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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    ARFEA --- ---
    PIZI: Je dobré zkoušet si jiné pohledy i v rámci "jiných pohledů" :)
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    PIZI: Je v tom kus pravdy, chápu co chce říct, představa že "správně" jde užívat látky jen se šamanem, je zvláštní a taky se s ní neztotožňuju....ale autor citátu má zároveň dost omezenej pohled, když užívá termíny jako "primitive from a poor country" a neumí si představit, že takový "primitiv" může být kvalifikovanej odborník na univerzální vesmírný věci :), i když nezná americkou kulturu...
    PIZI --- ---
    BB: You've written that you're don't trust and that you dislike shamans. Why is that?

    HM: I don't dislike shamans, I dislike the idea that we are somehow not equipped to take the drug on our own, that we need to refer to a guy who is, like, primitive from a poor country who will then tell us how to do drugs because our tainted American minds are somehow incapable of conceptualizing the psychedelic experience. And you have to have some guy who doesn't know anything about us, or our culture, or who we are, tell us how to experience a drug. It makes no sense at all.
    KERRAY --- ---
    MAMELUK --- ---
    "Modli se za zázrak, ale nezapomeň zasadit kapustu."
    v knize Pilíře Země (Ken Follettt, na s. 620)
    KAMAHL --- ---
    JULYZ --- ---
    PIZI: ja by som si dovolila sem pastnúť odkaz na celý ten článok, z ktorého je to citát:
    Procrastination « You Are Not So Smart
    plus odporúčam si pustiť aj to video v článku.
    PIZI --- ---
    This is sometimes called present bias – being unable to grasp what you want will change over time, and what you want now isn’t the same thing you will want later. Present bias explains why you buy lettuce and bananas only to throw them out later when you forget to eat them. This is why when you are a kid you wonder why adults don’t own more toys.
    KERRAY --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    "I acknowledge human creativity and flexibility to adapt to changing circumstance is the best asset we have. While we do not have the power to rewrite the laws of thermodynamics that limit and shape human realities, we do have a remarkable capacity to reshape our individual and collective conception of reality in ways that facilitate rather than hinder cultural evolution. Money is simply a collective mental construct that we can redesign from first principles to reflect energetic realities and ethical values."

    "... it has been calculated that half of the protein in the human biomass was created using nitrogen from the Haber Bosch process that uses vast quantities of fossil fuel to create nitrogen fertilisers that in turn allowed increased food production to grow the human biomass to over 6 billion bodies." (aneb hydroponicky lidi:)

    David Holmgren - Money vs. Fossil Fuel
    TYLACIN --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    YouTube - Imagining the Tenth Dimension - Rob Bryanton [FULL CLIP].flv
    1ONYO --- ---
    “While undertaking to expand the scope of architecture, I surprised myself and will surprise all of you by my arithmetic: one third of life is spent lying without consciousness, without any guide in the mysterious world of sleep, and tapping the unseen depth of the source of healing secrets. Well, this may be the miracle of miracles, indeed anything can be a miracle.”
    KERRAY --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    The Japanese Popstars Feat. Green Velvet - Let Go
    KERRAY --- ---
    DOGGY --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    ORLOCK --- ---
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