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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Londýnský útok - poslední zprávy

    JAXXE --- ---
    Scientists worry about Pentagon’s new ray gun

    Lenses, pocket change could intensify effect of ‘less lethal’ weapon

    Image: Active Denial System U.S. Air Force

    A demonstration model of the Active Denial System is shown mounted on a military vehicle.

    Updated: 1:10 p.m. ET July 20, 2005

    LONDON - Scientists are questioning the safety of a "Star Wars"-style ray gun due to be deployed in Iraq for riot control next year.

    The Active Denial System weapon, classified as “less lethal” by the Pentagon, fires a 95-gigahertz microwave beam at rioters to cause heating and intolerable pain in less than five seconds.

    The idea is that people caught in the beam will rapidly try to move out of it and therefore break up the crowd.
    Story continues below ↓ advertisement

    But New Scientist magazine reported Wednesday that during tests carried out at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, participants playing the part of rioters were told to remove glasses and contact lenses to protect their eyes.

    In another test, they were also told to remove metal objects like coins from their clothing to avoid local hot spots developing on their skin.

    “What happens if someone in a crowd is unable for whatever reason to move away from the beam,” asked Neil Davison, coordinator of the non-lethal weapons research project at Britain’s Bradford University. “How do you ensure that the dose doesn’t cross the threshold for permanent damage? Does the weapon cut out to prevent overexposure?”

    The magazine said a vehicle-mounted version of the weapon named Sheriff was scheduled for service in Iraq in 2006, and that U.S. Marines and police were both working on portable versions.

    Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited.

    JAXXE --- ---
    UK plans global extremists list

    The UK is to set up a global database of extremists who face automatic vetting before being allowed in, Home Secretary Charles Clarke has told MPs.

    He said the database would list "unacceptable behaviour" such as radical preaching, websites and writing articles intended to foment terrorism.

    Individuals' presence on the list means they may face exclusion from the UK.

    Hopes for an international conference on Islamic extremism were also outlined by Prime Minister Tony Blair.

    Mr Clarke told MPs he wanted to apply more widely the home secretary's powers to exclude an individual from the UK if their presence is deemed "not conducive to the public interest".

    'Unacceptable behaviours'

    In a Commons statement he said: "In the circumstances we now face, I have decided that it is right to broaden the use of these powers to deal with those who foment terrorism or seek to provoke others to terrorist acts.

    "I intend to draw up a list of unacceptable behaviours which would fall into this
    - for example preaching, running websites or writing articles which are intended to foment or provoke terrorism."

    It targets those who, while not directly inciting, glorify and condone terrorist acts knowing full well that the effect on their listeners will be to encourage them to turn to terrorism
    Charles Clarke
    Home Secretary

    He said there would be consultation before the final list of "unacceptable behaviours" was decided upon.

    Mr Clarke said he had asked the Home Office, Foreign Office and the intelligence agencies to "establish a full database of individuals around the world who have demonstrated relevant behaviours".

    Anyone wanting to enter the UK would then be checked against this list - and if they are on it they may be refused permission to enter the country.

    GORG --- ---
    Britská vláda ostře odmítá nařčení Íránu, že je ona sama za bombovým útokem v Londýně

    Britská vláda se nakrkla poté, co čelní íránský představitel Ahmad Janati řekl, že to možná byla samotná britská vláda, kdo připravil a provedl útok v Londýně 7. července.

    "Takové obvinění je urážlivé a nesmyslné," reagoval mluvčí ministerstva zahraničí. "Je ostudné, že nedávné projevy kondolence a odsouzení z nejvyšších míst íránské vlády následují taková neodpovědná prohlášení."

    Janati rovněž řekl, že to byla americká vláda, kdo realizoval 11. září: "K porozumění a pochopení těch událostí se musíte podívat na to, kdo z nich profituje. V případě 11. září to byli samotní Američané, v případě posledního útoku v Londýně to byli Britové. Říkají, že musí bojovat proti terorismu, a proto napadly země jako Irák a Afghánistán. Tím bojem zdůvodňuji svou přítomnost v těchto a dalších zemích."

    Janati to neřekl, ale já bych věděl ještě o jedné zemi, která na těch útocích profituje. Dokonce daleko více než USA a Británie. :-)

    Inu, jak se říkalo doma: Šidlo v pytli neutajíš.

    Zdroj: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/britainattacksiran;_ylt=Aha4auf_...
    JAXXE --- ---

    Bomb 'mastermind' was victim of name confusion

    By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent
    Published: 20 July 2005

    A man widely reported to have slipped into Britain to "mastermind" the London bombings was an innocent Pakistani who happened to have a similar name to a suspected al-Qa'ida leader.

    The man, in his 30s, was the subject of intense media speculation surrounding his visit to the UK, which culminated in him flying out of London the day before the attacks. His presence in the country, apparently unmonitored, led to criticism of MI5.

    However, The Independent has learnt that the man had no role in the attacks. Inquiries in the past week have discovered that the man was an innocent Pakistani traveller who had a similar name to an al-Qa'ida terrorist who was on a watch list of several foreign security agencies.

    A similar mix-up is understood to be behind the claims by US intelligence that Germaine Lindsay, 19, the bomber who carried out the King's Cross attack, was on a British watch list. This was because the "fourth" bomber was wrongly identified in the United States as Lindsay Jermaine - someone with a similar name to a terrorist suspect.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Confirmation: Netanyahu and Giuliani in same hotel on 7/7

    "...Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been on his way to a London hotel near the scene of one of the four blasts that ripped through the city today, said Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom.

    Netanyahu was the scheduled keynote speaker at an Israeli corporate investment conference at the Great Eastern hotel near the Liverpool Street subway station..."

    July 8, 2005 - "...Giuliani was having breakfast at the Great Eastern Hotel a half block from the Liverpool Street Station in Central London, when he heard an explosion, according to his spokeswoman Sunny Mindel..."



    MONIA --- ---
    jenom takovy mensi postreh. Dneska byla na navsteve v Doveru britska kralovna.....na namesti clovek kos nepotkal,normalne tam jsou [ kvetinace, do kterych by se taky krasne bomba dala umistit tam vsak zustaly],policajtu vsude plno, jak mel clovek trosku vetsi batoh uz ho kontrolovaly,ale pokud mel malou tasticku tak jakoby nemel nic.....jak velka muze byt bomba? ci cokoliv jineho a zajimave vypadaly telefonni budky...vsak vidite

    JAXXE --- ---


    Demolition in areas where minimal disruption and minimal noise requirements are paramount. Using any combination of our specialist operations Kingstar can advise on and undertake any aspect of controlled demolition and/or dismantling.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The London Attacks - Latest

    Prisonplanet | July 19 2005

    BRITISH police are considering the possibility that the four key suspects in the recent London attacks may have been tricked into setting off their bombs.

    "We do not have hard evidence that the men were suicide bombers. It is possible that they
    did not intend to die,” a Scotland Yard spokesman said.

    According to one police
    hypothesis, the bombers were tricked by a "master” who told
    them they would have time to escape — when, in fact, the devices
    were set to go off immediately.

    "The bombers’ master
    might have thought that he couldn’t risk the four men being caught
    and spilling everything to British interrogators,” an unnamed security
    official has said.

    Lending weight to the theory
    is the fact that all four men had paid up their parking tickets before
    boarding a train at Luton for King’s Cross and that they all bought
    return tickets to the Capital.

    Moreover, the paper said,
    the men were carrying their explosives inside rucksacks, as opposed
    to strapped to their bodies, as is common practice among suicide bombers.

    None were reported to have
    cried "Allah-o-Akbar” before setting off their charge —
    something which most suicide bombers do.

    the official line is now leaning towards the theory that an "Al
    Qaeda" Mastermind duped the "pawn" bombers into their
    actions, covering for all the inconsistencies we have thrown up so far.

    comes as no surprise, after the mainstream media have been questioning
    the official line all weekend. Both the London
    and the Independent
    published articles directly challenging the suicide bomber theory.
    The bombers were certainly duped, yet there is absolutely no evidence
    to suggest there was an Al Qaeda guiding hand. The fact that these men
    been to Pakistan
    in 2004 seems to be, for some outlets, stone cold
    proof that they were Al Qaeda terrorists.

    One of the suspected "masterminds"
    behind the attacks, Egyptian Magdy el Nashar, challenged
    to find any credible evidence to implicate him. It seems
    they have failed as he has been cleared
    of involvement
    by Egyptian authorities.

    bigger stories have gone unnoticed. Firstly, on Saturday we published
    an article
    highlighting the various instances of elite connections
    to the bombings and the drill that was taking place on the same morning.

    the fact that the British Government had tracked
    and possibly arrested
    and then released
    their so called suspects has not hit the front
    pages. Could it be that the plot was discovered and then allowed to
    happen or aided in some way. The media should be jumping all over the
    fact that the terror alert level was DOWNGRADED
    for the first time in four years one month prior to the attacks.

    it has gone virtually unreported that the Pound
    fell 6% in 10 days
    before London terror attacks, a clear indication
    of prior knowledge on the part of London's financial establishment.

    we now also have an admission by Israeli authorities that they did
    indeed receive prior warning
    of the attacks and warned Benjamin
    Netanyahu to stay inside his London Hotel.

    clearly indicates first that the story of power surges on the underground
    was prepared beforehand and used as a cover for over an hour to confuse
    the media and keep away those who seek the real stories. If Israel knew
    it was bombs before they went off then why wouldn't British police?
    It's a tried and tested method and serves the purpose of keeping the
    public and the media in line at the scene of such events.

    Also the scramble to alter
    the initial AP reports of this story indicates that someone was attempting
    to cover up this smoking gun.

    We've been told that there
    will be 'No
    internal inquiry'
    into the blasts so we might as well shut up and
    just believe whatever they tell us no matter how many times they change
    the story



    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Transport for London

    The Commissioner Bob Kiley (chair)

    ...early in his career, he was with the CIA, where he served as Manager of Intelligence Operations and then as Executive Assistant to the Director.

    Robert Kiley is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Suicide theory thrown in doubt


    BRITISH police are considering the possibility that the four key suspects in last week's London attacks may have been tricked into setting off their bombs, a British newspaper has reported.

    "We do not have hard evidence that the men were suicide bombers," a Scotland Yard spokesman told The Sunday Telegraph.

    "It is possible that they did not intend to die."

    According to the paper, one police hypothesis is that the bombers were tricked by a "master" who told them they would have time to escape -- when in fact the devices were set to go off immediately.

    "The bombers' masters might have thought that they couldn't risk the four men being caught and spilling everything to British interrogators,"
    an unnamed security official told the newspaper.

    Lending weight to the theory is the fact that all four men paid their parking tickets before boarding a train at Luton for King's Cross, and they all had bought return tickets.

    Moreover, the paper said, the men carried the explosives in rucksacks, not strapped to their bodies as is common practice among suicide bombers.

    None were reported to have cried "Allah Akbar" (God is Greatest) before setting off their charge -- something most Middle Eastern suicide bombers do.

    Police have based their theory that the attacks were suicide bombings largely around the fact that all four suspects died in the attacks.


    The importance of this development is that the mainstream media is now reacting to the investigative work done by the blogs. The blogs point out the logical flaws in the official story, and the mainstream media rushes to explain it all away. As a result, the mainstream media is dancing all over the place with the ever-changing story and even those MSM readers and viewers who do not use the Internet are realizing something is very wrong with the official story.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mossad Chief Confirms Netanyahu's Warning of London Bombing

    ANGLAN --- ---
    JAXXE: luxury writing mate.... simple as shit and flat out in your face....
    so why doesnt anybody get it ??????????????????????????????????????????????
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mossad už zase ví příliš mnoho

    Bývalý šéf Mosadu Efraim Halevi napsal v Jerusalem Post dne 7. července (den londýnských útoků): "Mnohočetné exploze provedené ve stejnou dobu, které se dnes uskutečnily v londýnském dopravním systému, byly prací pachatelů, kteří měli operativní schopnosti velkého rozsahu." Jenomže v ten den se ještě nevědělo, že bomby explodovaly současně. Neprozradil však Halevi předčasně příliš mnoho ze svých operativních znalostí a popsal operaci s níž byl seznámen? Izraelským vedoucím činitelům bylo okamžitě po útoku nařízeno, aby veřejně nekomentovali londýnské útoky. Jenomže Halevi ve svém článku dále píše: "Bylo to pečlivě naplánované a sofistikovaný výběr načasování, stejně tak jako téměř dokonalé provedení činu svědčí o inteligentní skupině." Jak mohl Halevi vědět, že bombové útoky byly provedeny "téměř dokonale" a ne "nedokonale" nebo jen "dokonale", již v den útoku? Jaká byla jeho měřítka "úspěchu"? Vědel Halevi, jak by vypadalo "dokonalé provedení činu"?


    10 bodů londýnského cvičení / linky viz JAXXE --- --- 1:00:08 14.7.2005 /

    1. S pomocí policie a poradenské firmy, zorganizujte protiteroristické cvičení v londýnském metru. Cvičení musí probíhat na stejném místě a ve stejném čase jako plánovaný bombový útok. V rámci tohoto cvičení najměte čtyři Araby a vysvětlete jim, že budou bránit Londýn před teroristickým útokem. Namluvte jim, že výbušnina v batohu je pouze fingovaná a neublíží ani kuřeti.

    2. Pak Araby s baťohy pošlete na nádraží. Setkat se musí na místě, kde se dá pořídit dobrá policejní fotografie. Teprve potom pojede každý svojí trasou.

    3. Jestli Araby po cestě někdo chytí, namluvíte policii, že jsou součásti cvičení.

    4. Zatímco jsou čtyři Arabové v Londýně, dejte výbušniny do jejich domovů. Zároveň dejte výbušninu i do jejich auta, aby ji policisté mohli později najít. Vzpomínáte na Korán a letovou příručku ve voze únosců z 9/11? Na to byste neměli zapomenout, protože vítězná taktika se nemění.

    5. Před útokem nesmíte nezapomenout varovat vaše přátelé, aby se náhodou nezdržovali v blízkosti útoku. Pokud se to dostane do tisku, popřete to.

    6. Když Arabové nasednou do autobusů, a doslechnou se o explozi v londýnském metru, pochopí co mají v batohu a začnou s ním manipulovat. Bomba exploduje.

    7. Asi hodinu po bombovém útoku nechte rozhlásit, že šlo pouze o poruchu. To vám dá náskok k tomu, abyste se ujistili, že všichni Arabové poslaní do akce jsou mrtví. Ujistěte se také, že záznamy z průmyslové kamery neobsahují materiál, který by vás prozradil.

    8. Několik hodin po útoku jeden z vašich lidí pošle prohlášení Al kajdy, kde se ke všemu přiznají. Nedělejte si starosti se špatnými texty z Koránu. Ti idioti to stejně zkoumat nebudou.

    9. Vytvořte bojové muslimské pozadí mrtvých Arabů, protože stejně jako ve případě s únosci z 9/11 budou sousedi říkat, že to byli klidní milí lidé, kteří měli rádi děti a hráli sporty.

    10. Bavte se tím, jak Blair a jeho kámoši ženou svět do války proti terorismu.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Who shorted British pound ? Currency fell 6% in 10 days before London terror attacks

    Posted: July 16, 2005
    3:40 p.m. Eastern

    © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

    WASHINGTON -- In the 1988 Hollywood hit "Die Hard," starring Bruce Willis, a group of "terrorists" take over a Japanese banking institution in Los Angeles, hold hostages and make demands for release of "political prisoners."

    But it turns out the terrorists aren't really terrorists. They are bank robbers trying to make off with the fortune in the bank's vaults.

    Could it be Osama bin Laden has seen "Die Hard"?


    That is a question Scotland Yard and other law enforcement agencies are actually asking themselves following the July 7 London transit system attacks that killed 54 and injured scores more as they continue to scour the planet for evidence and additional conspirators.

    Why? Because it appears some profited by short selling the British pound in the 10 days leading up to the attacks.

    The pound fell about 6 percent (approximately 1.82 to 1.72) against the dollar for no apparent reason – until, of course, the terror attacks sent the British markets reeling still further.

    "This was an almost unprecedented weakness and far too sharp to be a coincidence," one economist with more than 35 years of experience in the investment industry, told Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence newsletter published by the founder of WND. "That is, after all, an annualized rate of loss of well over 100 percent."

    The fall did not go unnoticed by investigators, who are wondering whether the terrorist masterminds behind the attacks decided to make some money on their action or whether other investors with inside information about possible attacks took advantage of that knowledge.

    "Currencies of establish countries simply do not fall that fast based upon any kind of economic or financial analysis," said the economist. "Somebody – somewhere – knew something. Or maybe I should say 'somebodies.'"

    The problem is that short selling of this kind can be done with near total anonymity.

    "Trade currency futures through a Swiss or Austrian bank via an offshore company incorporated in Crete and you have a totally untraceable transaction," the economist noted. "No one will ever know who made the really big money off this situation, but I guarantee you this – someone did."

    It's not the first time suspicion about terrorists – or someone – profiting from short-selling prior to an attack.

    Following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the U.S., David Ruder, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission from 1987 to 1989, raised the question of whether terrorists may have gotten away with profiting from their attacks by short-selling shares in the U.S. markets.


    Following 9-11, there were reports of short-selling stocks and millions in profits made overnight. That investigation also implied that the short-selling would track back to Osama, but surprise, surprise, the short-selling trade traced back to Israeli nationals and to the CIA itself. At that point, we never heard about the short-selling again.
    LOOKASH_II --- ---

    "What Can I do to Prepare?"

    Five things:

    1. Inform others; Many people have found that showing

    their friends/relatives the documentary film, End of

    Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American

    Dream to be an effective introduction to Peak Oil.

    2. Get your financial house in order. Jim Puplava's website

    Financial Sense is as good a place to start as you're

    going to find for information about oil and the economy.

    The Solari Series by Catherine Austin Fitts is, in my

    opinion, the best source of financial information out

    there. Free interviews with Fitts are available here.

    3. Get as self-sufficient as possible as soon as possible. See

    the news and updates for more information. To discuss

    practical preparations for a post-petroleum world, check

    out the Yahoo group, "Running on Empty 2."

    4. If you're feeling a bit terrified or shocked, please realize

    that feelings of anxiety, depression, etc. are pretty much

    par-for the course when it comes to learning about this.

    See the letters section for some examples. If you're

    looking for a place to talk to others about this stuff,

    consider the Yahoo group "Running on Empty 3", the

    PeakOil.com forums, or see if there is an Oil Awareness

    Group or Post Carbon outpost in your area.

    5. If you're religious, pray.

    Best of luck,

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Saturday the "evil ideology" of al Qaeda must be pulled up by the roots as the death toll from last week's London subway and bus bombings rose to 55...


    My o voze, Blair o koze...
    JAXXE --- ---

    Kissinger: Don't Exclude Military Action Against Iran if Negotiations Fail


    And of course, we can expect to see you and your family right up there on the front lines, right, Henry?

    “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” -- Henry Kissinger

    “Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” -- Henry Kissinger, reported by Leuren Moret

    “The US must carry out some act somewhere in the world which shows its determination to continue to be a world power.” -- Henry Kissinger

    “Oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs.” -- Henry Kissinger

    “I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas. And I believe George W. Bush will quickly unite the American people through his foreign policy.” -- Henry Kissinger
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