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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---


    By James P. Tucker Jr.

    ROTTACH-EGERN, Germany—European Bilderberg hunters have found the hiding place of this secretive cabal at a posh resort in this charming little city 40 miles from Munich. Their annual meeting is May 5-8.

    Bilderberg is gathering at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Ueberfahrt, a five-star conference and business hotel with 188 luxury rooms. It is on a lake and near a golf course—typical Bilderberg requirements. High officials of the U.S. government and possibly a few congressional leaders will participate in three days of secret meetings to plan global policy. Heads of state and other high officials from Europe and Britain will participate, along with world financiers.

    David Rockefeller and his valet, Henry Kissinger, are longtime Bilderberg regulars. Donald Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, and associate editor Jimmy Lee Hoagland regularly attend, upon their promise to report

    The New York Times, LA Times and all major networks—ABC, CBS and NBC—have participated. All participants are sworn to secrecy. Bilderberg denies its existence, and all the resorts at which they hold their meetings require their employees to lie and deny they are present.

    Three times the Dorint told AFP they were fully booked—but that Bilderberg was not there. All but Bilderberg participants and their staffs, wives or, in some cases, someone else’s wife, will be required to leave. The hotel staff will be warned to reveal nothing of what they see and hear.

    Armed guards will patrol not only the main entrance but the perimeters.

    Exposing Bilderberg meetings has provided advance warning—months ahead of the mainstream media—of U.S. wars, tax increases, and the downfall of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of Britain, among other exclusives.

    JAXXE --- ---
    'Mossad: US Must Invade Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran'

    'In his highly disingenuous screed "The Coming Pax Americana," former Mossad chief and propaganda-meister Efraim Halevy makes the case for the US, as a proxy of Israel, of course, to invade not only Iran, but also Syria and Saudi Arabia, once again under the guise of "bringing democracy" to the Middle East.'


    In Haaretz, Halevy writes --"In a visit to the United States two weeks ago, I was told by several well-informed observers that should one of the more severe scenarios come to pass, the United States will have no choice but to deepen its presence in the Middle East.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The Israeli Massacre At Luxor

    JAXXE --- ---

    BBC's 'Doctor Who' Show Parodies 9/11 Inside Job

    In what was a blatant tip of the hat to 9/11 conspiracy pop culture, BBC's new Doctor Who series featured a plot which mirrored every aspect brought forth by those who contend that the September 11 attack was an inside job.

    In the recent episode 'Aliens of London,' a spaceship crashes into Big Ben in a sequence eerily similar to the events of 9/11.

    Watch the trailer here.

    While London is put under martial law, it turns out that the purpotrators of the attack is the government itself, having been infiltrated at the highest levels (by aliens).

    They then use the staged attack to launch a war on another planet under the pretext that they can attack earth with weapons of mass destruction in under 45 seconds (mirroring Blair's infamous 45 minutes Iraq lie). It turns out that the hidden agenda is to grab the planet's fuel.

    The Prime Minister even goes AWOL and is criticized for his lack of action (as with Bush in the elementary school on 9/11).

    Immediately after the Big Ben crash, an alien pig-like body is recovered from the Thames river. This race then gets blamed for the attack while the real purpotrators organize behind the scenes.
    This is symbolic of Muslim hijackers being used as the patsies on 9/11.

    The episode even enlisted the services of real BBC news readers to create mock news reports for the show. Click
    and here
    to watch them. There is also a mock US news report. Click here
    to watch that.

    The BBC's episode guide page is here.

    Many of our readers will remember the
    Gunmen pilot episode
    , which carried the plot where a secret
    group within the government attempt to hijack a commercial airliner and
    fly it into the World Trade Center. This was made in late 2000 and broadcast
    in early 2001.

    Jones interviewed Dean Haglund
    , one of the stars of the show
    back in December. Haglund said that by the time the X-files was coming to
    an end, the producer Chris Carter (who also produced 'Gunmen') was being
    approached by government agencies and NASA with script ideas.

    Was this a forewarning from the inside
    that 9/11 was about to happen?

    In the case of the Doctor Who episode,
    it's a benchmark of how far we've come. Alternate explanations behind 9/11
    (ie the truth) are so ingrained in the collective unconscious of popular
    culture that entire episodes of major fiction and drama shows are being
    based around them.

    This can only be a good thing as it may
    spur people to look deeper.

    Let's just hope that, unlike the Lone
    Gunmen episode, the Doctor Who show doesn't come true and Big Ben remains

    JAXXE --- ---
    From "Rogue States" to "Unstable Nations": America's New National Security Doctrine

    by Michel Chossudovsky

    JAXXE --- ---

    ANGLAN --- ---
    New York Times Minimizes Palestinian Deaths
    we found that in 2004, at a time when 8 Israeli children and 176 Palestinian children were killed – a ratio of 1 to 22 – Times headlines and lead paragraphs reported on Israeli children’s deaths at a rate almost seven times greater than Palestinian children’s deaths.

    JAXXE --- ---
    SEATTLE--In a move that could rankle privacy advocates, Microsoft said Monday that it is adding the PC equivalent of a flight data recorder to the next version of Windows, in an effort to better understand and prevent computer crashes.

    The tool will build on the existing Watson error-reporting tool in Windows but will provide Microsoft with much deeper information, including what programs were running at the time of the error and even the contents of documents that were being created. Businesses will also choose whether they want their own technology managers to receive such data when an employee's machine crashes.

    JDEE --- ---
    Gorg:Nemyslim si, ze cim hure tim lepe...Dominance jedne pseudokultury(USA) mi prijde jako vazna vada na krase vznikajici globalni spolecnosti.
    Globalni spolecnost je pro me globalni trh bez zbytecnych regulaci,cel apod. nikoliv celosvetova vlada navic pod taktovkou USA.
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    jo jo pro budoucnost planety je v sjednoceni a globalni spolecnost bude mit takovou kulturu kterou si vytvori. prolinani vsech kultur je soucast procesu a uz to doslo tak daleko ze kdyz potkam japonce,nebo brazilce tak tam zas tak velkej kulturni rozdil nepocituju.treba pred sto lety by to bylo znat mnohem vic

    GORG --- ---
    koukam na to tak ze cim hur tim lip. a takz jsem tedy optimista :) jestli je tohle soucast konce kalijugy doby temna ve vedach pak to dava smysl
    budoucnost se asi predpovidat da ale asi jsou to jen ruzny miry pravdepodobnosti.

    jinak je globalni spolecnost docela hezka myslenka a asi k tomu nutne musime smerovat. NWO je bohuzel o dominace jedny kultury.. a zrovna ty uplne nejvic magorsky.
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    Ja myslim ze i kdyz se NWO podari v pristich letech nastolit,lidi kteri budou u kormidla jednou umrou a prijdou dalsi,kteri budou treba vice open mind...neco jako overmind celeho mraveniste,kterej ovlivnuje kazdeho jednotlivce.Ohromna reka se zene a smete kazdeho kdo chce plavat proti prouduj.....a jsem spise optimistickeho razeni:)
    KERRAY --- ---
    JDEE: Naopak, delat dobro je jedina logicka vec, ale myslim ze te chapu :)
    JDEE --- ---
    KERRAY:Bohuzel se obavam, ze dostupnost internetu jako relativne svobodneho media se bude snizovat. V ramci boje proti terorismu lze mnohe...Navic se obavam, ze pravdepodobnost, ze si Tvuj email poslanec precte nebo na nej dokonce zareaguje(alspon do doby nez budou poslanci umele intaligence :))) je opravdu miziva. To kdo maji opravdu vliv v zadnem pripade internet nepodcenuji
    viz napr.
    neboli nositelem informace neni jen zprava, ale samotna cirkulace zprav, ktera odhaluje existujici skupiny.
    Na lidi, kterym jde o Dobro neverim a uz vubec ne ve spojitosti se svetovou vladou...Delat dobro neni jen tak...
    KERRAY --- ---
    JDEE: Na druhou stranu tu mas internet, ktery imho pro nektere lidi moznost ovlivnit nositele moci radikalne zvysuje. Schvalne rikam pro nektere lidi, protoze je potreba komunikovat na urovni, coz ne kazdy zvlada. Clovek muze treba vytvorit zajimave stranky, na ktere budou reagovat lide, dostanou se do standardnich medii, bude se o nich vedet... Muze napsat inteligentni email nekomu, kdo ma moc, nebo nekomu, kdo ma moc ovlivnit nekoho, kdo ma moc. Atd. Imho ten, kdo se dneska snazi neco delat (treba ovlivnovat moc) tradicnimi prostredky ztraci cas... chce to inovace. Svetova vlada by mohla byt fajn, kdyby se o ni snazili lidi, kterym jde nezistne o "dobro" okoli. Lidem, kteri se o to snazi ted, se neda verit ani slovo, at uz budou delat cokoliv, vzdycky to povede do pekel. Nicmene s tim, jak tecou informace, se oteviraji nove moznosti, ktere ti, kdo se ucastni ve starych systemech nevidi...
    JDEE --- ---
    Nemyslim, ze centralizace moci vede k necemu pozitivnimu.System se stava nestabilnim, moznost ovlivnit nositele moci se snizuje(napr. jiz ted ma obcan CR pomerne daleko ke svym poslancum, od poslancu parlamentu EU je jiz vzdalen temer nekonecne, na svetovou vladu by jiz nevidel vubec).Velke centralizovane celky jsou nepruzne a pomale(zpravy bezi po dlouhych drahach a zasumuji se).
    Tento efekt je snadno videt na statni sprave a nadnarodnich korporacich.
    MATT --- ---
    mraveniste je vlastne "myslici" celek kde nezavisi na konkretnim jedinci (i kdyz s zadnym mravencem sem se nebavil.. ;) ale jde vpodstate o to prezit...

    je otazka jestli WMO je prostredek pro par lidi co si chtej 'privydelat' nebo jim de o to aby mravenci prezili zimu...

    rika se ze "clovek je chytrej, lidi sou blby"... myslis ze by lidem slo rozume domluvit, tak aby to pochopili a uznali? treba ta manipulace je to jedninej zpusob co zname a vime ze 'globalne funguje'... vsude je spousta spekulaci, ale vlastne nevime co 'oni' chtej...

    jako taky se stavim na tvoji stranu, akorat rad veci zpochybnuju a tohle me napadlo... ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    vic je urcite mraveniste, ale to cele stoji a pada na mravencich ;) levici jde o mraveniste, pravici spise o mravence, ale jako metafora na nwo mi to moc nesedi... cos tim chtel rict ?

    ja nezastavam nazor, ze ucel sveti prostredky a proto i kdyby to opravdu nakonec byl pozitivni jev, nemuzu souhlasit s tim jakym zpusobem a za jakou cenu, se nwo snazi nastolit

    a to prave souvisi s tim "soucasnym stavem veci" a uriditelnosti sveta... soucasne problemy sveta jsou casto vyvolavany umele a proti vuli vetsiny mravencu...

    problem = reaction = solution, to je jejich hlavni cesta jakou manipulujou lidmi a dejinami
    MATT --- ---
    co myslite ze je vic, mravenec nebo mraveniste?

    napadlo vas premejslet o NWO jako o pozitivnim jevu? treba je to v soucasnym stavu jedina moznost jak to tady uridit?
    JAXXE --- ---
    From Biometric Scanning to Microchips and the Mark of the Beast?

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