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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    ORLOCK --- ---
    "What you see in yourself is what you see in the world."

    - afgánske príslovie.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    "Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels."
    -Nikola Tesla
    ORLOCK --- ---
    You are everything pretending to be something.
    JULYZ --- ---
    "forgiving is not something we do, but something we are"
    -Piero Ferrucci
    BUCHO --- ---
    Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy: If you want to be happy, be.
    Taisen Deshimaru: If you are not happy here and now, you never will be.

    Možná jsou to klišé ale mě se líbí :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    God's Debris - Scott Adams (autor Dilberta)

    "thought experiment" na cca. 150 stran

    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    If you enjoy being a loser and procrastinator, go to the jungle and stay alone. No one would disturb you there. Then you can do EVERYTHING tomorrow!
    Is it that much fun to be losing out?

    Do you love being a loser so you can get more ill? And when you get ill, do you PRETEND you’re not worried?

    If your attitude is tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and always tomorrow, then that’s a BIG FAT LOSER’S ATTITUDE. Taking your SWEET TIME to get things done never wins!

    - Tsem Tulku

    [ OKBOY @ Tibetsky BUDDHISMUS ]
    KERRAY --- ---
    Poslední dobou musím docela dost mazat. Sorry. Rozhodně vás tím nechci odradit od přispívání.

    Když vynecháte hlášky a obrázky, které jsou naprosto klišé nebo úplně mimo a hlášky, které potřebují dost specifický kontext, který ale ani v nejmenším neposkytují, nebudu to muset dělat tak často.

    Dík za pochopení
    KALIPH --- ---
    "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
    –William Shakespeare
    OTZ --- ---
    pokud se nezmeni diky tobe, zmeni se diky nekomu jinemu

    nemej lidi za hlupce jenom proto ze jim nerozumis..
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    "The wise man is he who does today what fools will do three days later."
    Abdullah ibn Mubarak
    VODA --- ---
    Nikdy nepocítíš tu pravou radost ze života, dokud
    se moře nebude přelévat ve tvých žilách, dokud se
    nezahalíš do oblohy a na hlavu si neposadíš
    hvězdnou korunu, dokud si neuvědomíš, že jsi
    jediným dědicem celého světa, a nepochopíš to tím
    víc proto, že tu jsou i jiní, každý z nich univerzální
    dědic jako ty.

    Thomas Traherne
    KERRAY --- ---
    Alan Watts - The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/6208877/Book-to-Taboo-Alan-Watts nebo download pdf
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Right now, say it out loud: “I’m so proud of myself.” The rush of strength and expansiveness that comes from declaring this honestly is the antidote to paralysis and the beginning of wonderful adventures, and each time you choose that, instead of shame, you really should be proud.—Martha Beck
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Pochopit, co doopravdy působí v děloze, to je pochopit tajemství vesmíru.

    Pouze stykem se skutečnou ženou se muž sám rozvine. Jejím potlačováním se sám dusí.

    (André Lysbeth: Tantra)
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Any natural scientist who is not a mystic is not a natural scientist.
    (Albert Hoffman)
    MUTEK --- ---
    The most dangerous belief systems are circular. They usually revolve around someone’s writings. Circular belief systems are done evolving. They make no room for alternate interpretations and do not encourage creativity. You will know that you are in the presence of a circular belief system when after all the discussion is done you are told in frustration, “It is written, you are either one of the believers or you are not.”

    You can be doubly certain that you are in the presence of a belief system when you hear that you will incur some sort of penalty in the now or in the hereafter if you choose not to believe.

    The financial world is being run by a belief system, it is: There is not enough for all, therefore someone must go without. This is the paradigm at the heart of corruption, pollution and war. Belief systems have consequences. The questions that we need to ask ourselves are: What are the belief systems we each hold that are not regenerative? How do we need to change our beliefs to create a sustainable future? Will we realize what changes need to be made and make them before it’s too late?

    William Oehlstrom
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