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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    TADEAS --- ---
    Each day every one of us subconsciously retouches the picture of his or her life to make the grotesque travesty of living-to-die make some sense and seem reasonable. We learn to live with a finger in the flame of doubt by refusing to acknowledge the pain to ourselves and each other, or to look for the cause of it. We are benevolent liars to our children, hearty cowards to ourselves. Apart from a few self-realised individuals, only the insane see the unbearable truth. Ours is a jungle in which everyone is kept as busy and unquestioning as is humanly possible, not for common welfare bu for common safety. Only in the real jungle there are no policemen, no doubts - and no insanity.

    The unbearable truth, which few are allowed to realise without going mad, is that every man is fighting or trying to live through his nature in order to make a better or more meaningful life for man to come. This is the dynamic of human evolution. Each life is lived solely for another life. As the point is always another life there is never really this life - therefore no apparent point, no permanence, no peace for long, no death. While man lives, he must fight and strive to build the individial he will be tomorrow. As there is no tomorrow, and yet only tomorrow, there is no end. Man can never rest content, even when he is dead. This is the epitome of futility, insanity. Which is why for man who is mortal, the truth of life must always remain myth.

    - Barry Long (src)
    OOHN --- ---
    CLAWS: Creating Livable Alternatives to Wage Slavery

    BROZKEFF --- ---
    V knize osudu jsme všichni zapsáni v jednom verši.

    —William Shakespeare
    TADEAS --- ---
    By meditating, the knowledge 'I am' gradually settles down and merges with universal love and therefore becomes totally free, like the sky or space.

    KERRAY --- ---
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Život není dobro ani zlo, nýbrž pouze místo pro dobro a zlo, podle toho, čemu dáme přednost.

    —Michel de Montaigne
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    A new beginning
    Another end
    The myth of life
    Your heart in your hand

    — Blind Guardian: Turn the page
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    You enjoy yourself most when your self is lost in the enjoying.
    CLUMP --- ---
    “My colleague Francis Crick used to say that God is a hacker, not an engineer,” Dr. Ramachandran said. “You can do reverse engineering, but you can’t do reverse hacking.”
    MAMOR --- ---
    "nikdo to neví, ale všichni se to dozví" :)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    Budoucnost není před námi, neboť už je tady v podobě klíčku; je už mezi námi; a co není mezi námi, nebude ani v budoucnosti.

    Karel Čapek
    [ LITTLEFOX @ CITATY ... aneb veci, ktere vam pomohly otevrit oci ... ]
    INK_FLO --- ---
    HEXE --- ---
    KAREN: ... :D

    Beyond the edge if the world there's a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap, where past and future form a continuous endless loop. ...

    H. Murakami - Kafka on the shore

    very nice book btw, :/0
    KAREN --- ---
    ... jsou to právě takové zvraty, co nakonec našemu světu dodává pořádnou trojrozměrnou hloubku. Kdo chce, aby všecko bylo dokonale rovné, měl by se radši přestěhovat do světa definovaného trojúhelníky.

    H. Murakami - Kafka na pobřeží
    KERRAY --- ---
    TED Talks, Susan Blackmore: Memes and "temes"
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