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    ztracené heslo?
    – UFO –

    Nejde ani o to zjistit, jestli ufo je, nebo neni. Všichni víme, že je nesmysl, že bychom byli ve vesmíru sami. Spíše jde o to se zajímat, o co jim jde, o co jde nám a o co jde tajným organizacím, potažmo vládám. Jsme připraveni přijmout fakt, že tu už sakra dlouho nejsme sami? Již velice brzy ano... Popojďme i konspirovat.
    UFO the secret evidence - we are not alone - DokumenT
    Poslední Udalosti Na Zemi - konec sveta podle Bible CZ titulky
    Věřte nevěřte - pravdivé příběhy pouze
    Secret Space - Alien Invasion CZ titulky
    Stephen Hawking - Into The Universe | Aliens | Time Travel
    Facebook Aliens - video
    rozbalit záhlaví
    HYENA --- ---
    MINERWA: Rezonátor. S UFO ale nemá nic společnýho.
    Jestli v tom někdo vidí něco víc, je to proto, že to tam vidět chce. To bysme sem pak ale mohli posílat cokoliv.
    MINERWA --- ---
    HYENA: a nepřipomínaj ti ty obrázky něco?
    HYENA --- ---
    MINERWA: No, pěkný opakování pokusu ze střední školy, ale kde je UFO?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Paul Hellyer recently stirred up global controversy when he testified before a half-dozen former US representatives that aliens exist. As Canada's former Minister of Defence, Hellyer is the first and only cabinet-ranking official from a G8 nation to publicly state a belief in extraterrestrials.

    MOTHERBOARD visits Paul Hellyer at his cottage in the sleepy and scenic woods of Ontario to find out more about his extraterrestrial claims. This is Paul Hellyer in real life.

    The World's Highest Ranking Alien Believer - YouTube
    MINERWA --- ---
    Amazing Resonance Experiment! - YouTube
    CHORBON --- ---
    Ufo nedaleko Liberce - YouTube
    PSILOCYBER --- ---
    na tohle uz jste museli nekde narazit, záběry camcorder & telescope, ted jsem si to nahodou pripomnel po vic nez roce

    ALIENS SPACESHIPS Huge UFOs caught on Telescope - 2012 - YouTube

    hudebni podkres mozna chvilema klidne ignorovat..
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    TLUSTEI: hehe, furt je to to samý už od Hoovera, to je 60 !!! let. zatloukat, zatloukat, zatloukat. a proč taky ne, že jo.
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    J. Allen Hyneck
    Former Chairman, Department of Astronomy, Northwestern University;
    Scientific Consultant, Air Force Project Blue Book (1947-1969)

    "Each wave of sightings adds to the accumulation of reports which defy analysis by present methods....An investigative process in depth is necessary here if, after twenty years of confusion, we want some answers." "When the long awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and unexpected quantum leap."
    from an interview in The Chicago Sun Times, August 1966

    James E. McDonald, PhD
    Senior Physicist, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona

    "The type of UFO reports that are most intriguing are close-range sightings of machinelike objects of unconventional nature and unconventional performance characteristics, seen at low altitudes, and sometimes even on the ground. The general public is entirely unaware of the large number of such reports that are coming from credible witnesses....When one starts searching for such case, their number are quite astonishing."
    Hearings before the Committee on Science and Astronautics, US House of Representatives, July 1968

    J. Edgar Hoover
    FBI Director

    "I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination"
    Letter to Clyde Tolson, July 15, 1947

    Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
    First Director, CIA - 1947-1950

    "It is time for the truth to be brought out...Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense....I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about Unidentified Flying Objects." (Note his concern is not for the dangers from the objects but the dangers from the secrecy.)
    Aliens from Space, Major Donald E. Keyhoe, 1975
    JIKE --- ---
    Masked Magician Exposed - Compared to Dynamo (Demon magic), David Copperfield, Criss Angel, Cyril - YouTube
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    OVNIS se sumerge en el mar en España (100% real)
    ZULAH --- ---
    JIKE: horela..treba vezla kerevety
    JIKE --- ---
    GULL: moc pěkný. proč zrovna nad tou lodí?
    GULL --- ---
    Ať jsem taky něco hodim, ikdyž jen z novinek :)
    Nad hořící lodí se objevilo UFO – Novinky.cz
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    KUKIDE: prostě nebyla příležitost....
    KUKIDE --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: Easy Rider je klasika jaktože jsi to neviděl, jo jsou to pořád ty stejný řeči :)
    horší je to že dneska družice umějí i zatáčet
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    KUKIDE: tenhle film jsem nikdy nevidel. koukam, ze uz jsou to 40 let furt ty samy reci :-) musim to nekde sosnout.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Jack Nicholson Explains the Last 70 Years - YouTube
    HESPELER --- ---
    JIKE: dobrej nazev.. :]]
    JIKE --- ---

    UFOTV® Presents - OBLIVION: The David Icke Epic - YouTube
    JIKE --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: tohle jsem před lety viděl celý, jen jsem někdě pak zaslechl, nebo četl, to už nevím, že pokud ten kod získáme my, jako jednotlivec, tak pak si odemkneme mozek ... ?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam