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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    ZIKE --- ---
    "Dnes je clovek prilis chytry, nez aby mohl prezit bez moudrosti" (Schumacher)
    KERRAY --- ---

    Jonathan Schooler was a young graduate student at the University of Washington in the nineteen-eighties when he discovered a surprising new fact about language and memory. At the time, it was widely believed that the act of describing our memories improved them. But, in a series of clever experiments, Schooler demonstrated that subjects shown a face and asked to describe it were much less likely to recognize the face when shown it later than those who had simply looked at it. Schooler called the phenomenon “verbal overshadowing.”

    The study turned him into an academic star. Since its initial publication, in 1990, it has been cited more than four hundred times. Before long, Schooler had extended the model to a variety of other tasks, such as remembering the taste of a wine, identifying the best strawberry jam, and solving difficult creative puzzles. In each instance, asking people to put their perceptions into words led to dramatic decreases in performance.


    The decline effect and the scientific method : The New Yorker
    KERRAY --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---

    ;)) thx 2 bubble
    PERPLEX --- ---
    Buď realistou, požaduj nemožné!
    klasika od Che Guevary, divil bych se, kdyby jeste nebylo:)
    XAB --- ---
    "To expound and propagate concepts is simple, to drop all concepts is difficult and rare." Nisargadatta
    EVIE --- ---
    Život je jedinečný experiment, osvědčené postupy neexistují.
    MEA --- ---
    Mysl je jako žena. Neustále se snaží zaujmout... Čímkoliv, jakkoliv.

    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    zijeme presne v takovem svete, jaci jsme my
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    What I have, I can lose.
    I other words, if my sense of identity is based on what I have, on my posessions, if I can say I am what I have, then the question arises, what am I when I lose what I have.
    Therefore, the sense of identity based on what I have is always threatened. Person is anxiously concerned on not to lose what he has. Because he doesn't lose just what he has, he loses his sense of self.

    Erich Fromm
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Jste pesimistický?

    Nikoli. Pesimismus je druh emoce, já hledím na fakta. Není to o tom být pesimistou či optimistou, je to o tom, jaké to skutečně je. Když někdo umírá, umírá. Když někdo lže, tak lže.
    LOOK --- ---
    If you have to choose between buying something or spending the money on a memorable experience, go with the experience.

    According to a study conducted at San Francisco State University, the things you own can’t make you as happy as the things you do. One reason is adaptation: we adapt to all things material in our lives in a matter of weeks, no matter how infatuated we were with the coveted possession the day we got it. Another reason is that experience, unlike possession, generally involves other people, and fosters or strengthens relationships that are more edifying over time than owning something.

    http://brainspiner.wordpress.com/2009/12/28/ten-psychology-studies-from-2009-worth-knowing-about/ , http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/neuronarrative/201012/ten-psychology-studies-2010-worth-knowing-about
    GAISAKA --- ---
    repast ze science of consciousness

    Nine elements of flow

    (Mihaly) Csikszentmihalyi identified nine elements of flow that he saw repeatedly in his research:

    1. There are clear goals every step of the way. In many everyday situations, there are contradictory demands and it’s sometimes quite unclear what should occupy our attention. But in a flow experience, you have a clear purpose and a good grasp of what to do next.

    2. There is immediate feedback to one’s actions. When you’re in flow, you know how well you’re doing.

    3. There is a balance between challenges and skills. If a challenge is too demanding compared to your skill level, you get frustrated. If it’s too easy, you get bored. In a flow experience, there is a pretty good match between your abilities and the demands of the situation. You feel engaged by the challenge, but not overwhelmed.

    4. Action and awareness are merged. People are often thinking about something that happened – or might happen – in another time or place. But in flow, you’re concentrated on what you’re doing.

    5. Distractions are excluded from consciousness. Because you’re absorbed in the activity, you’re only aware of what’s relevant to the task at hand, and you don’t think about unrelated things. By being focused on the activity, unease that can cause anxiety and depression is set aside.

    6. There is no worry of failure. In a state of flow, you’re too involved to be concerned about failing. You just don’t think about failure. You know what has to be done and you just do it.

    7. Self-consciousness disappears. People often spend a lot of mental energy monitoring how they appear to others. In a flow state, you’re too involved in the activity to care about protecting your ego. You might even feel connected to something larger than yourself. Paradoxically, the experience of letting go of the self can strengthen it.

    8. The sense of time becomes distorted. Time flies when you’re really engaged. On the other hand, time may seem to slow down at the moment of executing some action for which you’ve trained and developed a high degree of skill.

    9. The activity becomes “autotelic” (an end in itself, done for it’s own sake). Some activities are done for their own sake, for the enjoyment an experience provides, like most art, music, or sports. Other activities, which are done for some future purpose or goal – like things you have to do as part of your job – may only be a means to an end. But some of these goal-oriented activities can also become ends in themselves, and enjoyed for their own sake. Csikszentmihalyi concludes by saying that “in many ways, the secret to a happy life is to learn to get flow from as many of the things we have to do as possible.”
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    DARJEEL --- ---
    Buddhist psychology, although involved in theoretical conceptions, considers thinking, as a source of knowledge, as a suspect.

    - Andrew Olendzski
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    The best way to predict the future is to create it.
    - Peter Drucker
    MIOLLNIR --- ---
    We complain incessantly about the ‘fast pace of modern life,’ and say that we have ‘no time.’ But of course most of us have lots of time, or else every study wouldn’t show that we watch three or four or five hours and television a day. It’s that time the way it really works has come to bore us. Or at least make us nervous, the way that silence does, and so we need to shut it out. We fill time, instead of letting it fill us.

    Bill McKibben, The Age of Missing Information (1992)
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    "The total number of minds in the universe is one."

    Erwin Schrodinger
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