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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    DOGGY --- ---
    My life's biggest lesson is learning how to let go.

    ameba - review
    JULYZ --- ---
    "knowing is half the battle
    the other half is trying to forget"
    MYKO --- ---
    RATUS --- ---

    a další podle libosti :)
    RATUS --- ---
    RATUS --- ---
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Passion - including the manifestations of passion we feel within ourselves and therefore call "ours" - is not something we can grasp or own but a force of nature, connected to and influenced by things that extend far beyond any puny human self.—Martha Beck
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    The more we learn to communicate with out bodies, the more we may feel as though we’re aging backward, like Merlin the Magician, becoming healthier and more comfortable in our skin with the passage of time. —Martha Beck
    ORLOCK --- ---
    “God is not a person, it is an experience. The vision, the experience one has of the universe, of existence, after the dissolution of the ego-center…. When the “I” disappears, what remains is love. When the walls surrounding ego crumble, what remains is love. And that itself is also “God.” Hence one cannot know God but one can become God.”
    1ONYO --- ---
    There is strong shadow where there is much light
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    LOOK --- ---
    FERDA: hmm proc jenom cas, jakykoliv (abstraktni) koncept existuje pouze v lidskem 'myslenkovem' svete.
    FERDA --- ---
    Time does not have a real existence outside of animal-sense perception. It is the process by which we perceive changes in the universe.

    Sixth Principle of Biocentrism
    FERDA --- ---
    To be conscious that we are perceiving ... is to be conscious of our own existence.
    Aristotle {384-322 BC}
    BUBBLE --- ---
    Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
    NYA --- ---
    "Obvykle si myslíme, že není-li nějaká věc jedna, je víc než jedna, není-li singulární, je plurální. Ve skutečnosti je však náš život nejen plurální, ale také singulární. Každý z nás je jak závislý, tak nezávislý"

    - Sunrju Suzuki - Zenová mysl, mysl začátečníka: všední hovory o zenu
    THE_HOG --- ---
    když jsou vyčerpány a vyzkoušeny všechny logické možnosti zbývá pouze INAKCE /Tuvok - Star Trek/
    KALIPH --- ---
    "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." - Bruce Lee
    ORLOCK --- ---
    "The secret of life is to “die before you die” - and find that there is no death.”
    (Eckhart Tolle)
    KALIPH --- ---
    “The more you listen to the voice within you, the better you will hear what is sounding outside.”
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    We have on this Earth what makes life worth living
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