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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps

    Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet | July 13 2005

    Ten Step Method To Staging a Terrorist Attack

    1) Hire a Crisis Management firm to set up an exercise that parallels the terrorist attack you are going to carry out. Have them run the exercise at the precise locations and at the very same time as the attack. If at any stage of the attack your Arabs get caught, tell the police it was part of an exercise.

    2) Hire four Arabs and tell them they're taking part in an important exercise to help defend London from terrorist attacks. Strap them with rucksacks filled with deadly explosives. Tell the Arabs the rucksacks are dummy explosives and wouldn't harm a fly.

    3) Tell four Arabs to meet up at London Underground and disperse, each getting on a different train. Make sure Arabs meet in a location where you can get a good mug shot of them all on CCTV which you can later endlessly repeat to drooling masses on television.

    4) While four Arabs are in London, plant explosives in their houses in Leeds. Plant some explosives in one of their cars in Luton for the police to later discover. Remember that Qu'ran and flight manual in the hijackers' car? Ha ha, they fell for that one hook, line and sinker. No need to change tactics on this one.

    5) Before the bombings take place, make sure you warn any of your buddies who are scheduled to be anywhere near where the bombs go off. If this gets leaked to the press, just deny it.

    6) 4th Arab goes out partying in London night before and ends up getting out of bed late. No worries, the 9/11 'hijackers' did the same thing but that didn't cause us a big problem. 4th Arab catches bus to see if other Arabs are waiting for him. 4th Arab starts hearing about explosions in the London Underground. 4th Arab comes to the realization that this he is being set up and freaks out. 4th Arab starts fiddling in his rucksack. 4th Arab sets bomb off and is blown up.

    If you hired any additional Arabs and they also got wind of the set up, make sure tere are GPS locators in the rucksacks so you can have police snipers ready to kill them before they can blow the whistle.

    7) After the bombs go off, put out a story for over an hour that the explosions are a simple electrical fault. This gives you cover time to make sure the lazy bus Arab is dead and any other hired Arabs who reneged are also dead. Make sure any CCTV footage that doesn't support your official story is either seized or destroyed.

    8) A few hours after the bombings, have one of your boys post an 'Al-Qaeda statement' claiming responsibility. Don't worry about the whole 'misreferencing the Qu'ran' thing, these idiots don't have the attention spans to figure it out.

    9) After you have made sure that all the Arabs are dead and you are managing the story accordingly, wait for four days until the police piece together the story and find the explosives you planted in Leeds and in the car in Luton. Remember that Qu'ran and flight manual in the hijackers' car? Ha ha, they fell for that one hook, line and sinker. No need to change tactics this time either. The time delay will convince the gullible public that a real investigation is taking place. Create a background of the hired Arabs being militant Muslims. The drooling masses, as was the case with the '9/11 hijackers,' will ignore stories of neighbours saying they were the quiet, educated types who liked children and playing sports.

    BBC excerpt: One local resident described him as "a nice lad".

    "He liked to play football, he liked to play cricket. I'm shocked."

    Another resident said he was just a "normal kid" who played basketball and kicked a ball around.

    10) Sit back and enjoy as Blair and his minions grandstand in front of television cameras about staying the course in the war on terror. The pay raise, extra agency funding, and power to strip more freedoms and liberties made the ten easy steps to staging a terrorist attack a worthwhile venture. The dozens of dead people were necessary collateral damage. This is a dirty war, we need to be less moral than the terrorists to defeat them.

    And that's how the government staged the bombings in ten easy steps.

    Granted, you can interchange different pieces of the puzzle. The bombers could be real terrorists that knew exactly what they were doing. All you would need to do is control the 'mastermind' behind the attack and make sure his boys carried out the job in the way you wanted. Voila.

    Related: London Bombing Archive


    JAXXE --- ---
    "Normality now will not be the same as normality was before," a senior security source said last night, reflecting on what looks certain to have been Britain's first experience of suicide bombers. The discovery of a bomb factory in Leeds indicates to the police that there were plans for future attacks.

    The documents of the 30-year-old, whose body was found at Edgware Road station, were discovered both at the scene of that explosion and at the Aldgate bomb scene, where another of the four dead suspects' remains were found.


    Re-read that one carefully.

    How do the personal documents of a man who supposedly blew himself up at Edgeware show up not only at Edgware but at Aldgate?

    This is the story that proves documents are being planted.
    KERRAY --- ---
    to je zoufalstvi :)))
    JAXXE --- ---
    LONDON, July 12 (Reuters) - An overwhelming majority of Britons would support tough new measures to reduce the threat of attacks after last week's deadly London bomb blasts, a poll by The Times newspaper showed on Tuesday.

    Some 86 percent of those questioned said they supported giving the police new powers to arrest people they suspect of planning attacks and 88 percent said they were in favour of tighter controls on who comes into the country. Only 21 percent said they would change any plans or normal routines for travel into central London after bombs killed at least 52 people on three underground trains and a double-decker bus in the city last Thursday. Police suspect the bombs were planted by Islamist militants.

    British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Monday he may speed up the implementation of new anti-terror laws in the wake of the London bombings.
    GYD --- ---
    jo no, stoji to tam tak, nejspis jsem si to chybne vylozil (...Only if the exercise was being conducted for London Underground or a group responsible for part of a command structure in the aftermath of the attack... )
    GYD --- ---
    JAXXE: delalo se to s vedomim Metra, ale to nemuselo byt primo zadavatel zakazky. Tak to stoji v tom clanku, nebo se tlaci do vysledku, ze to bylo primo Metro?
    JAXXE --- ---
    gyd: ja porad nevim, co ti vadi, dyt rikas presne to, co v tom clanku pisou ;)

    proc Power vlastne taji, ze jeho klientem bylo primo London Underground ? jaka je pravdepodobnost, ze nahodou vybuchy probehnou presne v ten samy cas a v tech samych mistech, kde se to simuluje ? zapojit se do zachrannych praci je lidske, to urcite, ale kdyby to cviceni jen tak simulovali pro nejake vlastni potreby a jineho klienta a nedelali to PRO metro a s vedomim metra, pak by je pravdepodobne k zachrannym pracem vubec nepustili a hlavne by ta firma nemela neomezeny pristup do metra PRED utoky
    JAXXE --- ---
    ČTYŘDENNÍ NÁVŠTĚVA čínského prezidenta v Rusku na přelomu června a července předznamenala jednání G-8 a ŠOS. Kromě řady dohod – od vytváření společných technologických parků přes příslib zvýšit do roku 2010 na čtyřnásobek (tedy na 80 miliard dolarů za rok) vzájemný obchod až po dohody o společném vojenském cvičení – podepsali Putin a Chu prohlášení nazvané Nový mezinárodní řád pro 21.století. Základní teze tohoto dokumentu se dá charakterizovat slovy z textu: »multilateralismus a respekt k mezinárodnímu právu«. Státům by mělo být umožněno jednat autonomně ve vnitřních záležitostech, zatímco sporné otázky mezinárodních vztahů by měly být řešeny prostřednictvím dialogu a konzultací právě na bázi multilateralismu. Nový mezinárodní řád pro 21. století vyžaduje od mezinárodního společenství zcela se zříci mentality konfrontace a aliančních dohod. Mělo by zmizet úsilí o dominanci a monopol v mezinárodních vztazích.

    Státy světa by neměly být rozděleny na vedoucí tábor a podřízený tábor. Ústřední otázkou lidstva v 21. století je zabezpečení »vzájemné důvěry, vzájemné výhodnosti, rovnosti a spolupráce«. To musí doprovázet zachování suverenity a zajištění trvale udržitelného rozvoje pro další generace, říká společné prohlášení Ruska a Číny.

    Článek vyjde ve čtvrtek v týdeníku Ekonom

    GYD --- ---
    JAXXE: ja spis tu uvahu vidim chybnou v tom, ze i kdyby to klient bylo cokoliv jineho, tak by se lidi zapojili, protoze to je prave lidsky (coz nedokazuje, ze to muselo byt Metro). Kdyz se to konalo v Metru, tak o tom to muselo vedet, aniz by bylo zadavatelem zakazky, toho bych spis videl uplne jinde.

    JAXXE --- ---
    no jasne, ze je to logicke... ten clanek se prave snazi dokazat, ze ten klient, pro ktereho vr Visoru cviceni simulovali / Power totiz nechce klienta prozradit/ bylo primo londynske metro a proto se take hned mohli zapojit do zachrannych praci a "switch an exercise from fictional to real" a proto take meli jejich zamestnanci neomezeny pristup do metra, kde si mohli delat, co chteli a proto byl Power shodou okolnosti ten, kdo poustel informace o utocich do sveta... se zpozdenim
    GYD --- ---
    JAXXE: z toho linku je tato uvaha:

    "If this were a strategy session for a completely unaffiliated company to London Underground, the meeting would have been cancelled and the participants would have gone home as soon as they were aware of the fact that a real attack was taking place."

    je do scestna imho, je logicky, ze jestli neco trenovali, tak se zapojili, no ne?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Explosive used in bombs 'was of military origin'

    London Independent | July 12 2005

    The bombs used in Thursday's terrorist attacks were of "military origin" , according to a senior French policeman sent to London to help in what has become the biggest criminal investigation in British history.

    Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Co-ordination Unit, told Le Monde newspaper that the explosives used in the bombings were of " military origin", which he described as "very worrying". " We're more used to cells making home-made explosives with chemicals," he said. "How did they get them? Either by trafficking, for example, in the Balkans, or they had someone on the inside who enabled them to get out of the military establishment."


    JAXXE --- ---
    London Underground Exercises and the Magically Exploding Terrorists: Important Questions


    Londoners Suspicious Of Station Closures Before Blasts

    JAXXE --- ---

    The four young men who carried out the London terror attacks were British-born suicide bombers, police sources have told Sky News.


    In other another key development, explosives have been found in an abandoned car linked to the attacks at Luton railway station.

    Personal documents have been found at all four bomb scenes.

    They said there was forensic evidence that meant it was "very likely" the bomber responsible for the train explosion at Aldgate died there.


    Sky News terror expert Steve Park said the documents may have been deliberately planted to "send police the wrong way".

    GORG --- ---
    to video projevu Bushe stoji za to
    GORG --- ---
    Podle televize Sky News, která se odvolávala na policejní zdroje, měli dokonce zahynout všichni čtyři teroristé. To ale Clarke nepotvrdil a uvedl, že vyšetřovatelé v okolí výbuchů v metru našli doklady patřící teroristům.


    // skvele konecne nejaka stopa :) stara dobra zakladni taktika kriminalistiky - najit na miste cinu doklady zlocince.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Smysly i nesmysly (konspiračních teorií)
    KERRAY --- ---
    Tak z tohohle jsem paranoidni - kdyz se neco stane, tak vypneme mobily, aby mohl nastat jeste mnohem vetsi chaos...

    Ministr vnitra František Bublan chce, aby bezpečnostní složky státu mohly kvůli hrozbě terorismu nařídit vypnutí mobilních sítí. Informovala o tom dnes Česká televize. Právě pomocí mobilních telefonů zřejmě teroristé odpálili ve čtvrtek nálože v londýnském metru a autobusu.

    "Já bych byl pro, aby v tom zákoně bylo určité ustanovení, které dává možnost - třeba policejnímu prezidentovi - nařídit, aby určitá síť byla v nějaké lokalitě vypnuta," řekl Bublan.

    V Česku nyní blokovat signál mobilních telefonů v tunelech a metru nelze. Poslanci totiž před časem v zákonu o elektronických komunikacích tuto možnost zamítli, připomněla Česká televize.

    Například ve většině newyorských tunelů nyní kvůli hrozbě terorismu signál mobilních telefonů preventivně blokují, uvedla televize. Pražské metro střeží po bombových útocích v Londýně posílené policejní hlídky.

    Vláda už v polovině června schválila analýzu ministerstva vnitra, která předpokládá větší pravomoci zpravodajských služeb a policie v boji s mezinárodním terorismem.

    Materiál vypočítával mezery v zákonech a dokládal, proč je v některých oblastech potřebné rozšířit kompetence tajných služeb. Po schválení analýzy kabinetem ministerstvo začalo s přípravou konkrétních legislativních změn.

    ANGLAN --- ---
    The people of London demonstrated in their millions against the Iraq war before it began. It is also one of the most tolerant countries towards Muslims in Europe - much more so than Germany or France. Blair is widely hated for his involvement in Iraq, like Bush in the USA. Attacking the British people for the sins of their hated leader makes no sense for Muslim radicals, unless you ARE that leader - or his ally.

    je tam par zajimavejch drobnosti ;)

    PETVAL --- ---
    na wc.ftp prave uploadnuto

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