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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    DRAGON --- ---
    zvlastni lego :)

    HARVIE --- ---
    BURKHAR --- ---
    CRS --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Once a visitor from the west put the question to him as to why he was staying at one spot for years together, without moving about and preaching to people the truth he had realised. The Maharishi gave his characteristic reply as follows:

    "How do you know that I am not doing it? Does preaching consist in mounting a platform and haranguing the people around? Preaching is simple communication of knowledge. It can really be done in silence only. What do you think of a man who listens to a sermon for an hour and goes away without having been impressed by it, so as to change his life? Compare him with another who sits near a holy presence and goes after some time with his outlook on life totally changed. Which is better, to preach loudly without effect or to sit silently sending out inner force?"

    The Silent Power {Selections from The Mountain Path and The Call Divine}
    SAGUS --- ---
    ''Art is like religion. For believers - its everything. For everyone else - its just pile of bullshit''
    ARFEA --- ---
    The primary task of any good spiritual teaching is not to answer your questions, but to question your answers.
    EX_ESKADR --- ---
    MTO --- ---
    Ray Bradbury v diele Fahrenheit 451 hovorí:

    „Ak nechcete, aby bol človek nešťastný z politiky, nedávajte mu dve strany, aby si robil starosti; dajte mu jednu. Alebo ešte lepšie, nedajte mu žiadnu. Nechajte ho zabudnúť na také veci ako vojna. Pre všetkých bude lepšie, ak ľudia nebudú mať obavy, hoci ich vláda je neefektívna, labilná a zdaňuje úplne všetko... Dajte ľuďom súťaže, v ktorých vyhrajú zapamätaním si slov z populárnych hitov, mien hlavných miest alebo koľko kukurice vyrástlo vlani v Iowe. Doplna ich napchajte „nehorľavými“ dátami, nech sa cítia plní „faktov“, absolútne „brilantných“ informácií. Potom sa budú cítiť, že myslia a budú mať zmysel pre chod bez pohybu. A budú spokojní, pretože fakty tohto druhu sa nemenia.“
    CRS --- ---
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    EX_ESKADR --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Louis CK Everything Is Amazing And Nobody Is Happy
    CRS --- ---
    "Věda, vědci a jejich metody – to vše je v naší společnosti těžce přeceňované," odeslala přes mobil na sociální síť, zatímco srala hovno na záchodě v letadle.
    SAGUS --- ---
    SINECURVE --- ---
    HARVIE --- ---
    kdyz memy tak memy
    YBUKO --- ---
    The unexpected detour around an obstacle often turns out to be better than the original path itself.
    MTO --- ---
    “You reach happiness when you realize to overcome the challenges posed by fate. This is the joy arising from the overcoming of difficulties, from the struggle against the problems that you tackle a head-on, but instead you feel lost if your comforts increase.
    We have it all. We have everything we need to avoid hunger, misery, poverty. One thing that we do not have, and that we can not be offered by the State […] is to be together with the others. Staying with other people, being part of a group: you have to take care of these things. People who are accustomed to being independent are losing the ability to accept coexistence with other people, because they have already been deprived of the ability to socialize.
    It’s very tiring, you must put a lot of effort, you must be very careful, you need to negotiate, renegotiate, discuss, agree, recreate.
    Independence deprives you of the ability to do all this.”

    - Zygmunt Bauman, from “The Swedish Theory of Love
    MTO --- ---
    "Kdyz nikoho nemas. kazdy je tvym milym."

    - P. Smith
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