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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    KORNY --- ---
    Live for nothing. Die for something.

    John Rambo
    SKYLAR --- ---
    KERRAY: "It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything", fight club
    DARJEEL --- ---
    přání (...) vede k závislosti a jestliže závisíte, musíte držet, vlastnit. A jste pak zároveň vlastnictvím toho, co vlastníte

    DARJEEL --- ---
    Víra podmiňuje zkušenost a zkušenost pak posiluje víru. Zakoušíte to, v co věříte. Mysl diktuje a tlumočí zkušenost, vyzývá jí a odmítá. Mysl sama je výsledkem zkušenosti a může poznat a zažít pouze to, co je jí blízké, co zná z jakéhokoliv hlediska. Mysl nemůže prožívat to, co ještě není známé. Mysl a její odpovědi mají větší důležitost než zkušenost:
    Spoléhat se na zkušenost, jako prostředek pravdy, porozumění, znamená být chycen v nevědomosti a iluzi. Přání zakoušet pravdu znamená popírat pravdu, poněvadž přání podmiňuje a víra je pouze jiným pláštěm pro přání.

    KERRAY --- ---
    Člověk připoutaný k jednomu místu je určitě daleko snáz ovladatelný než nomád. Neboť k jeho kontrole, donucování existuje pestřejší paleta mocenských nástrojů: práce, bydliště, škola, důchodové zabezpečení, zdravotnictví. Usedlí lidé jsou nesmírně závislí na zřízení, na státu. Nomád to všechno hází za hlavu a spoléhá se sám na sebe. Proto vnímá svobodu citlivěji a její ohrožení jen tak nepřijme.

    Marc Ferro
    [ LITTLEFOX @ CITATY ... aneb veci, ktere vam pomohly otevrit oci ... ]
    GAISAKA --- ---
    Kdo se stal svobodným skrze poznání, je otrokem kvůli lásce vůči těm, kteří svobodu poznání ještě nemohli přijmout.

    Filipovo evangelium (gnostický apokryf)
    KERRAY --- ---
    The forces of mediocrity

    Maybe it should be, "the forces for mediocrity"...

    There's a myth that all you need to do is outline your vision and prove it's right—then, quite suddenly, people will line up and support you.

    In fact, the opposite is true. Remarkable visions and genuine insight are always met with resistance. And when you start to make progress, your efforts are met with even more resistance. Products, services, career paths... whatever it is, the forces for mediocrity will align to stop you, forgiving no errors and never backing down until it's over.

    If it were any other way, it would be easy. And if it were any other way, everyone would do it and your work would ultimately be devalued. The yin and yang are clear: without people pushing against your quest to do something worth talking about, it's unlikely it would be worth the journey. Persist.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Nothing Real Can Be Threatened
    Nothing Unreal Exists
    Herein Lies the Peace of God

    -- A Course in Miracles
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    vesmír jako celek, ve své plné složitosti, nemůže být reprezentován žádným modelem menším, než je vesmír sám.

    I. Asimov - Předehra k Nadaci
    KERRAY --- ---
    DARJEEL --- ---
    Smrt zkusenosti je tvoreni

    KERRAY --- ---

    Rozhovor s Alanem Moorem... muzu doporucit, i kdyz netusite, proc by vas mel zajimat clovek, ktery pise komiksy

    daji se najit utrzky na netu, ale takhle to snad bude pohodlnejsi... kdyztak uTorrent
    DARJEEL --- ---
    (tak tady je to presneji este s doplnenim)

    "byti vedomi by znicenim sveta veci bylo sice nutne modifikovano, ale ve sve vlastni existenci by bylo nedotceno"

    "Svet transcendentnich res (veci) je na druhe strane veskrze odkazany na vedomi, a sice ne logicky vymslene, nybrz aktualni"

    Edmund Husserl, Ideje I, paragraf 49, str. 101), btw. je to dilo z roku 1913, inspirace pro jednoho antropologa s iniciali CC.....
    ARFEA --- ---
    Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't been each other's First Contacts. Virgin civilizations, groping each other in the dark.

    "Damn it, damn it, damn it," the smaller of the two men moaned, his head down in his arms on the broken table, as the sounds coming in through the half-boarded-up window swelled louder.

    "If they wanted to destroy us, why didn't they just send a missle, an asteroid, a fucking army?"

    The taller man took another drink from the bottle in his hand, staring without seeing at the window.

    "We started it, you know."

    "Bastards, bastards."

    "We nearly destroyed them."

    "Should have."

    "It was the linguists," his voice was rough and slow, detached, almost toneless, "that went out in the first starship. We taught the Tanatha suicide."

    "Bastards." The sounds outside moved away a bit, grew softer.

    "Their language was utterly alien. No reflexive forms, strange verb tenses. Eventually they learned enough of it to try to ask them questions, eventually they asked them what their word was for 'suicide'. They didn't have one."


    "They didn't. They had no reflexive forms, and 'to be' and 'to kill' were such utterly incompatible concepts that they had been literally unable to imagine killing the person that you are. Until we asked the question, and kept asking it until they understood."

    He took another long drink, a deep breath, and shuddered. The man at the table raised his head just long enough to wipe his eyes.

    "It nearly destroyed their civilization. They didn't have the millennia of evolved defense mechanisms that we do, the cultural institutions that discourage killing yourself, the structures to deal with it.

    "They experimented.

    "They died.

    "Their cultures crumbled."

    "Not fucking far enough they didn't," the smaller man muttered, and lay his head down again with a thud.

    "They fell so fast. Our linguists came back on the last starship they sent out, along with what was left of their Tanatha colleagues. Half the crew died on the way, but they got here."


    "And their linguists, the ones that stayed alive, learned our language in return, and one day they knew enough to ask, to ask what was our word for --"

    "No, no, no, no, no," the man slumped over the table moaned monotonously, as another explosion bloomed outside and a chorus of voices raised in an ululating scream, full of fear and an incomprehensible ecstacy.

    [ SILENT @ Etymologie a otázky lingvistické ]
    TADEAS --- ---
    Barry Long - Seeing Through Death (audio, 89min, 107mb)

    In the game of living, the rule is: everyone dies. You win by finding death before it finds you. The prize is life.

    Does life continue on through death? Yes. I use the illustration again that life is here now. It is motivating our bodies. It animates our bodies. If we go to the morgue or see a dead body, it will be obvious that life the sustainer has withdrawn.
    Does life go on? Life has been in this body and your body since it was born or it couldn't have been born. Life doesn't go anywhere. It always is. It is bodies that come and go, but not life.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Give up your life, if you would live."

    INK_FLO --- ---
    "What does it mean to be a human? To laugh more."

    John Lilly
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