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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    AMALGAM --- ---
    čirou náhodou jsem narazil na tohle auditko a neodolám vlepit část jednoho textu, který se možná trochu míjí s topicem, zato má jiné kvality :)

    "when everyone you have ever loved is finally gone
    when everything you have ever wanted is finally done with
    when all of your nightmares are for a time obscured
    as by a shining brainless beacon
    or a blinding eclipse of the many terrible shapes of this world
    when you are calm and joyful
    and finally entirely alone
    then in a great new darkness
    you will finally execute your special plan

    one needs to have a plan someone said who was turned away into the shadows
    and who i had believed was sleeping or dead
    imagine he said all the flesh that is eaten
    the teeth tearing into it
    the tongue tasting its savor
    and the hunger for that taste
    now take away that flesh he said
    take away the teeth and the tongue
    the taste and the hunger
    take away everything as it is
    that was my plan
    my own special plan for this world

    i had heard of such plans such visions
    and i knew they did not see far enough
    but what was demanded in a way of a plan
    needed to go beyond tongue and teeth and hunger and flesh
    beyond the bones and the very dust of bones and the wind that would come to blow the dust away
    and so i began to envision a darkness that was long before the dark of night
    and a strangely shining light
    that owed nothing to the light of day

    that day may seem like other days
    once more we feel the tiny legged trepidations
    once more we are mangled by a great grinding fear
    but that day will have no others after
    no more worlds like this will follow
    because i have a plan
    a very special plan
    no more worlds like this
    no more days like that

    there are no means for escaping this world
    it penetrates even into your sleep
    and is his substance
    you are caught in your own dreaming
    where there is no space
    and a hell forever where there is no time
    you cant do nothing you aren't told to do
    there is no hope for escape from this dream
    that was never yours
    the very words you speak are only its very words
    and you talk like a traitor
    under its incessant torture

    There are no people, nothing at all like that
    The human phenomenon is but the sum of densely coiled layers of illusion
    Each of which winds itself upon the supreme insanity that there are persons of any kind
    when all that can be is mindless mirrors
    laughing and screaming as they parade about
    in an endless dream

    when a brain is filled only with damaged thoughts
    when a damaged body is filled only with pain
    it stands alone in a world surrounded by infinite empty blackness
    and exists in a world for which there is no special plan"

    komplet (i když trochu špatná transkripce):

    INK_FLO --- ---
    ehm, jedna taková klasika, kterou asi stejně většina zná, ale přesto....


    konkrétně hlášky začínající na 1:44 a 2:30
    ARFEA --- ---
    ARFEA: Ještě bych k tomu zacitoval Hérakleita, který všechno už věděl :) (citováno odtud http://zivel.cz/article.php?id=253 )

    "Povaha věcí spočívá v tom, že sama sebe skrývá." (Zlomek 54.)
    ARFEA --- ---
    "A society [...] devotes considerable time and resources to the elaboration of systems designed 'to make the world heavy with meaning', to convert objects into signs. But on the one hand it seems that 'men deploy an equal energy in masking the systematic nature of their creations and reconverting the semantic relation into a natural or rational one'. [...] Yet, on the other hand, the very energy employed in the proliferation and naturalization of signs - the desire to make everything signify and yet to make all those meanings inherent and intrinsic - finally undermines the meaning accorded to objects. These two processes which seek in opposite ways to affirm meaning, by creating and naturalizing it, contribute to what becomes, in effect, a self-contained activity. Absorbing and undermining the two contributary forces, the process of signification becomes an autonomous play of meaning. One has only to think of the way in which the rallying cry of 'realism' has served to justify changes in literary artifice, and of the ways in which the desire to make the real signify has led to the creation of autonomous worlds, to see that such paradoxes are not the property of fashion alone."

    Jonathan Culler - Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics, and the Study of Literature
    SVA --- ---
    Lepší je výčitka od génia než pochvala od idiota.
    HANT --- ---
    Domníval jsem se, že se učím žít, ale mezitím jsem se učil, jak umřít.

    (Leonardo da Vinci)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    pár výňatků z přednášek zadarmo na stažení

    DOGGY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    BUCHO --- ---
    YBUKO --- ---
    CAMAEL --- --- 21:33:54 22.12.2007

    Je jedna taková krásná stupnice.......
    Každý touží být milován.
    Kdo neuspěje, touží být obdivován a uznáván.
    Kdo neuspěje, touží být uctíván a obáván.
    Kdo neuspěje, touží být opovrhován a zatracován.
    BUBBLE --- ---
    All In My Head

    I wonder why
    You act so fly
    When you try, so hard to try, to try, to try, to try
    I see the sky, is open wide
    Take a look inside
    Its wild like a giant sweet
    It's all in my head,
    It's all in my head

    Us only, you and me
    Wherever you go I will be
    Just close your eyes and you'll see
    And wherever you go I will be
    On the other side
    Of life we glide
    Got our pride
    Standing tall in the sun
    Oh we're flying high
    Spinning in night time
    Living life and loving free
    This is where I wanna be

    It's all in my head,
    It's all in my head

    Us only, you and me
    Wherever you go I will be
    Just close your eyes and you'll see
    And wherever you go I will be

    It's all in my head,
    It's all in my head

    Us only, you and me
    Wherever you go I will be
    Just close your eyes and you'll see
    And wherever you go I will be
    KERRAY --- ---
    LOOK --- ---
    This information is disinformation.

    YBUKO --- ---
    HEXE --- ---
    There was a young man who said:
    "though it seems that i know that I know,
    What I would like to see
    Is the I that sees me
    When I know that I know that I know."
    .... http://deoxy.org/w_nature.htm ....
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    It's a dream captured in lucite.

    // cuteoverload.com
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