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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    INK_FLO --- ---
    DLOUHA_POTVORA --- ---
    ZURG: k přemítání na toto téma doporučuji tuto knihu:
    IXTREMIST --- ---
    tbodgyxlu4011 — ImgBB
    it's easy
    ZURG --- ---
    DLOUHA_POTVORA: Dovolím si nadnést otázku, jež zní, proč tedy ale takové věci dělám/e? (Ve smyslu záměru, účelu, spíše než důvodu, příčiny.)
    DLOUHA_POTVORA --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    When you neglect your own welfare in seeking the welfare of the children, you leave the children a bad inheritance, a very bad impression of the past. If you torture yourself in order to produce something for the children, you give them the picture of a tortured life.

    Therefore away with all that.

    If you are always preparing for the happiness of the children, you don't know how to look after your own happiness, nor do the children learn how to look after theirs. They in turn may go on to prepare for the happiness of your grandchildren, and the grandchildren for the great-grandchildren, and so happiness is always somewhere in the future.
    You think happiness is something to be attained in the future, that you cannot attain it, but your children will have it. So you fill your life with ambitions for that kingdom to come and it never does. Every generation is doing something towards it. They all torture themselves in order that the children shall attain it, but the children grow up and are the same fools we are.

    Try to make it here and now, for yourself. That is good teaching. Then the children will try to make it here and now for themselves - then it can come into the real world. Don't be unnatural and seek happiness in the next generations. If you are too concerned about your children and grandchildren, you simply burden them with the debts you have contracted. While if you contract no debts, if you live simply and make yourselves as happy as possible, you leave the best of conditions to your children. At all events, you leave a good example of how to take care of themselves. If the parents can take care of themselves, the children will also. They will not be looking for the happiness of the grandchildren, but will do what is necessary to have a reasonable amount of happiness themselves.

    C. G. Jung - Seminar on Nietzsche's Zarathustra
    CRS --- ---
    Někteří lidé jsou tak chudí, že jediné, co mají, jsou peníze.
    —Bob Marley
    HARVIE --- ---
    HARVIE --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    I když sejdete z cesty, přesto ve vás obyčejně zůstane spousta předsudků, idiosynkrezí, identifikací a preferencí, které poskytují útěchu a sebeurčení vaší osobnosti či egu. Žádné myšlence nikdy plně neporozumíte, jestliže neporozumíte podmínkám, za nichž je pravdivá. Podobně nemůžete tvrdit, že vládnete osobností, jestliže jí nedokážete libovolně změnit nebo se jí zbavit.

    Prokletí je metoda uplatňovaná na sobě samém. Jezte všechny možné odporné věci, dokud se vám z nich nepřestane dělat špatně. Přijímejte vše, co normálně odmítáte. Postavte se v myšlenkách, slovech i činech do rozporu s vašimi nejposvátnějšími principy. Nakonec budete muset přihlížet ztrátě či putrefakci každé věci, kterou jste milovali. Musíte si uvědomit nestálost a podmíněnost všech existujících věcí. Prozkoumejte všechno, čemu věříte, co si myslíte a co zastáváte, a odřízněte to.

    Osobnost, tato pohodlná maska, dostane políček do tváře. Oči jsou oslepovány pojmem "já". Lidská duše se stává triviální směsicí banalit, s nimiž se ztotožňujeme. Nejuctívanější principy jsou tou největší lží. "Myslím, tudíž jsem." Ale kdo je to "já"? Čím více přemýšlíte, tím více se "já" uzavírá. Myslíte si, že když spíte, tak je vaše "já" oslepeno. Intelekt je meč a jeho úkol spočívá v obraně proti ztotožnění se všemi těmi jevy, s nimiž se setkáváte. Nejsilnější mysli se upínají k nejmenšímu počtu pevných principů. Nejčistší pohled je z vrcholku hory vašich mrtvých "já".

    Peter J. Carroll - Liber Null
    CRS --- ---
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    CRS: a jak si myslíš, že vypadaj cizozemský rozmnožovací orgány, he!
    CRS --- ---
    tohle dost vypovídá o tom, jak se my lidi ve srovnání s ostatními chováme...
    HARVIE --- ---
    MEZZANA: Když ti cestou ke kopírce dojde, ze ten microdosing jeste nemas tak podchycenej jak sis myslel...
    MEZZANA --- ---
    ládováni paklu A4 do kopírky už nikdy nebude to samé..

    Metric Paper
    CRS --- ---
    CRS --- ---
    HARVIE --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Making money just for the sake of making money is a game, like bridge, in which people can find extreme pleasure and which can occupy almost all their waking hours. But one of the rules of the game is that you must pretend not to enjoy it. It must most definitely be classified as work, as that which you have, to do as a duty to your family and community, and which therefore affords many businessmen the best possible excuse for staying away from home and from their wives. The nemesis of this attitude is that it flows over into the so-called leisure or nonwork areas of life in such a way that playing with children, giving attention to one´s wife, exercising on the golf course, and purchasing certain luxuries (which are largery symbolic) also became duties. Survival itself becomes a duty and even a drag, for the pretense of not enjoying the game gets under the skin and tightens the muscles which repress joyous and sensuous emotion. To same extent this may be a penance for the exploitation of poverty, but, as should be well understood by this time, penances do nothing to correct evil, they are simply payoffs which allow business as usual.

    It is thus that most businessmen work in enviromnemts, such as the average office, which are unpardonably ugly. I was astonished, in coming to America, to find that even doctors had offices - as distinct from consluting rooms, which were often pleasant libraries set about with works of art, with a surgery set off behind. Only quite rarely do people involved in the money game know what to do with money when they make it. They make ritual gifts to charity, religion and the arts, but their beatific vision is crisp green paper in the hand , and this wholly abstract, inedible, and spiritual satisfaction far surpasses harems of fair women, wide lands and forests, gorgeous palaces and solemn temples, silks and furs, and even reasonably palatable food. By and large, no one is poorer in real wealth than a man of business. For he is a very strict ascetic. In this atmosphere the arts and literature also become serious business instead of simple delight. Paintings and works of sculpture are bought and sold as investments, Picassos and Pollocks having ups and downs like shares in General Dynamics. William Earle, a professor of philosophy at Northwestern, pointed out that his up-to-date colleagues would not even dream of lying awake at night pondering vast problems of the universe. Instead, they arrive with briefcases at their offices, punctually at 9:00 AM, and "do philosophy" (as they say) until 5:00 PM, whereafter they return home to martinis, dinner, and television just as if they were accountants. Performing musicians must join a trade union managed by goons who can barely whistle.

    There must be some connection between the commercialization of life and the separation of religion from mystiticsm and magic. It is, of course, well known that the lords spiritual and temporal of the feudal system gradually lost their power to the bankers and merchants during the centuries following the Reformation, and it is understandable that this new ruling class would want the Church to have no power of its own, but to be subservient to the mysticism and ascetism of money.

    (Alan Watts - In my own way)
    HARVIE --- ---
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