BULHI --- ---
    mam tady jeden clanek, o kterym jsem dlouho premejslel, jestli ho sem dat, abych tady neznicil moralku uplne... nerad bych, aby se tady z toho stal moji vinou chat :-) no nakonec jsem se rozhodl vas o nej neochudit...

    Kdo řídí svět - tyden.cz
    REDGUY --- ---
    SUPAFLY: To ze po jadernem vybuchu Pl239 nezustava meritelne zareni je natolik bizarni tvrzeni, ze bych opravdu rad kdys ho nejak rozvedl a dokazal. Nicmene, proc tam tedy misto s detektory radiace nenabehli s detektory plutonia a procpak toho nejsou plne noviny? Jo, ja zapomel, konspirace svetovych medii 8)))))
    No a konecne, odkud se vzali tve zkusenosti s hodnocenim toho jak vypada popaleni zarem bezneho vybuchu a jak popaleni svetlem z "micronuke"?
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    no jen tak nakonec - mikronuklearni zarizeni se vyrabi z plutonia 239, ktere vyzaruje jen alfa a beta zareni, ktere nepronika kuzi a je obtizne detekovatelne beznymi geiger-mullerovymi trubicemi, ktere jsou citlive na zareni gama. tudiz dobre meritelna radiace nezustava - ba naopak na radiacnim pozadi mesta je tezko zachytitelny vybuch mikronuklearni munice. hlavni nebezpeci po vybuchu tkvi v tom, ze plutonium je velice jedovata latka - hrozi vdechnuti rozptylenych castic. no samozrejme nevim jak to v bejrutu bylo, ale kuprikladu na bali byli lidi popaleni evidentne svetelnym zarenim - bylo to videt na fotkach zranenych - vypadali, jako by byli moc dlouho na slunci - popaleni z pozaru po vybuchu trhaviny vypada jinak.
    BULHI --- ---
    REDGUY: no to me taky napadlo, ale uz jsem to nechtel vic rozpitvavat :-) .. myslim ze bude lepsi tohle tema uzavrit, stejnak vime prd :-)
    REDGUY --- ---
    Arrg. To skutecne zadneho z pritomnych nenapadlo, ze po nejake "micronuke" by musela zustat velmi dobre meritelna radiace?
    A supafly, pro tvoji informaci, 200 kilo (cili dva velke batohy) trhaviny lze pod silnici dostat i jinak nez tak ze je tam zakopes...
    BULHI --- ---
    SUPAFLY: no prave ze na tom obrazku zadnej hrib neni, navic zakopat kufr s atomovkou nebo par bedem s vybusninou, to uz je jedno... psali tam o tom, ze na tom miste probehly nejaky prace na silnici, cili se tam kopalo stejne... proste si myslim, ze je to hovadina, ale je to jen muj nazor.... ovsem chtel jsem se o nej podelit, nektery veci tady jsou proste prilis pritazeny za vlasy...
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    bulhi: no nevim, jak chces zakopavat 200kilo trhaviny nenapadne pod silnici. ta tvoje fotka imho potvrzuje tvrzeni ze v bejrutu to byla micronuke - ten tvuj hrib je o dost mensi a neni tak pekne "vyrysovany" jako na tech ostatnich fotkach. navic zakopana bomba vyhodi do luftu kupu zeminy a ten kour z vybuchu se tim rozptyli a zustane spis pri zemi. bomba v aute zase nikdy neudela krater. podle me je ta micronuke docela dost dobre mozna - malinka, spolehlive znici cil a psi ji nevycmuchaji :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli Nuclear Terrorism


    The State of Israel is the 4th largest military power in the world. The State is believed to possess the largest and most sophisticated nuclear arsenal outside of the 5 declared nuclear powers- the USA, Russia, France, China and the UK. A nuclear reactor and plutonium production facility was built by France back in the late 1950's and early 60's in the southern desert of Israel called the Negev Nuclear Research Centre, or simply "Dimona".

    Since that time, the state has subsequently developed an extensive array of tactical nuclear weapons, nuclear artillery shells and nuclear-tipped medium range ballistic missiles (the Jericho 1 and 2). Arsenal estimates range in the order of between 2000-5000 warheads- many of them FIRST STRIKE weapons, most of them nuetron bombs, designed to maximize human kill ratio and minimize physical damage, since Israel is such a small nation.

    The United States provides the State of Israel with an annual US$4 billion in financial and military aid- by far the largest recipient of US foreign aid of any country in the world.
    Extensive nuclear and military collaboration has occured between the two nations since Israel's birth as a nation in 1948.

    The race to develop the world's first atomic bomb began at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the USA in the 1940's. J. Robert Oppenheimer, who headed the Project, succeeded in developing the world's first atomic bomb with the 'Trinity' blast in New Mexico at that time. Edward Teller soon afterward developed the Hydrogen bomb, followed by Sam Cohen who, in years following, invented the Nuetron Bomb. All 3 were Jewish. Connect the dots and you have the nuclear founded and bred nation of Israel - the ties couldn't be stronger.

    Israel is now the only state in the world with nuclear weapons that does not admit to having such weapons. It has consistently refused to allow international inspection of its arsenal and facilities and is among the very few states in the world that have refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    The country is today probably the MOST dangerous and MOST lethal "rogue" nation on Earth- a "trip-wire" that could most likely trigger or ignite a nuclear World War 3 in the Middle East and throughout the world,
    particularily in light of the current tensions between Palestine and the surrounding Arab nations in the immediate region.

    Nuclear disarmament must begin with Israel. Until that time, Arab states in the region have an inalienable "right" and "obligation" to develop similiar weapons (of mass destruction) to counter this overwhelming threat to their nations and peoples. The escalation of this particular conflict WILL end in disaster for all parties if it is not mitigated soon and is instead allowed to evolve further, recognizing the sacred land and religious dimensions that so implicitly define this specific conflict and area of the world.

    1. US Nuclear Terrorism
    Website: http://www.geocities.com/pacificwhores
    2. Colorado FIRST STRIKE Project
    Website: http://www.geocities.com/alphacentauri774/home.html
    3. International Jewish Terrorism
    Website: http://www.geocities.com/shekinah7979
    4. International Jewish Empire
    Website: http://ijem.20m.com
    5. Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program
    Website: http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Israel
    6. Ariel Sharon: Israel's Jewish Hitler
    7. Center for Non-Proliferation Studies
    460 Pierce St., Monterey, California 93940 USA
    Website: http://cns.miis.edu/
    8. Federation of American Scientists
    1717 'K' St- NW- #209, Washington, DC 20036 USA
    Website: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke
    9. **Book- "Dimona- the Third Temple"
    by Mark Gaffney
    10. US Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu
    P.O. Box 43384, Tuscon, Arizona 85733 USA
    Website: http://www.nonviolence.org/vanunu
    11. Janes Intellegence Review
    Sentinel House, 163 Brighton Rd, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2YH
    United Kingdom
    Website: http://www.janes.com/
    12. **Book- "Open Secrets: Israel's Nuclear and Foreign Policies"
    by Israel Shahak
    Website: http://www.radioislam.com/
    13. **Book- "The Sampson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and US Foreign Policy"
    by Seymour Hersch
    14. **Book- "Dangerous Liason: The Inside Story of US-Israeli Covert
    by Alexander and Leslie Cockburn
    15. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
    6042 South Kimbark, Chicago, Illinois 60637 USA
    Website: http://www.thebulletin.org/
    16. Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NPRI)
    Attn: Helen Caldicott
    1925 'K' St- NW, Suite 210, Washington, DC 20006 USA
    Website: http://www.nuclearpolicy.org/
    17. Jonas the Prophet/Israel's Prophet of Doom
    Website: http://www.geocities.com/holysmokes777
    18. **Book- "Israel and the Bomb"
    by Avner Cohen

    BULHI --- ---
    tak tady jeden ukazkovej, je to vybuch munice, viz odkaz...

    BULHI --- ---
    JAXXE: no ja na to taky nejsem zadnej odbornik, ale ten clanek vypada, jako ze tam autor tu atomovku pridal jen proto, aby z obycejnyho tvrzeni, ze ten atentat spachala izraelska tajna sluzba (proti tomu nic nemam, to muze bejt klidne mozny), udelal poradnou jobovku... mam hned nekolik duvodu, proc si myslim, ze je to ptakovina

    1. na tom obrazku zadnej hrib neni, je to jen kour po pozaru, kterej se samozrejme postupne rozptyluje do jakyhosi oblaku, ale to neni nic divnyho
    2. i kdyby tam nekdo hrib videl, tak tenhle typ oblaku vznika po vybuchu casto, nevim presne proc, nejakej fyzik by nam to mohl vysvetlit, ale v zasade je to kvuli teplymu vzduchu stoupajicimu vzhuru, kterej unasi ten kour a prach.. zkusim najit nejakej obrazek vybuchu bezny letecky pumy, kde by to bylo hezky videt.... jaderny zbrane jsou tim proslaveny proto, ze extremni teplota v epicentru ten hrib udela samozrejme obrovskej a takovej jakoby "vyrysovanej", proste hezci :-)
    3. ten krater neni nijak velkej, srovnej to s horicim autem, ktery stoji za nim.. takovouhle diru udela podle me 200 kilo vybusniny uplne v pohode, obzvlast pokud byla kousek pod zemi... nemuselo to bejt tnt, ale klidne neco silnejsiho... to taky v podstate jen odhaduju, ale videl jsem kratery po ruznecjh delostreleckech granatech a bombach, takze to mam s cim srovnat...
    4. no a posledni duvod tak nejak souvisi s tim predchozim - proc by pouzivali atomovku, kdyz muzou to samy udelat i konvencni vybusninou, ktera se da sehnat i primo na miste, zatimco pasovat jadernou zbran, to je fakt prilis...

    a jeste neco - chapu, ze to sem pastujes jak jsi to nasel, ja timhle kritizuju cloveka, kterej neco takovyho vubec vypusti do sveta, tedy autora...
    JAXXE --- ---
    bulhi: jak jsem koupil, tak prodavam ;) nejsem expert na atomove zbrane...

    ale imho je z fotek jasne, ze slo o hodne mohutnou explozi, ze bomba nebyla v zaparkovanem aute ale pod cestou a ze ten kdo ji tam dal, nebyl jen tak nejaky obycejny terorista. udajne by na to nestacila ani tuna TNT. podobne silna exploze byla treba na Bali, v Oklahoma city a Vialls tvrdi ze mossad/cia na takovehle akce pouziva mininukes vyrobene v izraelske dimone, o kterych bohuzel cely svet ma minimum informaci...


    http://www.vialls.com/ ctrl+f nuke

    ja sam nevim co si o viallsovi myslet, nekdy mi prijde az podezrele jake informace ma ;)
    kazdy clanek je v podstate hodne kontroverzni

    fotka vybuchu na bali:

    These facts seem to indicate that a small nuclear device was used. How else do you get a crater five-foot-deep and 13 feet wide, 47 buildings destroyed, over a hundred cars destroyed, skin falling off the bones, and such a high death toll? How small of a device would make this type of explosion, and who has the capability to get their hands on such a weapon? From the Brookings Institute, we get some very interesting pictures that give us a lot of detail. This information was provided courtesy of the National Resources Defense Council.

    Notice that this device weighs only 163 pounds as of 1988, fully 14 years ago. It was capable of producing a blast of 0.01, or 0.02-1 kiloton and was operationally deployed between 1964 and 1988. These inclusive dates sound as if this particular device was discontinued in 1988, undoubtedly because it was superseded by other, more compact, and possibly more devastating weapons. These weapons were planned to be used primarily as land mines to slow down the approach of enemy troops; on other words, they were planned to be buried before detonation!

    As we quoted toward the beginning of this article, no Arab terrorist group -- including Al Qaeda -- is known to have possession of such weaponry. The list of countries who have this weaponry are: the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Israel, and maybe China!

    vybuch v jakarte:

    micro nuke

    vubuch micro nuke v nevade

    KERRAY --- ---
    KASUMI --- --- 0.12:58 5.3.2005
    Co ma spolecneho Hirosima, Nagasaki a Teheran?

    Zatim nic..
    BULHI --- ---
    JAXXE --- --- 17.30:31 27.2.2005
    Zionists Nuke Downtown Beirut - Again!
    sice uz je to tejden stary, ale nemuzu nereagovat, protoze takovouhle kravinu jsem uz dlouho nevidel.... ten obrazek s popiskem "Characteristic white mushroom cloud rises above Beirut..." - to je fakt moc .... tohle muze vyplodit jen clovek, kterej si mysli, ze jsou vsichni totalni idioti... a nejhorsi je, ze spoustu lidi skutecne takovou chujovinu sezere
    JAXXE --- ---
    Now we know where Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas) thinks the weapons of mass destruction are buried: in Syria, which he said he'd like to nuke to smithereens.

    Speaking at a veterans' celebration at Suncreek United Methodist Church in Allen, Texas, on Feb. 19, Johnson told the crowd that he explained his theory to President Bush and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) on the porch of the White House one night. Johnson said he told the president that night, "Syria is the problem. Syria is where those weapons of mass destruction are, in my view. You know, I can fly an F-15, put two nukes on 'em and I'll make one pass. We won't have to worry about Syria anymore."

    The crowd roared with applause.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Will Europe Bring Chaos to the World Order by Dethroning America?

    William R. Hawkins
    Wednesday, March 02, 2005

    In his new book The United States of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy, Washington Post reporter T. R. Reid offers a “warning” about a “geopolitical revolution of historic dimensions.” The European Union will become a “second Superpower” that sees itself not as the ally of the United States, but as its competitor in creating a new world order. This new order will be based on the utopian aspirations of 19th century liberalism: economic integration, disarmament, and world government, with a hefty dose of democratic socialism in the form of a comprehensive welfare system and corporate statism.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Russia Moved Iraqi WMD

    Moscow Moved Weapons to Syria and Lebanon

    ANGLAN --- ---
    33 Things You Should Know About the Middle East and America

    Why is it that the “demonstrators” in Beirut, Lebanon, had all their signs in English?
    And all identical matching flags, like they had all come out of the same box?

    JAXXE --- ---

    1.) September 2000: Syria named as a US target, as was Iraq, Iran, North Korea and China by the neocon Project for the New American Century.

    2.) January 2001: Neocons behind that report, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz, come to power with their puppet, George W. Bush.

    3.) September 2001: The neocon report a year earlier said that its blueprint for conquest would be slow 'absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a New Pearl Harbour'. Now came what Bush called 'Our Pearl Harbour' -- the 9/11 attacks used as an excuse for the 'war on terror', starting with the invasion of Afghanistan.

    4.) January 2002: Bush neocon speech writer David Frum coins phrase the 'Axis of Evil' for Iraq, Iran and North Korea, which Bush delivers in the State of the Union address.

    5.) March 2003: Invasion of Iraq using the lie about weapons of mass destruction.

    6.) January 2005: Bush re-inaugurated and immediately the administration rhetoric targets Syria and Iran.

    7.) February 2005: Former Lebanese prime minister, Rafik Hariri, is killed by a car bomb and the United States and Israel blame Syria while producing (as with Iraq) no evidence.

    8.) February 2005: Five killed in Tel Aviv suicide bomb and Israel insists (again with no evidence) that Syria was behind it. Why would Syria, knowing they were such a target for the Bush lunatics, give them the ammunition at precisely the right time to support their claims about a Syrian threat? Answer: They didn't.

    The next steps are sure to follow very soon ...


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