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    ztracené heslo?
    BYDK --- ---
    Ahoj, opet vcelku povedene video. Modre morfujici se kule. :)

    VIDEO: Češku vyděsilo UFO. O blikající záhadě nemají jasno ani experti | TN.cz

    podobne video jsem videl cca pred 5ti lety tady od jednoho mistniho. Fascinuje me, ze pani mela moznost se na to divat vicero dni. Nadhera. :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Modification of Requirement for Office to Address Unidentified
    Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena

    At a time when cross-domain transmedium threats to United
    States national security are expanding exponentially, the Com-
    mittee is disappointed with the slow pace of DoD-led efforts to es-
    tablish the office to address those threats and to replace the former
    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force as required in Section
    1683 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
    2022. The Committee was hopeful that the new office would ad-
    dress many of the structural issues hindering progress. To accel-
    erate progress, the Committee has, pursuant to Section 703, re-
    named the organization formerly known as the Unidentified Aerial
    Phenomena Task Force and the Aerial Object Identification and
    Management Synchronization Management Group to be the Un-
    identified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena Joint Program Office.
    That change reflects the broader scope of the effort directed by the
    Congress. Identification, classification, and scientific study of un-
    identified aerospace-undersea phenomena is an inherently chal-
    lenging cross-agency, cross-domain problem requiring an integrated
    or joint Intelligence Community and DoD approach. The new Office
    will continue to be led by DoD, with a Deputy Director named by
    the Intelligence Community. The formal DoD and Intelligence
    Community definition of the terms used by the Office shall be up-
    dated to include space and undersea, and the scope of the Office
    shall be inclusive of those additional domains with focus on ad-
    dressing technology surprise and ‘‘unknown unknowns.’’ Temporary
    nonattributed objects, or those that are positively identified as
    man-made after analysis, will be passed to appropriate offices and
    should not be considered under the definition as unidentified aero-
    space-undersea phenomena.


    Congress Admits UFOs Not ‘Man-Made,’ Says ‘Threats’ Increasing ‘Exponentially’
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    HONZA09: nový ufo od webera :-)
    HONZA09 --- ---
    SELATKO: Jak jsem scrolloval, tak jsem chvíli myslel, že to je nějakej grill :)
    HONZA09 --- ---
    SELATKO: Teda, to muselo dát příšernou práci. Přitom taková blbost, co?
    AVATAR --- ---
    tl;dr bullshit, ale funny :D
    AVATAR --- ---
    SELATKO: takhle se chova koule, ktera v sobe ma bubliny, pripadne jsou uvnitr nerovnomerne tezsi kovy.
    AVATAR --- ---
    SELATKO: podobny text bych vypotil i ja, nema to zadny zdroj, nikdo pod tim neni podepsan
    AVATAR --- ---
    SELATKO: koule na sobe ma znamky koroze. Titan nekoroduje
    AVATAR --- ---
    SELATKO: pan nic nerekne, ve chvili, kdy pozvou vedce, tak video konci.
    VYHULENY_UFO --- ---
    The Betz Mystery Sphere
    The Betz story even has an elegant thread that ties it full circle, which is not something we always find on Skeptoid: how the ball came to be on Ft. George Island in the first place. After the story broke, a Coca-Cola delivery man saw some similar looking spheres in a sculpture outside the hotel managed by artist James Durling-Jones in Taos, New Mexico. He called Durling-Jones' attention to the newspaper stories about the Betz sphere. Soon, reporters were calling him to ask about his 8-inch stainless steel globes. It turns out he had several sculptures that used them, including a kinetic sculpture using one as a pendulum.

    He'd made a run a few years back in his Volkswagen bus, collecting scrap metal for his sculptures. A friend had supplied him with a number of balls from large industrial ball check valves at his company, in two sizes: some 8-inch balls weighing about 22 pounds, and some 10-inch balls weighing about 70 pounds. Having no room left inside the VW, Durling-Jones put the balls on a luggage rack up on top. He drove through the Jacksonville area around Easter of 1971, at which time a few of the balls rolled off the luggage rack and were lost. And there it sat for three years until the Betzes happened along.

    Durling-Jones even explained the rattle noted by Hynek:

    "The rattle comes from trying to patch the sphere... the company drills the spheres and rewelds them before machining them again. Sometimes some of the milling or drilling chips drop inside."

    Is it really so hard to believe that an entire family could misinterpret something as obvious as a ball rolling on an uneven floor? The more I research weird reports on Skeptoid, the less surprised I am with people making such flagrant misinterpretations. Keep in mind that we live in a world where people see the face of Jesus in just about every smudge; where conspiracy theories and science denial run rampant; and where most people believe in ghosts and angels. People are also fooled every day at so-called "mystery spot" attractions where balls or cars seem to roll uphill. That the sphere's rolling might have struck the family as extraordinary is not a new or unlikely circumstance.

    So was the Betz sphere indisputable evidence of a UFO? We can say, conclusively, that nothing ever linked it to anything unearthly. Perhaps it was just the ball from a check valve that it appeared to be. But if believers in the strange need to attach a mysterious origin to the Betz sphere, they're going to have to make do with the fact that it fell to earth not from an alien spacecraft, but from an idly passing Volkswagen bus...and that's almost as good.
    SELATKO --- ---
    AVATAR --- ---
    SELATKO: jaky koule?
    SELATKO --- ---
    No a co ty koule, kluci, co na to rikate?
    BYDK --- ---
    Ahojte. Docela slusna fotka. Snad potesi. :)

    Po více než 30 letech byla odhalena dosud nejlepší fotka UFO | Náš REGION
    TADEAS --- ---
    Incommensurability, Orthodoxy and the Physics of High Strangeness: A 6-layer Model for Anomalous Phenomena - Jacques F. Vallee and Eric W. Davis

    ALWA --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: Jo, proto to snad vesim. Obcas propadam skeptismu. Dobrej postreh.
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---

    ALWA: to mi přijde jako hodně last century článek.
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