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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    MTO --- ---
    "Predstavy pusobi lidem problemy. Kdybyste si nic nepredstavovali, nemeli byste problemy, protoze byste vsechno brali , jak to je. Ale pak byste neprozili nic romantickeho, protoze romantika znamena nalezt svou vysnenou predstavu v cloveku, ktery ji v sobe nema. Jeden muj pritel vzdycky rika : Zeny me miluji za to, co nejsem."

    - Andy Warhol
    MTO --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Poslední dobou velmi neklidně těkám, nevím ale, kolem jakého rovnovážného bodu.
    SAGUS --- ---
    JAZZZ --- ---
    DANII_DP --- ---
    we are angels, uknown to ourselves :)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    nekdy se da na dobre ulovky narazit na celkem necekanych mistech - z rozhovoru s johnem foxxem, taky z te knihy "Ghost of my life" od M. Fishera

    I can detect tiny edges of time leaking through. I feel nothing is completely separate. At
    some point everything leaks into everything else. The trick is in finding the places. They are
    slowly moving. Drifting. You can only do this accidentally. If you set out to do it
    deliberately you will always fail.
    It is only when you remember, only then will you realise that you caught a glimpse.
    While you were talking to someone, or thinking of something else. When your attention
    was diverted. Just a hint, a glimmer, a shade.
    Much later, you will remember. Without really knowing why. Vague peripheral
    sensations gather. Some fraction of a long rhythm is beginning

    The radiance I sometimes refer to occupies this sort of area. I often see people as if in a
    frozen moment and they seem to have an internal glow inside them. Their skin seems
    translucent and they carry their own time. I feel calm and distant and warm from this. It can
    happen in an instant. In very mundane urban situations. You realise you are not looking at a
    single person, but at a sort of stream or cascade.
    It happened yesterday in a supermarket. I happened to glance at a young woman who
    looked like a transfigured hidden Madonna. She wore jeans and a teeshirt, an ordinary
    woman. But equally, she was a continuity, a lovely genetic physical thread to other times,
    both previous and ahead and still unformed. She simply glowed. Quietly and unknowingly
    luminous. The Eternal Woman.

    Many of these spring from what I think of as ‘thought experiments’ – things I employ all the
    time, as a tool to get at half buried or emerging realisations. If you’re at all interested, I’ll try
    to outline a few.
    Firstly, the idea interested me – still does – of parallel evolutions – imagine something that
    may have evolved alongside us, something we’re not quite aware of yet, that we haven’t yet
    That may include things which exist in other planes or by other means, or things which
    resemble human beings so well that we assume them to be human, but they may not be. Yet
    they live among us undetected – the possibility that other forms of life may have evolved
    alongside us, but invisible because of their proximity.
    ‘Hiding in plain sight’ is a great idea, something that’s very interesting in itself – on one
    level connected with sleight of hand and parlour tricks and conmen, but on the other hand,
    very subtle, intuition led perceptions. It could give rise to situations that are tremendously
    moving, fragile, tender. Metaphorically very resonant.
    Another one – I’m also very interested in the concept of a singularity. An event that only
    happens once, or once every thousand or million years.
    There may be rhythms which extend over tens of millions of years and are therefore
    unrecognisable to us, except as single unconnectable and unexplainable events.
    But the fact that we have no context to fit them into doesn’t mean they don’t happen.

    Yet another thought experiments posits the concept of Angels as a connection between
    things. An entity that only exists between. A sort of web or connection. They arise purely as
    an intrinsic, invisible and unsuspected component of the evolution of the ecology that
    supports whatever they exist between. They cannot exist on their own.
    Many of us have these little incidents – everything from coincidences onward – things that
    we can’t explain using the references we commonly employ.
    I’m very interested in those things, always have been. Through those odd things, we
    glimpse something that’s outside the way we usually look at the world, and realise there
    might be another way of looking at it, an alternate perception to the one we have, and I think
    that’s a very valuable possibility to keep hold of. The awareness that maybe there are gaps in
    our perception that we aren’t able to fill yet.

    btw. tenhle borec nazpíval třeba tohle :-)
    Ultravox - Dancing With Tears in My Eyes
    MTO --- ---
    'The pain we feel is capitalism dying.
    It hurts us because we are still in it.’

    ~Joe Brewer
    KAMAHL --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    What is suppressed in postmodern culture is not the dark but the light side. We are far more comfortable with demons than angels. Whereas the demonic appears cool and sexy, the angelic is deemed to be embarrassing and sentimental. Yet, as Rudolf Otto established in The Idea of the Holy, encounters with angels are as disturbing, traumatic and overwhelming as encounters with demons. After all, what could be more shattering, unassimilable and incomprehensible in our hyper-stressed, constantly disappointing and overstimulated lives, than the sensation of calm joy? Otto, a conservative Christian, argued that all religious experience has its roots in what is initially misrecognised as "daemonic dread". He saw encounters with ghosts, similarly, as a perverted version of what the Christian person would experience religiously. But Otto´s account is an attempt to fit the abstract and traumatic encounter with "angels" and "demons" into a settled field of meaning.

    Otto claims that the sense of the numinous is associated with feelings of our own fundamental worthlessness, experienced with a "piercing acuteness and accompanied by the mos uncompromising judgment of self-depreciation." But, contrary to today´s ego psychology, which hectors us into reinforcing our sense of self (all the better to "sell ourselves"), the awareness of our own Nothingness is of course a pre-requisite for a feeling of grace. There is a melancholy dimension to this grace precisely because it involves a radical distanciation from what is ordinarily most important to us.

    Mark Fisher - Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures
    COOK --- ---
    V momentě, kdy člověk pochopí, co má v životě dělat, aby to bylo ve shodě s ním samotným a aby ve společnosti fungoval s ostatními, tak se mu najednou plní přání, aniž by musel vyvíjet velké úsilí. Je to, jako když surfař chytne vlnu.
    EX_ESKADR --- ---

    thx to Skudibudik
    MTO --- ---
    SAGUS --- ---
    HONZAS --- ---
    HARVIE: ...I am vegetable.
    MTO --- ---
    "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."

    - Aristotle

    (happy new moon)
    KERRAY --- ---
    PERPLEX --- ---
    "... na sladké jsem od jsté doby zahořkl"
    ...nevím, jestli patří sem, ale byla to hláška Ládínka z podivuhodného dobrodružství rodiny Smolíkových, kterou jsem dnes koutkem ucha zaslech a pobavila mě jako pěkný dvojsmyslný oxymoron..
    HARVIE --- ---
    HARVIE --- ---
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