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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    YOT --- ---
    INK_FLO: Vždycky mě štve, že se nikdy nedozvím jestli je šířka a volnost výkladu ve mě, v autorovi, nebo v prekladateli.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Pokud je Bůh nemyslitelný, pak nemyslitelné je i jeho působení. Jistě je pak lépe vůbec o něm nemluvit!" (Šántidéva - Bódhičarjávatára)
    SAGUS --- ---
    chatu GTP jsem zadal at popise rozdil medzi Understanding, Knowledge and Wisdom.
    ..pak dostal zadani udelat z toho rapovej song
    ..a pak ho jeste prepsat tak ze kazdej vers zacne pismenem G.

    "Yo, listen up, I'm about to spit some truth,
    About understanding, knowledge, and wisdom, so uncouth,
    Understanding's like a key, unlockin' meaning so grand,
    Comprehendin' relationships, connectin' concepts like a band.
    Knowledge is the base, collection of facts and skills,
    Experience and education, our minds it fills,
    Factual or procedural, we learn and store,
    Accessin' memory when we need it, knowledge is the core.
    Understand, know, and be wise, that's the way,
    We evolve and learn every single day,
    Take these three powers and conquer your fate,
    Understand, know, and be wise, don't wait.
    Now wisdom's where it's at, the pinnacle we seek,
    Applyin' knowledge, understanding, experience so unique,
    Discernin' truth and right, make decisions sound,
    Emotional intelligence, in wisdom, it's found.
    We're climbin' up the ladder, step by step we rise,
    Understanding helps us see, knowledge opens our eyes,
    Wisdom is the action, the way we navigate life,
    In this world of challenges, triumph and strife.
    Understand, know, and be wise, that's the way,
    We evolve and learn every single day,
    Take these three powers and conquer your fate,
    Understand, know, and be wise, don't wait."

    "Gather round, listen close, let's explore the mind,
    Grasping understanding, knowledge, wisdom, we'll find.
    Gaining insight, making sense of the world we see,
    Growing intellect and wisdom, that's the key.
    Guiding lights, these three concepts, they pave our way,
    Gaining knowledge, understanding, wisdom every day.
    Grounded in their synergy, we learn to thrive,
    Glorious is the power they give, making us alive."
    CRS --- ---
    Mistře, naučte mě, jak dosáhnout vnitřního míru.
    Ale rychle, prosím, – za půl hodiny mám další schůzku.
    KALIPH --- ---
    ALWA --- ---
    ALWA --- ---
    MEJLA77 --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "The death of conscience is not the death of self-consciousness." (Harry Crosby)
    CRS --- ---

    z Ústavu
    PATRON --- ---
    PERPLEX --- ---
    INK_FLO: tak jsem z toho tuplem jelen a nemusim ani mackat otaznik teda..
    INK_FLO --- ---
    PERPLEX: váhám, zda by se mohla Tára manifestovat jako váha http://www.buddhismus.cz/tara.html
    PERPLEX --- ---
    real foto z displeje nejake digitalni vahy s tiskem stitku asi...
    nejspis take davny recyklat (nerkuli odsud?), ale te hlasce je repete jaksi inherentni, rekl bych. Pokazde, kdyz na ni narazim, donuti me k zamysleni:)

    INK_FLO --- ---
    “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced,” (James Baldwin)
    PERPLEX --- ---
    KALIPH: jeden z Murphyho zakonu zaludne tvrdi, ze
    "Lidi se dělej na dva typy: jeden dělí lidi na dva typy a ten druhej ne."
    KALIPH --- ---
    CRS --- ---
    CRS --- ---
    KALIPH --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam