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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    TADEAS --- ---
    Reality is neither past nor eventual; it is now. Now is the original and only state of things. Nothing ever has happened or can happen outside of now. Although self-evident, the significance of this is extremely difficult to concede. We are involuntarily, unconsciously terrified of it for it means giving up the past and seems to predicate losing all of the established foundations from which we gain our psychological sense of security. Through the feeling of having been, we get the feeling of being someone, something. It is a substitute for being now. It is comforting, reassuring almost to the point of necessity for most of us; but it is not the truth. To be someone or something at any time requires living in the past.
    To be able to perceive the beginning of the universe and oneself as now is the beginning of immortality in the individual. To cling to any other beginning in the face of the real is for the individual to continue to calculate his own inevitable and equally unreal death.
    Now is exactly the same instant that the intellect formed in the mind and the universe began. In truth nothing has changed, nothing ever will. The thing that does change and therefore is evolutionary, or at any moment not yet itself, is intelligence. Intelligence invented interval, the past and the Big Bang theory because it is not yet up to living in the now.

    - Barry Long
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Kdyz jsem byl mladej,
    tak jsem byl blbej.

    Moc jsem si myslel.
    Nastesti jsem to nerikal nahlas.

    Kdybych to vykrikoval,
    ta ozvena by me desila dodnes.

    Josef Saudek (fotograf)
    TADEAS --- ---
    The realisation of Immortality, I-am, Life, Non-existence, and the other extreme points of Consciousness, is not Self-Realisation. These "high" points of Consciousness are differentiated forms of the Self, or reality -- eternally present ideas, archetypal mind structures. They are neither concepts, precepts or percepts. They are "there", in the individual's Consciousness for him to realise as quickly as possible. The Self, although none of these high points, contains them all.
    Self-Realisation is a State. A State -- like an ideal platonic national state -- is a self-sufficient beingness. No experience of a state is possible by those totally in that state because no separatedness exists for them to experience. Non-separatedness is non-experience.

    - Barry Long

    YBUKO: medituj a uprimne se ptej, cist nepotrebujes nic :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Člověk je ubohý, protože je člověkem
    a je velký, protože to ví.

    Blaise Pascal
    CLUMP --- ---
    ted me pobavily ruzny vyznamy v nayvu songu co zrovna posloucham:
    orbital - know where to run [nou uer tu ran]
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    KERRAY: to mi pripomina vyzkum chytrych deti, ktere jsou chvaleny za to ze jsou chytre - desne je to znehybnuje pac to v nich vyvolava reakci ze nesmi byt blbe, nesmi se dopoustet chyb. nejdou do aktivit kde pochybuji zda zvitezi/vyresi atd.
    KERRAY --- ---
    If you're open to growth, you tend to grow

    Why do some people reach their creative potential in business while other equally talented peers don’t?

    After three decades of painstaking research, the Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck believes that the answer to the puzzle lies in how people think about intelligence and talent. Those who believe they were born with all the smarts and gifts they’re ever going to have approach life with what she calls a “fixed mind-set.” Those who believe that their own abilities can expand over time, however, live with a “growth mind-set.”

    Guess which ones prove to be most innovative over time.

    “Society is obsessed with the idea of talent and genius and people who are ‘naturals’ with innate ability,” says Ms. Dweck, who is known for research that crosses the boundaries of personal, social and developmental psychology.

    “People who believe in the power of talent tend not to fulfill their potential because they’re so concerned with looking smart and not making mistakes. But people who believe that talent can be developed are the ones who really push, stretch, confront their own mistakes and learn from them.”

    KERRAY --- ---
    Uniquely, octopuses have more than half their nerves in their arms and have been shown to partially think with their arms,” says Claire Little, of the Weymouth Sea Life Centre. “Many animals have been shown to favour a certain arm so we will see if octopuses can be added to that list.”

    KERRAY --- ---
    SKYLAR --- ---
    iracionalita je někdy velmi racionální „vyšší“ hrou :o) … na základě racionálního předpokladu, že druhá strana jedná iracionálně, přestávám být racionální, abych ehm nebyl nezdvořilý, že?

    VODA --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    RNA to protein, 3D animation with basic narration
    TADEAS --- ---
    Experiments with Reality
    The following experiments are designed to provide an opportunity for you to reflect, in a variety of nonordinary ways, upon your understanding of the fundamental and essential nature of Reality and our identity and experience as human beings.
    KOMATSU --- ---
    _B2_: odkuď to pochází?
    TADEAS --- ---
    Sooner or later every good man who has learned to love and perhaps to serve something worthy in the world reaches a crisis point. He has to start facing up to the only thing that now stands between him and true selfless love. This is himself, the final residual emotional entity which he overlooked and unconsciously assumed was loving or doing the loving. The self itself - representing all that lives in him apart from love - must now be consciously dissolved. This is done by using his authentic being to observe and understand his emotional self. It means turning his attention inward instead of allowing it to be driven outward. For a long, long time the man must live out of character instead of out of his nature. This is extremely difficult to do as it entails going against much that is psychologically and emotionally normal in himself and society. To all other men living normal lives his behaviour and actions at this time will seem to be unnatural and therefore questionable. Furthermore, while the struggle is in progress the man's ability to love may seem to the world to be doubtful or self-centered.

    - Barry Long
    JAMINA --- ---
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