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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    CRS --- ---
    z ústavu...
    MUTEK --- ---
    The world only began to get something of value from me the moment I stopped being a serious member of society and became—myself. The State, the nation, the united nations of the world, were nothing but one great aggregation of individuals who repeated the mistakes of their forefathers. They were caught in the wheel from birth and they kept at it until death—and this treadmill they tried to dignify by calling it "life." If you asked anyone to explain or define life, what was the be-all and end-all, you got a blank look for an answer. Life was something which philosophers dealt with in books that no one read. Those in the thick of life, "the plugs in harness, " had no time for such idle questions. "You've got to eat, haven't you?" This query, which was supposed to be a stopgap, and which had already been answered, if not in the absolute negative at least in a disturbingly relative negative by those who knew; was a clue to all the questions which followed in a veritable Euclidean suite. From the little reading I had done I had observed that the men who were most in life, who were molding life, who were life itself, ate little, slept little, owned little or nothing. They had no illusions about duty, or the perpetuation of their kith and kin, or the preservation of the State. They were interested in truth and in truth alone. They recognized only one kind of activity—creation. Nobody could command their services because they had of their own pledged themselves to give all. They gave gratuitously; because that is the only way to give. This was the way of life which appealed to me: it made sound sense. It was life—not the simulacrum which those about me worshipped.

    — CrimethInc., Days of War, Nights of Love, 2001
    RAEL --- ---
    "Své bitvy si musí vybojovat každý sám. Ale to vám ještě nebrání v tom mít spojence. Všichni potřebujeme, aby někdo tu a tam naší dušičce vydrhl záda.
    Domovem nemůže být nikdy místo, jen člověk..."

    z knihy Putování na konec pokoje; Tibor Fischer
    KERRAY --- ---
    BOS --- ---
    WIGGS_DANNYBOY --- ---
    "Free your mind, your ass will follow."
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    LEOZ --- ---
    ESTEN --- ---
    ...One of the insights in McCarthy’s work is that, in a sense, there have been many apocalypses. Many cultures have perished from the earth, and, to a person alive within one of those cultures, those ends were final. (Today’s so-called “Mayan Apocalypse” is, for this reason, a strange idea: there already was a Mayan apocalypse, and it happened in the ninth century, and perhaps again in the fifteenth.)
    PANPOSPA --- ---
    GHOSTDOGG --- ---
    Potom jsem si postavil na okno akvárium. Choval jsem v něm zlatovlasou vulvu a nádherný exemplář pyje s modrým okem a něžnými žilkami na spáncích. Ale časem naházel jsem tam všechno, co jsem miloval. Střepy šálků, vlásenky, střevíček Barbory, žárovky, stíny, oharky, krabice od sardinek, celou svou korespondenci a použité prezervativy. V tomto světě se zrodiloé mnoho podivných živočichů. Pokládal jsem se za stvořitele. Plným právem. Když jsem dal potom skříňku zaletovati, díval jsem se s uspokojením na hnilobný stav svých snů, až její stěny pokryla plíseň a nebylo lze ničeho spatřiti. Byl jsem si však jist, že vše, co na světě miluji, tam existuje.

    Jinřich Štyrský - Emílie se tiše ztrácí z mých dní...
    PANPOSPA --- ---
    WIGGS_DANNYBOY --- ---
    Realita je to, co nezmizí, když v to přestanete věřit.
    Philip K. Dick


    K tomu, co píše Kalina bych přistupoval opatrně už jen proto, že ten jeho post je zařazenej v rubrice "osobní růst". Jestli je dneska něco cesta do osobního pekla, tak jsou to tyhle moderní návody na šťastnej a vyrovnanej život plnej "růstu" (nejlépe osobního)

    Přitom ten velkej trip zvanej život není (nemá bejt) sterilní cesta vzhůru z bodu 0 do bodu 100, ale spíš něco jako vícerozměrnej fraktál.
    MILTIKI --- ---
    "No life path is harder or easier, better or wase than any other, except to the degree we make it so."
    Dan Millman
    PIZI --- ---
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: Slysel jsem to od nekoho lidove parafrazovano jako "Co te sere, to je tvoje."
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---

    klasika od klasika:)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    TLUSTEI --- ---

    Everybody wants the fruit of the spirit as long as they can have it without the spirit.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam