k tematu tak trochu.. preposilam dlouhej email, kterej jsem prave dostala od kamarada..
On wednesday night, after we finished rehearsal in west London, Oliver and me took the bus to Brixton. After Oliver got off I continued on the 250 to Thornton Heath. I got of at my stop and started walking the 150 meters to my place. It was 1 am.
Suddenly noticed a group of youths ( 6 or 7, between 17 -20 years old) coming in the opposite direction on the other side of the road and somehow looking in my direction (nobody else was around)...I thought they were the usual local gang type ( hoods and dark jackets, on the watch out, alert) and that they were looking at me cause I have disturbed them ( they looked to be up to no good) or something....in a few seconds they started walking fast towards me and covering their faces....suddenly I realized they come to attack me or mug me.....started to run but couldn't move fast ( I had my bass and my rehearsal bag on my shoulder and wearing sandals), absolutely no chance! they surrounded me and started to punch me and hit me without saying a word.....I fell on my knees dropping the bass on the floor and lost a shoe....they hit me twice with a glass bottle on the head ( the second time breaking the bottle) , first in the back of my head and the second on my forehead.
I was on the floor trying to cover my face while they punched me and kicked me in the head and ribs.
It was only about 20-30 seconds of intense, brutal attack...like wild animals...then they dissapeared quickly (not a word said) .
I thought I had been robbed and GBH'ed.
I stood up and by instinct grabbed my bass a few meters behind on the floor ( somehow, they didn't take it) and the shoe and stumbled the rest of the 50 meters home. Bleeding from my head, shocked, scared, knocking the windows for Sylvia to open the door.....while my shirt started to become red with blood....so much that at that point I thought it was from my nose, but it was actually from my scalp and forehead.
After Sylvia opened the door, it was a terrible 20 minutes of blood, towels, tears, panic....and not knowing what to do. We realized that I was bleeding from 2 places in my head but my face was ok, just bruises. Also a damaged rib, forearms and both knees (from trying to protect my face and falling on the floor). I thought I have been robbed, but my bag was still on my shoulder and my mobile in my pocket.
Took a cab to Mayday hospital and was told that it'll be at least 7 hours wait to be attended and get stiches in my head.....so I went home.
I slept a few hours, still bleeding a bit, and in pain, specially my knees and ribs.
But amazingly, my head is ok, It doesn't hurt me anymore.
The worst experience in my life probably (definitively, since I've been in London). I've been robbed and mugged 3 times before ( I don't care about money or valuables...) ...but never being assaulted violently.
I still cannot comprehend why I was attacked.....and beaten up 50 meters from the place I've been living for 15 years. What kind of people can do that to another human being and what kind of society produces this kind of unhuman behaviour....anyway.
My brain is going thru that again and again...and trying to forget those mental images in my mind.
I think that the cap I was wearing save me from a serious brain injury or plastic surgery.
Considering what it could have been, I've been really lucky!.
I'm really relief that:
- No brain injury or damage was done, on my face either (only my scalp)
- This happened to me and not to Sylvia.
- This happened after living in South London for 20 years ( if it had happened on my first year..........I would have leave this country never to return). I can put it in a different perspective.
I didn't really feel like talking about it and re-living again, First 2 days after it was tough, I started to speak to some people and after decided to write this email so the account of what happened is straight from me and no rumours or misinformation confuse people.
I'm in Spain for a few days....I´m ok considering what could have been. Just my fractured rib gives me pain and cannot move confortable. But have no physical marks apart from bruises and a few stiches in my scalp....psychologically....well, I feel much better.