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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Police hunt 'mercenary' terror gang recruited by al-Qa'ida

    By Sophie Goodchild, Severin Carrell and Raymond Whitaker
    Published: 10 July 2005

    Police and intelligence agents areinvestigating the theory that a gang of white "mercenary terrorists" was hired by al-Qa'ida to carry out last week's devastating attacks on London.

    The Independent on Sunday can reveal today that investigations into the bombings of three Tube trains and a bus, which left at least 49 people dead, are focusing on the possibility that criminal gangs were paid to mount the worst atrocities in British history.

    Last night, amid fears of further attacks, police evacuated the centre of Birmingham after receiving intelligence of a threat. A spokesman estimated up to 30,000 people were being cleared from the Broad Street area, packed with clubs, bars and restaurants.

    Among new revelations about the highly sophisticated nature of Thursday's attacks, intelligence officials disclosed that they were examining the prospect that so-called "clean skins" - who could have been Muslims from the Balkans with no previous links to terror groups - were recruited to evade heightened security in the capital.

    The theory was given credence by the fact that the security services had no advance warnings, suggesting that the bombers were not known extremists. Police and intelligence agencies admitted yesterday they were caught off guard.

    The Metropolitan Police's investigation team is analysing hours of CCTV footage from around the targeted train stations and from the bus wreck, as well as checking lock-ups and garages for any clues that may lead them to the bombers. There is growing fear that the cells involved could be about to carry out further attacks. There was also alarm at the sophisticated nature of the explosives.

    Alarm about the terrorists' expertise sharply increased after it emerged yesterday that all three of the Underground bombings took place within seconds of each other.



    Translation: "The witnesses all saw white guys placing the bombs, so we gotta figure out a story by which we can keep the blame on the Arabs."


    London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

    A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.



    Which is a perfect cover for people pretending to be terrorists to plant real bombs instead of fake ones, isn't it?

    Just like on 9-11 when an ongoing NORAD exercise tracking 20 simulated hijacked planes provided cover for four real hijacked planes.

    No working cameras at the airports where the terrorists boarded the 9-11 planes.

    No working cameras on the double-decked bus.

    Advance warning to Odigo.

    Advance warning to Netanyahu.

    Folks, do I have to paint you a picture here?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Britský ministr navrhuje odposlechy v celé Unii

    Zdroj: Foto LN

    LONDÝN 10. července 2005 | 11:55 Britský ministr vnitra Charles Clarke hodlá ve středu navrhnout svým kolegům z Evropské unie plán na zlepšení společného boje proti terorismu. Do společné strategie zahrnul i odposlechy na celém území EU, píše dnešní londýnský nedělník Sunday Express.

    V rámci tohoto opatření by se archivovaly všechny telefonické rozhovory i e-mailové zásilky po dobu od šesti do 12 měsíců, k nimž by v EU docházelo. To by podle ministra mělo usnadnit práci policie při případném pozdějším vyšetřování.

    Clarke rovněž hodlá podle listu na schůzi v Bruselu navrhnout široký přístup bezpečnostních složek EU k různým databázím obsahujícím důvěrné údaje.

    Míní také navrhnout zlepšení ohledně využívání seznamů odcizených zbraní, výbušnin a padělaných dokumentů stejně jako systémů zaměřených na boj proti financování teroristické činnosti. Další návrh se má týkat vypracování společných kritérií na vydávání dokladů totožnosti nové generace a celoevropského řízení záchranných operací.

    "Terorismus je ve své podstatě mezinárodní jev a čím důkladněji bude možné sledovat způsoby, jakým teroristé operují, tím lépe," řekl Clarke nedělníku.

    Ministři vnitra členských zemí EU se mají v Bruselu sejít, aby společně posoudili souvislosti kolem čtvrtečních teroristických atentátů v Londýně, které si vyžádaly nejméně 50 lidských životů.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Hello David,

    With regards to the London Bombing on the obvious date of 7/7/2005 [numerologically 777] and all the other signs that point to it being an Illuminati job which you have reported on your website and has been also noticed by your readers on the Icke Forum. My sister sent me a map of the bombings and when you draw a line at each bomb position there is a pyramid, she has marked the lines in green pen and wrote on the map but you do get the idea. She got this map from the Daily Record.

    Yours faithfully


    P.S. Isn't it a coincidence that the point of the 'pyramid' just happens to be Russell Square (Russell being one of the 13 [Illuminati] Bloodlines)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Al Qaeda is not and never has been a "terrorist organization."

    "Al-Qaida,(sic) literally 'the database,' was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians," admits former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, whose Foreign Office portfolio included control of British Intelligence Agency MI-6 and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), in a column published by the UK Guardian newspaper.


    In other words, the so-called Al Qaeda, which has been promoted by the Media Cartel as the cause of all bombings and terrorism since the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001, is simply a database of CIA trained "terrorists" (or "freedom fighters," depending on your perspective) which has become a convenient Global Boogeyman for the 21st Century.

    What does this mean? The entire planet has been fooled into believing that an Islamic "organization" exists to promote the destruction of Western society, when in fact this "organization" is just a list of Pentagon/ CIA trained assassins, who can be used and discarded as needed.

    JAXXE --- ---

    PSYOPS - The Agenda - Perception Management - Bombs in London

    JAXXE --- ---
    Rules of conflict for a world war

    The writer, who heads the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is a former head of the Mossad.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror Expert Backs Up Claim Of Netanyahu Warning Before First Blast

    Action News 36 | July 09 2005

    Terrorism expert Tommy Preston of Preston Global in Frankfort, Kentucky, said sources in the intelligence community reported that at least one person in London, England was warned of Thursday morning's terrorist attacks moments before the initial blast. Preston, citing sources in the intelligence community, said former Israeli Prime Minister and current Finance Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was in London this morning for an economic forum. "Just before the first blast, Netanyahu got a call from the Israeli Embassy telling him to stay in his hotel room. The hotel is located next to the subway station where the first attack occurred and he did stay put and shortly after that, there was the explosion," Preston said.



    Police: London Blasts Were Seconds Apart

    By BETH GARDINER, Associated Press Writer Sat Jul 9, 8:50 AM ET

    LONDON - Bombs that shook the city's subway system last week exploded within 50 seconds of each other and were made of high explosives, not homemade material, police said Saturday.

    The three bombs went off nearly simultaneously at about 8:50 a.m. Thursday, said Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick said, revising earlier accounts that they occurred within a 26-minute span. An explosion tore through a double-decker bus nearly an hour later.

    New information about the timing of the explosions also suggested they were detonated with synchronized timers rather than by suicide bombers, although officials said nothing had been ruled out.

    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. Terror Attack — “ Ninety Days at Most ”

    Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv spoke with FOX Fan Central about what Americans can do to protect themselves in case of a terror attack.

    Do you believe another terrorist attack is likely on American soil?

    I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most.


    What portion of the American infrastructure do you believe is at the greatest risk for a terror attack?

    We have put all of our emphasis, right or wrong, on the aviation area. What has happened, in the last two to three years, based on information we have, the terrorists have realized that they cannot hijack a plane in America soon because the passengers are going to fight back. So they realize what they have been very successful with over the last 50 years in Madrid, London, Iraq, Israel: demoralizing the public when they go to work and when they come back from work.

    What they’re going to do is hit six, seven, or eight cities simultaneously to show sophistication and really hit the public. This time, which is the message of the day, it will not only be big cities. They’re going to try to hit rural America.

    JAXXE --- ---

    KERRAY --- ---
    London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack
    Culpability cover scenario echoes 9/11 wargames

    Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet | July 9 2005

    A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.

    On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which bills itself as a 'crisis management' advice company, better known to you and I as a PR firm.

    Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time with the Anti Terrorist Branch.

    Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.

    The transcript is as follows.

    POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

    HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?

    POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.

    Click here for a clip of this dialogue. Click here for a longer clip where the comments can be heard in their full context.

    The fact that the exercise mirrored the exact locations and times of the bombings is light years beyond a coincidence. Power said the drill focused around 'simultaneous bombings'. At first the bombings were thought to have been spread over an hour, but the BBC reports just today that the bombings were in fact simultaneous.

    Mr. Power (pictured above) and Visor Consultants need not have been 'in on the bombing' or anything of that nature for this to be of importance. The British government or one of their private company offshoots could have hired Visor to run the exercise for a number of purposes.

    The exercise fulfils several different goals. It acts as a cover for the small compartamentalized government terrorists to carry out their operation without the larger security services becoming aware of what they're doing, and, more importantly, if they get caught during the attack or after with any incriminating evidence they can just claim that they were just taking part in the exercise.

    This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning.

    It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled and delayed.

    The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been hijacked.

    The Anglo-American establishment that controls the military-industrial complex of the West has been caught over a hundred times carrying out bombings and other terrorist attacks around the world to further their corporate aims and to blame their enemies.

    The US government has been caught planning to carry out attacks and carrying out attacks. The British government has been caught red-handed as well. Members of Vladimir Putin's FSB were caught planting bombs in a Russian apartment building in 1999 by the Moscow police.

    This is not speculation. Kermit Roosevelt admited on NPR radio that in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence carried out a wave of bombings and shootings in Iran. He then went on to brag about how they subsequently blamed the bombings on Iran's President, Mossadegh. Do you understand, these people brag about what they do 40 years later?

    The London bombings have the same signature as the Madrild bombings of 3/11. Both of these bombings are almost indistinguishable from the Bolognia bombing in 1980 that killed over 80 people.

    The bombing in Bolognia was part of a CIA operation code named Gladio, where the US government would pay right-wing terrorists to carry out bombings to be blamed on leftists in Europe. All of this was blown wide open when two of the Bolognia bombers were convited in an Italian court, forcing them to spill their guts admitting that they were neo-fascists contracted by the CIA. Operation Gladio documents have since been declassified.

    The London terror alert level was lowered before the bombings took place. This gave the purpotrators extra cover to plan and execute the attack without having to evade the most stringent security.

    In any crime you look at history and motive, The British government has been caught in multiple examples of carrying out bombings in London which were then blamed on the IRA. They even had one of their own MI5 agents wihin the Omagh bomb squad. Click here for an archive of this evidence.

    The wider agenda will become clearer when Blair firmly points the finger at the selected patsies designated to take the fall. But for the moment he's happy to grandstand as the courageous leader who immedately returned to London to take control of the chaos.

    BBC polls that were showing 80 per cent plus opposed the ID card will now likely flip back in the opposite direction. Support for the European Union and increased globalization through the G8 will rise. Who stands to gain from all this? Who has the motive?

    From Putin blowing up his own apartment buildings to Israel being behind Hamas, the evidence is consistently clear that large scale terrorism is always state sponsored.

    The Madrid train bombing is another example. The bombers were found to be police informants with close links to the Spanish security services. They had access to the most secure areas of the Madrid train system. The Spanish government initially tried to blaim the Basque group ETA for the blast in the hope that the people would rally behind the government and get them re-elected. After ETA denied involvement and the people started saying the government was involved, the Spanish government had to blame Al-Qaeda and kill some patsies by claiming they blew themselves up during a raid.

    The London Underground exercises were used as the fallback cover to carry out the attack. This is the biggest smoking gun yet pointing directly to the most secretive levels of the British establishment itself being behind the attack.

    More on this story as and when it develops.
    JAXXE --- ---
    In the aftermath of the attacks, The Prime Minister's Office instructed Israeli officials not to give interviews to the foreign media.

    After 9/11, Israel made some effort on international TV to impress upon the world that global terror and terror against Israelis were a common cause.

    On Thursday, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and Finance Minister Binyamin Netanhayu conveyed similar messages, but only to the Hebrew-language media.

    In the international arena this time the message was the following: "It's not a story with anything to do with Israel. It's a story of international terrorism in Britain and therefore we should be quiet," according to a government source.

    The source indicated that part of the reason for such circumspection stemmed from the high level of "speculation" concerning the attacks. He specifically referred to a report that came out soon after Thursday's bombings that Israel had received advance warning of the attacks, pointing to the "danger that this kind of report can bring to Israel."

    The Foreign Ministry, and Israeli embassy officials at the highest levels, totally rejected the report.

    ANGLAN --- ---

    Earlier in the day, Fox reporter Brian Kilmeade seemed to cheer on the attack because he said "it works to our advantage." Meanwhile, Fox's Stuart Varney was genuinely excited that the attack will mean other progressive issues will now be knocked out of the public debate. "It takes global warming off the front burner," Varney frothed. "It takes African aid off the front burner. It sticks terrorism and the fight on the war on terror, right up front all over again."
    ANGLAN --- ---

    ...And with hundreds arrested under anti-terror laws but not a single conviction of anyone actually proved as being a member of al-Qu’eda or even being caught red-handed with a bomb, it’s safe to assume that it’s unlikely that al-Qu’eda actually exists as an effective organisation, let alone operates an ‘international terror network’...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Officials: Timing Devices Discovered in London

    Sources Tell ABC News Evidence of Timing Devices, Possibly Unexploded Bombs Found
    London Blast

    An emergency worker walks near the scene of an explosion aboard a bus near Russell Square in London. (Mike Finn-Kelcey/Reuters)

    July 7, 2005 — In what appears to be the first major break in the London terrorist attacks, U.S. authorities tell ABC News that police in London have recovered key parts of the timing devices that set off the bombs, suggesting they were planted in packages or bags and left behind.

    There also are reports that police may have discovered two unexploded bombs as they sifted through the wreckage of the four bombs that did go off. At least several dozen people were killed in the attacks, and hundreds of others were injured while traveling on subways and a double-decker bus. Scotland Yard has denied finding undetonated explosive devices in the wreckage.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel is trying to spin this story by claiming that Netanyahu actually got his phone call just after the first blast, but two facts contradict this spin. The first is that for an hour after the first blast, it was thought to be and reported as a power surge related incident involving a blown transformer. Second, the first explosion was close enough to Netanyahu's hotel to reportedly shut down the phone service, so nobody could have called Netanyahu after the first explosion.
    JAXXE --- ---
    "...it is only a matter of time before suicide bombers will terrorize your cities."

    Former Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, now Sharon's emissary to the US Congress, Capitol Hill, April 10, 2002. What does he know?


    On the day of the 9/11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was

    "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)".
    JAXXE --- ---
    doporucuju tady tuhle knihu, kterou napsal byvaly agent mossadu... popisuje jak propasovali do libye vysilac, ktery jakoby vysilal teroristum pokyny... mimojine aby uderili na berlinskou diskoteku, diskoteka bouchla a americani libyi zbombardovali...


    JAXXE --- ---
    ja psal o tom, ze se to na nekoho hodi... tipuju ze se objevi nejaka videokazeta a nastrcene dukazy, ktere budou jasne ukazovat na "al-kaidu" a iracko/iranske teroristy, bile kone... bohuzel to s tim netanyahuem jim nejak nevyslo a trosku pokazilo plany a hned je jasne videt, ze tady neco smrdi. media ukazuji na podobnost s madridem, ale v madridu se nakonec ukazalo, ze "teroriste" byli policejni informatori a posledni komu pred utokem volali byl sef tajne sluzby. nedavno bohuzel vsichni spachali "sebevrazdu"

    tzv london ricin plot se taky ukazal jako plany poplach a hlavni "alkaida" podezrely byl opet policejni informator, zbytek museli propustit pro nedostatek dukazu. vyfiltruj si slovo ricin tady v klubu

    libie se vzdala zbrani hromadneho niceni a odsoudila ty teroristicke utoky nad lockerbie, proto jim amici dali prachy a kamaradi se spolu... bohuzel kdyz se o to, zacnes zajimat vic, zjistis ze s utoky na olympiade v mnichove a s utoky na nemeckou diskoteku v roce 86 nemeli nic spolecneho a ukazuje to spise na mossad a cia a klasickou flase-flag operaci

    vice treba tady: http://www.globalissues.org/Geopolitics/MiddleEast/TerrorInUSA/faq/Libya.asp
    KRISTALKA --- ---
    JAXXE: sorry tys psal ze nebudou vypatrani .... myslis pred verejnosti, ze jo?
    Pamatuju ze za sestrelani letadla nad LB se prihlasili libijci, dokonce dva lidi za to odsouzeni k trestu smrti, pak zpravy ze Libie dostala od USA ohromnou hospdarskou pomoc .... ruzne dohady o tom kdo to letadlo opravdu sestrelil .... me se vzdycky zavari hlava kdyz se pokousim prokousat do tech zamotancu
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam