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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Vzdělávání je státem ovládaná výroba ozvěn.

    -- Norman Douglas
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    "The true pessimists of our time are those who assume the current pattern will simply continue indefinitely."
    -Martin Weiss
    STRYX --- ---
    prevzato z vtipu :o)

    TADEAS --- ---
    Living in the present is a spiritual aspiration of many who are on the path to awareness. To truly live in the moment requires a tremendous amount of letting go. Some are willing to let go of projections about where they will live in the future, what work they will be doing, etc., yet resist letting go of the idea of who they will be loving (and, more importantly, who will be loving them).

    - Mystic Life
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Because we are a reflection of our nervous system, the state of our nervous system
    dictates how we experience the world.

    (Ashtanga Yoga Manual)
    YBUKO --- ---
    Waking Life
    YBUKO --- ---
    "Před memetickou evolucí není možné uniknout. Dokonce i náš vnitřní obraz sebe sama je dle ní pouhou vítěznou skupinou memů, které nás momentálně ovládají."
    KERRAY --- ---
    WUJI --- ---
    BUBBLE: karl popper on the problem of induction: No matter how many instances of white swans we may have observed, this does not justify the conclusion that all swans are white.

    we are limited beings in an unlimited universe. all we can hope for is to find out how we are wrong this time.

    we don't know anything, we just don't know it yet.
    BUBBLE --- ---
    “Black Swan” is a term I probably need to explain before I proceed. There used to be a saying in Medieval England that something was about as likely as “finding a Black Swan”, meaning it was highly unlikely, akin to “when pigs fly”. According to historical record, this term was in widespread use until the 17th Century and the discovery of Australia, which bought with it the first sighting of a Black Swan in 1697. In scientific terms this is known as a paradigm shift, it was a discovery that couldn’t be incorporated into the current understanding, it had to redefine it. And clearly, the metaphor could no longer be used.

    Nassib Taleb, in his book of the same name, defines the Black Swan as an event which is 1) hard to predict, 2) highly consequential, and 3) wrongly retro-predicted. The history of human culture is a progression of these Black Swans: the internet, the home computer, the motor car, wikipedia, Harry Potter, Princess Diana, facebook, the Renaissance. World War I was a Black Swan, it may look predictable in hindsight, but prior to it actually happening it was near unimaginable.

    zdroj: http://zenbullets.com/blog/?p=160
    KERRAY --- ---
    YBUKO: mne v poslednich dnech docela pobavil clanek http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20227046.400-choice-blindness-you-dont-know-what-you-want.html?full=true

    For example, in one recent study we invited supermarket customers to choose between two paired varieties of jam and tea. In order to switch each participant's choice without them noticing, we created two sets of "magical" jars, with lids at both ends and a divider inside. The jars looked normal, but were designed to hold one variety of jam or tea at each end, and could easily be flipped over.

    Immediately after the participants chose, we asked them to taste their choice again and tell us verbally why they made that choice. Before they did, we turned over the sample containers, so the tasters were given the opposite of what they had intended in their selection. Strikingly, people detected no more than a third of all these trick trials. Even when we switched such remarkably different flavours as spicy cinnamon and apple for bitter grapefruit jam, the participants spotted less than half of all switches.
    YBUKO --- ---
    KERRAY: proklikavani se puvodnim zdrojem na wiki ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biases ) a procitani dalsich odkazu co v tom clanku nejsou je taky velmi vyzivne!
    LA_SKA --- ---
    "Sit down before fact like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing."
    - T.H. Huxley
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    Co když život v nás není nic jiného než nrvyzpytatelný větrný vír? Vítr, o němž se v bibli říká: Víš, odkud přichází a kam jde? — — — Cožpak se nám někdy nezdá, že jsme sáhli do hluboké vody a lapili stříbrné rybky, a ve skutečnosti se nestalo nic jinéhé, než že nám po ruce přejel studený závan větru?

    --Gustav Meyrink: Golem
    PETVAL --- ---
    Mluviti stříbro,
    mlčeti zlato.
    Kdo zlato má,
    mlčet si může.

    Kdo však si přál,
    abys jak stařec třaslavý
    jen potají a tiše
    proklínal bezpráví?

    Neboť mlčíš-li vždy a všude
    vše ještě horší bude.
    Nespatříš ani záblesk práva,
    o kterém se ti zdává.

    A pro toho, kdo jako ty
    nekoná a mlčí jen,
    pro toho může svět
    zůstat nezměněn.

    Kdo nepozdvihne hlas,
    ten mlčí na souhlas.

    Herman van Veen.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    “Ani všechna voda na světě tě nemůže utopit, dokud se nedostane dovnitř tebe.”
    ~ Mary Manin Boggs
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    "... nebot copak se, pod stolem, ktery nas deli, nedrzime vsichni tajne za ruce?"

    -- Bruno Schulz

    (nasla jsem neska na nyxu)
    KERRAY --- ---
    Escape from the Zombie Food Court

    // dlouhe, ale cim dal tim lepsi :)
    TRISMEGISTOS --- ---
    "Proti tomu, co v budoucnu uděláš, nenaděláš nic."

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam