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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Seeking to Stop Seeking Can Stop Stopping-Seeking

    Of course, there's always a catch: in this case, at least three of them.

    First, seeking ways to stop seeking can become, itself, a narcotically addictive search. Comparing this meditation technique against that one. Searching for ever-more-transcendent peak experiences – "well, I did really forget myself and stop seeking last time, but I'd like to do it even more." Falling into the trap of thinking that it's the particular way of walking that matters on the journey, instead of showing up for every step of it. Talking about meditation instead of doing it. And, despite oneself, turning the whole thing into a goal-oriented process with goals and accoutrements. It's said that spirituality can turn into a kind of narcissism, but narcissism doesn't quite capture the angst of unbridled self-reflection. After all, Narcissus just saw his beautiful reflection – in meditation, you see an ever-more-clarifying picture of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thus endless self-reflection can end not in clarity and calm, but neurosis and paralysis.

    Second, there is what Trungpa Rinpoche called "spiritual materialism," in which the path to non-self becomes instead a path of gratifying and pleasing the self. Yoga, meditation, prayer, entheogens, energy work – all of these can easily become about enriching, enlarging, and serving the self, when they are meant to do the opposite. Spirituality can become an a consumer lifestyle, and a way of enhancing, relaxing, and generally pleasing Me – witness the success of the ego-empowering Kabbalah Centre, and the promises of eternal youth from some of today's most financially successful institutions. Even a sincere motivation for learning can becomes twisted: the search for occult, hidden realities can lead to both surprising truths about subtle energies that otherwise escape our notice – or a great cosmic treasure hunt, in which the goal is to know as much esoteric nonsense as possible.

    Third, and most familiarly, because spiritual practices bring about highly pleasant mind states, and among the most indescribably beautiful sensations I have ever experienced, they can spoil precisely what they are meant to enhance. Give me more of the mind-blowing contentment, bliss, and sensations of unity I feel on meditation retreat – the regular pleasures aren't enough. Like a connoisseur of wine no longer being able to enjoy ordinary merlot, I only want the extraordinary stuff. Thus the practice of waking up to ordinary pleasure can undermine exactly that.
    In all three of these cases, the search to stop seeking becomes, itself, a search with goals. It's tough, because, as goals go, bliss, contentment, and the deepest joy I've ever experienced are pretty good ones – and my experience is that meditation brings them about. But that is one of the paradoxes of the spiritual path: like love, you only truly experience it when you're willing to let it go.

    celý článek:
    KERRAY --- ---
    It is important to answer this question:
    How would I live if I was sure I was going to die tomorrow?

    But it is equally important to ask yourself this one:
    How would I live if I was sure I’d live a 100 more years?

    // http://www.steve-olson.com/learning-how-to-live/
    MORPHLER --- ---
    "Setkal jste se vy s něčím nevysvětlitelným či nadpřirozeným?

    Nadpřirozeným? To nemohu říci. Nevím… Ale viděl jsem a prožil sám spoustu věcí, které se nedaly vysvětlit v rámci dnešního materialistického vědeckého názoru. Když pracujete s mimořádnými stavy vědomí, jsou taková pozorování prakticky na denním pořádku. To ale neznamená, že je to cosi nadpřirozeného. Znamená to, že máme omezený koncepční rámec, kterým se na věci díváme. " S. Grof (http://www.putnici.sk/newsread.php?newsid=2)
    MORPHLER --- ---
    "spirituální filozofie a mystické tradice minulosti byly a jsou často zavrhovány a dokonce zesměšňovány s odůvodněním, že jsou »iracionální« a »nevědecké«. To je nepodložený, nezasloužený a neopodstatněný úsudek. " S. Grof
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    //mi pripomelo...

    Roads ? - where we're going, we don't need roads ..
    KERRAY --- ---
    "The road has its own reasons and no two travelers will have the same understanding of those reasons."

    Cormac McCarthy
    // via DarekSmid
    KERRAY --- ---
    BUBBLE --- ---
    “The future is not what it used to be.”

    Tom Kenyon
    WASPER --- ---
    BROZKEFF: nemoc z povolani ;D

    Ideje pocházejí z něčeho většího, než je osobní počítač.
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    (...) jsi-li idealista, jenž by rád prospěl světu, musíš být i realista, který si musí napřed pomoci sám. Teprve potom poznáš, zda si lidé přejí, abys jim pomohl, nebo zda si to nepřejí. Když někdo vnucuje světu dobro podle svých představ, může to být bráno jako bláznovství. Jako zločin páchaný na lidstvu se to může vnímat, když je začne vnucovat světu nějaká organizovaná skupina.
    Chce-li někdo dělat světu dobro nebo mu udělovat představy o dobrotě, musí získat zasvěcení, aby vůbec pochopil, jak to s tím dobrem je. Předesílám hned, že zasvěcení může každého dovést k poznání, že si nikdo jeho pomoci a dobra nepřeje.
    — K. Minařík
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Cesty mohou být daleké,
    leč není takové cesty, jejíhož konce bys nedošel;
    nedojdeš ovšem konce cesty, jestliže se ti nechce jít,
    to však není vinou daleké cesty.
    — Wen Tchien-siang (dynastie Sung, 960–1279)
    KALIPH --- ---
    When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.

    LOOK --- ---
    “Reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know.”

    Alan Watts

    “We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything. That is all.”

    Kalu Rinpoche
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Ideje pocházejí z něčeho většího, než je osobní člověk.
    My neděláme ideje, ale ony dělají nás.
    — C. G. Jung
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    "Když už člověk jednou je,
    tak má koukat, aby byl.
    A když kouká, aby byl, a je,
    tak má být to, co je,
    a nemá být to, co není,
    jak tomu v mnoha případech je."
    Jan Werich
    TADEAS --- ---

    Sha Clack Clack by Saul Williams

    i know you are but what i am?

    i n f i n i t y

    if i could find the spot where truth echoes
    i would stand there and whisper memories of my children's
    i would let their future dwell in my past
    so that i might live a brighter now

    now is the essence of my domain
    but it contains all that was and will be
    and i am as i was and will be
    because i am and
    always will be that nigga

    i am that nigga

    i am that timeless nigga that
    swings on pendulums like vines
    through mines of boobytrapped minds
    that are enslaved by time
    i am the life that supersedes lifetimes

    i am

    it was me with serpentine hair
    that with a timeless stare
    turned mortal fear into stone time capsules
    they still exist as the walking dead
    as i do: the original suffer-head
    symbol of life
    and matriarchy's severed head
    medusa, i am

    it was me the ecclesiastical one
    that pointed out that nothing
    was new under the sun
    and through times of laughter and times of tears
    saw that no time was real time
    'cause all times were fear
    the wise seer
    Solomon, i am

    it was me with tattered clothes
    that made you scatter
    as you shuffled past me on the street
    yes, you shuffled past me on the street
    as i stood there conversing with wind-blown spirits
    and i fear it's your loss that you didn't stop and talk to me
    i could have told you your past as i explained your present
    but instead i'm the homeless schizophrenic
    that you resent for being aimless
    the intuned nameless,

    i am
    i am that nigga
    i am that nigga
    i am that nigga
    i am a negro
    negro from necro,
    meaning death
    i overcame it

    so they named me after it
    and i be spittin' at death from behind
    and putting "kick me" signs on its' back
    because i am not the son of
    sha clack clack

    i am before that
    i am before
    i am before before
    before death is eternity
    after death is eternity
    there is no death there is only eternity
    and i be riding on the wings of eternity
    like: yah! yah!

    sha clack clack

    i exist like spit-fire
    which you call the sun
    and try to map out your future with sun-dails
    but tic-toc-technology can no tic-toc me

    i exist somewhere between tic and toc
    dodging it like double-dutch
    got me living double time
    i was there before your time
    my heart is made of the quartz crystals
    that you be making clocks out of
    and i be resurrection' every third
    like: tic-tic-tic

    sha clack clack

    no i won't work a nine to five
    because i am setting suns and orange moons
    and my existence is this:
    yet ever moving
    and i am moving beyond time
    because it binds me
    it can set me free and
    i'll fly when the clock strikes me
    like: yah! yah!

    sha clack clack

    bvut my flight does not go undisturbed
    because time makes dreams defer
    and all of my time fears
    are turning my days into day-mares
    and i live day-mares
    reliving nightmares
    that once haunted my past

    sha clack clack

    time is beatin' my ass
    and i be havin' dreams
    of chocolate covered watermelons
    filled with fried chicken like pinatas

    with little pickaninny sons and daughters
    standing up under them with
    big sticks and aluminum foil,
    hittin' them,
    trying to catch pieces
    of fallen fried chicken wings.
    and aunt jemima and uncle ben
    are standing in the corners
    with rifles pointed at all of the heads
    of the little children.

    "don't shoot the children", i shout.
    "don't shoot the children!"
    But it's too late.
    they've already been infected by time.
    but this shit is before my time...
    (i need more time! i need less time!)
    ...but it's too late.

    they start shooting at the children
    and killing them:
    one by one
    two by two
    three by three
    four by four
    five by five
    six by six

    but my spirit is growing
    seven by seven

    faster than the speed of light
    'cause light only penetrates the darkness
    that's already there
    and i am already there
    i'm here at the end of the road
    which is the beginning
    of the road beyond time
    but where my niggas at?
    oh no
    don't tell me
    my niggas are lost in time
    my niggas are lost in time

    my niggas are dying before their time
    my niggas are dying because of time.


    + lehce pozmenena verze na videu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZiXqUzw4Vo
    ANNA --- ---
    "hmota je sama o sobe velmi ridka z pohledu subatomarnich castic..."

    někde někdo (něco)
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    הֲבֵל הֲבָלִים הַכֹּל הָבֶל. -- קֹהֶלֶת
    (Marnost nad marnost, všechno je marnost -- kniha Kazatel)
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human
    construct because no two parts are alike. If they are, we make the two
    similar parts into a subroutine -- open or closed. In this respect, software
    systems differ profoundly from computers, buildings, or automobiles, where
    repeated elements abound.
    - Fred Brooks, Jr.
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