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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    "Just as there is a folie à deux there is a folie à millions. The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make these vices virtues, the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same form of mental pathology does not make these people sane.”
    (Fromm, 1955)
    KAMAHL --- ---
    snad to sem patří
    Calling The Others
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Kam si chodí pro dávku člověk závislý na drogách?
    K dealerovi.
    Kam chodí ukojit svou závislost člověk závislý na čokoládě?
    Třeba do cukrárny.
    Kam potom půjde alkoholik?
    Do hospody.
    A kam chodí lidé závislí na myšlení?
    Do knihkupectví…
    MUTEK --- ---
    One of the intense pleasures of travel is the opportunity to live amongst peoples who have not forgotten the old ways, who still feel their past in the wind, touch it in stones polished by the rain, taste it in the bitter leaves of the plants. Just to know that, in the Amazon, Jaguar shaman still journey beyond the Milky Way, that the myths of the Inuit elders still resonate with meaning, that the Buddhists in Tibet still pursue the breath of the Dharma is to remember the central revelation of anthropology: the idea that the social worldi in which we live does not exist in some absolute sense, but rather is simply one model of reality, the consequence of one set of intellectual and spiritual choices that our particular cultural lineage made, however sucessflly, many generations ago. But whether we travel with the nomdaic Penan in the forests of Borneo, a Vodoun acolyte in Haiti, a curandero in the high Andes of Peru, ... all these people teach us that there are other options, other possibilities, other ways of thinking and interacting with the earth. This is an idea that can only fill us with hope...

    — Wade Davis, The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World, 2009
    SINECURVE --- ---
    tak nevim zda sem ale vzhledem k tomu zenovemu pdtxtu___

    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    F0N --- ---
    HARVIE --- ---
    PETJULE --- ---
    pekne, a sorry pokud OT
    Are Star Signs Real? Episode About Horoscopes, Ancient Astrology, Sun Worship, 13 & The New Human! - YouTube
    DAW --- ---
    Are we still young and stupid,
    or is this already old and wise?

    -Daw- :)
    JAZZZ --- ---
    HARVIE --- ---
    STRYX: Squostný... Asi si to dám celý:
    Brendan a tajemství Kellsu / Secret of Kells, The (2009) | ČSFD.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    STRYX --- ---
    The Eye of Crom (The Secret of Kells) - YouTube
    VETE --- ---
    The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson - YouTube
    XCHAOS --- ---
    BBC News - Tributes paid to Pink Floyd album artist Storm Thorgerson
    KAMAHL --- ---
    NEBRASKA --- ---
    SINECURVE --- ---
    JAZZZ --- ---
    Do you want to be a positive influence in the world?

    First, get your own life in order. Ground yourself in the single principle so that your behavior is wholesome and effective. If you do that, you will earn respect and be a powerful influence.
    Your behavior influences others through a ripple effect.
    A ripple effect works because everyone influences everyone else.
    Powerful people are powerful influences.
    If your life works, you influence your family.
    If your family works, your family influences the community.
    If your community works, your community influences the nation.
    If your nation works, your nation influences the world.
    If your world works, the ripple effect spreads throughout the cosmos.
    Remember that your influence begins with you and ripples outward.
    Be sure that your influence is both potent and wholesome.
    How do I know that this works?

    All growth spreads outward from a fertile and potent nucleus.
    You are a nucleus.

    -John Heider

    ego je obal/rozhrani toho jadra o kterem pise. bez nej to nejde. problem neni v tom rozhrani ale v patternech, ktere obaluje.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam