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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    KIWWWI --- ---
    In the neighborhood lived a famous dervish who passed for the best philosopher in Turkey; they went to consult him: Pangloss, who was their spokesman, addressed him thus:

    "Master, we come to entreat you to tell us why so strange an animal as man has been formed?"
    "Why do you trouble your head about it?" said the dervish; "is it any business of yours?"
    "But, Reverend Father," said Candide, "there is a horrible deal of evil on the earth."
    "What signifies it," said the dervish, "whether there is evil or good? When His Highness sends a ship to Egypt does he trouble his head whether the rats in the vessel are at their ease or not?"
    "What must then be done?" said Pangloss.
    "Be silent," answered the dervish.

    ~ Voltaire - Candide
    BUBBLE --- ---
    "Zavři se ve svém pokoji a napiš všechno, co ti přichází na mysl. Necenzuruj, piš, co tě právě napadá. Budeš překvapen: během deseti minut uvidíš, že tvoje mysl je mysl duševně chorého...".

    — Osho
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    "Nevzdelanost je nevedomost a vzdelanost je ucena nevedomost."
    Ramana Maharsi
    YBUKO --- ---
    “"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit.
    "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."”
    ADAM_KADMON --- ---
    Osobní svoboda je důležitější než osobní moc.
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    When you dont break rules, then you dont do new things.
    KERRAY --- ---
    Dva mniši se přeli, jestli mohou kouřit při meditování. Nemohli se dohodnout, a tak se šli zeptat svého mistra. První mnich vyšel z mistrova pokoje a labužnicky si zapálil cigaretu. Když vyšel druhý mnich z mistrova pokoje a viděl zapálenou cigaretu, vyděsil se: "Mně to zakázal. Jak to, že kouříš? Tobě to povolil?" "A co ses ho ptal?" zjišťoval druhý mnich. "Jestli můžu kouřit při meditování," odpověděl první. "Co ses ptal ty?" "Jestli můžu meditovat při kouření."

    [ SCHWEPZ @ Zenové příběhy ]
    HUSOKACHNA --- ---
    Článek o Norovi, kterej se jednou ráno vzbudil a nic si ze svýho života nepamatoval, už si nikdy nevzpomněl. Bohužel jen v NJ. Je o něm natočenej dokument: »Jakten på hukommelsen«, Jagd auf das Gedächtnis, Lov na paměť - bohužel jsem to však přes torenty nenašel - kdyby se někomu poštěstilo, dejte vedet.

    Die Geschichte eines jungen Mannes, der sich an nichts in seinem Leben erinnert
    KERRAY --- ---
    "Liberation is a doctrine of mass egotism."

    [ ALISTAIR @ Alistair ]
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    I dont bother anybody and if somebody bothers me I tell them not to.
    YBUKO --- ---
    coz mi pripomina
    ADAM_KADMON --- ---
    Without sense of humour, you will remain stupid forever.
    ADAM_KADMON --- ---
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Play your part and don't worry about what others do. Believe that God also speaks to them, and that they are as engaged as you are in discovering the meaning of life.
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Freedom is everything and love is all the rest.
    YBUKO --- ---
    Strive to see yourself in everyone else.

    Rather then seeking perfection in all things, seek affection for all things

    When you “think” that something is impossible. It is only that thought itself which has created the impossibility. I would argue, all things are possible in the universe. And of all things, “thought” contains the highest degree of possibilities.
    YBUKO --- ---
    At this moment, you are both living and dying. These facts remain with you throughout your physical experience here. Though you retain the ultimate ability to experience your life as either someone who is living, or that of someone who is dying. Which do you choose?

    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Every generalisation will destroy itself at some time.
    ADAM_KADMON --- ---
    People would rather kill themselves rather then face whats unfamiliar.
    So the biggest metastep is to make whats unfamiliar, familiar.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam