They should try a lot harder to look for more mundane ways this beastie made it up there," astronomer Dr. Philip Plait wrote for Slate magazine. "They dismiss other pathways, just stating they won’t work, but I’m unconvinced... In other words, if they can’t figure it out, it must be aliens. This 'god of the gaps' argument leaves me underwhelmed.
'Alien Life' Claim Far From Convincing, Astronomy Experts Say
New Alien Life Claim Far from Convincing, Scientists Say |
Ostatně sám Wainwright už v září 2013 prohlásil:
Of course it will be argued that there must be an, as yet, unknown mechanism for transferring large particles from Earth to the high stratosphere, but we stand by our conclusions. The absolutely crucial experiment will come when we do what is called ‘isotope fractionation’. We will take some of the samples which we have isolated from the stratosphere and introduce them into a complex machine – a button will be pressed. If the ratio of certain isotopes gives one number then our organisms are from Earth, if it gives another, then they are from space. The tension will obviously be almost impossible to live with!
Pokud ta izotopová frakcionace potvrdila jeho závěry, byla by to senzace. Divné ovšem je, že o takto senzačním výsledku nelze nic nalézt, což budí dojem, že se mimozemský původ nepotvrdil. Nějak si neumím představit, že v opačném případě by se tomu nedostalo publicity. Ale třeba jen špatně hledám...