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Sound System Outernational Vinyl Weekender: Strictly Vinyl conference
Snad prominete ten sloh, odlozim si sem program, pac tam jsou zajimavy body.., napr nektery odkazy, viz India’s Reggae Resistance: Defending Dissent Under Modi (k shlednuti na YT)
Jak by rekl klasik "ja tam budu skoro furt!" =D
• Let’s Play Vinyl Exhibition from Thurs 11th Jan – 12th Feb
• Heritage Hi Fi sound system – bring your own vinyl on Sat 13th and Sunday 14th Jan
• Food and Refreshments on sale on Saturday 13th Jan from 12.30
• Record Stalls on Saturday 13th Jan from 12.30
11.30 – 12.50 PSH 102
Pre-Session A: Gregory Isaacs Listening Session
Edwina Peart (PhD candidate, Goldsmiths)
12.00 – 1.00 PSH 302
Pre-Session B: Let’s Play Vinyl Children’s workshop
(all places taken, more workshops on Sunday)
Atrium, Professor Stuart Hall Building, Goldsmiths, University of London, Lewisham Way, New Cross, London SE14 6NW
13:00 - 13:15 LG01
Chair: Dr William ‘Lez’ Henry (University of West London)
Sound System Outernational #4 team:
Brian D’Aquino (Bababoom Hi Fi/ PhD candidate L’Orientale University, Naples), Vincent Moystad (PhD candidate, Goldsmiths), June Reid (Nzinga Soundz / MA student, Goldsmiths) and Prof. Julian Henriques (Media and Communications Dept. Topology Research Unit, Goldsmiths).
"In the midst of the current “vinyl revival” it is important to recognize the hugely important role that the Jamaican sound system played in turning the domestic record player into a musical instrument in its own right. In Jamaica sound system culture re-purposed the gramophone, taking it from the middle class living room out onto the street to be enjoyed by the community. In the Bronx this became hip-hop, across the world the performance art of DJing was born along with rave and club culture. The vinyl medium – 12” singles and 45s – has been central to this. Now an appreciation for the value of the “vinyl sound” is only increasing in a world of digital music files. The SSO#4 Vinyl Weekender pays respect to where this sound comes from."
13:15 - 14:30 LG01
Chair: Dr Mykaell Riley (University of Westminster)
"A sound system or a record selection is always a labour of love and an act of resistance. Nevertheless, the present moment offers unprecedented opportunities for monetising the culture. Records are sold at huge prices to collectors, and sound system festivals have turnovers in the millions, not to speak of the impact of the culture on global popular music. It’s a moment that calls for reflection on the past and planning for the future. In this panel, we discuss different experiences with the economics of sound, from record collecting and copyright law to the resurgence of vinyl manufacturing."
"Vinyl and Copyright"
Dr. Enrico Bonadio (The City Law School)
"Selling the vibes" 
Claudia Wilson (Pure Vinyl Records - Brixton)
"Business Issues"
Young Warrior (Son of Jah Shaka)
"Commercial Opportunities"
Jean-Claude Charnier (Lionbeat Ltd) in conversation with Theo Houston and Sasha Steppa
14:30 – 15:45 LG01
SESSION 2: THE GROOVE - Chair: Edwina Peart (PhD candidate, Goldsmiths)
"The vinyl record is the historic backbone of sound system culture. A sound's record collection is an archive and a history; pressed on wax, shared, and re imagined. This panel discusses the material culture of sound systems, from vinyl to digital formats and from ways of knowing and feeling together to the circulation of physical objects. As the vinyl revival gathers momentum and the development of digital technologies offers new ways to reproduce and manipulate sound, how do our ways of archiving, representing, and sharing our culture change?"
"The Dark Side of the Groove: the art of Dubplate cutting"
Leon Chue (Music House) in conversation with Brian D’Aquino (Bababoom Hi Fi)
"Mastering Vinyl"
Cicely Balston (Mastering engineer, Air Studios)
"The Great Vinyl Debate"
Natty Harvey & Cecil Remy (King Tubby’s Sound System)
"Rockers, Soulheads & Lovers: Sound Systems back in day Day"
Dr. Michael McMillan (University of the Arts London)
"Vinil Brasil: the new aura of reproducible music also enchants us"
Dr. Leonardo Vidigal (Universidade Federal do Minas Gerais, Brazil) and Guilherme Freitas (via Skype)
"Collecting Vinyl Records behind the Iron Curtain: Piracy, technology and social network"
Dr Dariusz Brzostek (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń)
BREAK 15:45 - 16:15
16:15 - 17:30 LG01
SESSION 3: HERSTORY - FROM RANKING MISS P TO THE PRESENT - Chair: Juliet Alexander (Broadcaster, Journalist and Lecturer)
"This Panel features Sound System Operators/DJs from back in da day (the ‘80’s) alongside DJs who established their systems in the 2000’s. Contributors will share their experiences of setting up their their Sounds, their music practice, their audiences, their achievements and the challenges they have overcome."
Sista Culcha
Nzinga Soundz (Junie Rankin & via Skype DJ Ade)
Legs Eleven Sound System
Thali Lotus (CAYA, Come As You Are)
DJ Lady Xplosive
Rankin Merva
Nkechi Aligbe-Abeng (Warrior Queen)
DJ Xcel
17.30 - 18:45 LG01
Chair: Prof Liv Sovik (UFRJ, Brazil)
"The sound system vibration has always found resonances across the world. In this panel, soundpeople from India to Italy share their thoughts and experiences as participants in a culture that is increasingly global. What are the resonances and dissonances that arise as the sound travels? How do local and outernational ways of feeling and thinking clash and mix? How can sound men and women across the world support one another's efforts?"
PART 1: India’s Reggae Resistance: Defending Dissent Under Modi (film screening, 25min.) with Taru Dalmia(Delhi Sultanate, Delhi - via Skype)
PART 2: The Other Half of the Sky: Sound System Women in Europe.
Speakers (7 minutes per speaker):
Nadine Dogliani, (Muxima/KDW, Italy)
Anja Winnes (Siren Sisters, Germany)
Dasha Fyah (Energy of Dub, Czech Republic)
Lady Laia (Purple Rockets, Spain)
Sista Habesha (Habesha Ites, Italy)

17.30- 18:45 Atrium PSH
SESSION 4B The Poetics of Dub (Running in parallel)
Chair: Dr. Michael McMillan
"Sound system culture has built unique approaches to the craft of sound, developing techniques and philosophies to move the people, challenge power, and keep the culture moving forward. In this panel, active soundmen and women discuss their own practices of excavating, mixing, and propagating sound and share their thoughts and philosophies about the poetics of dub and sound systems."
"Dub Media Archaeologies – the Ghosts of Dub" (10 minutes)
Dr Eddie George (Post-Doc, Media and Communications Dept, Goldsmiths)
"Sound System Culture & UK Dance Music" (10 minutes)
Felix Parry, Goldsmiths
"Spiquency" (10 minutes)
Sound System Outernational #4 Saturday 13th January 2018 13
Thali Lotus, CAYA Sound
- Brief Q&A
"Reflections on Dub and the Aesthetics of Noise" (35 minutes)
Trevor Mathison and Gary Stewart (Dubmorphology) and Aniruddha Das (Dr Das/ADF)
- Brief Q&A
18:45 - 19:00
Chair: David Katz (Author)
19:15 - 22:00 / Free
Student Union Bar, Dixon Road (5 min walk) with Pay Bar + Ital meal available
presented by Anu Henriques (Skin Deep Magazine) with Unit 137 Sound System with Wayne Francis (United Vibrations) and Hadiru Mahdi (Brother Portrait) + Ed West, Hylu, Kosher & Sleepy Time Ghost + Special Guests (Unit 137 Sound System + Bababoom HiFi + CAYA + Nzinga Soundz)
"Sonic Transmissions is a series of exploratory live public listening sessions and conversations with musicians, DJs, artists and music makers. Navigating identity, politics, music and style, each session offers an alternative way to experience music and sound. This session will demo sampling and vinyl techniques with performance."

£5 special entry for conference attendees
Sound System Outernational Vinyl Weekender: Strictly Vinyl conference, Goldsmiths, University of London
Jeste jednu takovou neofiko afterparty si udelame v sobotu 13.1. s bandou z DubTastic Music v jejich rezidentnim Cafe Cairo.. :) na programu je reggae & dub