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    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    KALIPH --- ---
    KALIPH --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "To, co považuješ za dar, je problém, který máš vyřešit." (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
    KALIPH --- ---
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    VEX: to je Yoko Vono?
    IXTREMIST --- ---
    VEX: "And now i dont know who I am."
    VEX --- ---
    KALIPH --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    INK_FLO: okolo Joschi už bychom pomalu mohli založit nějaký kult

    Love in the Kalahari - @lexfridman
    INK_FLO --- ---
    When life feels unbearable, I remind myself that I am not a person. I am a piece of software running on the brain of a random ape for a few decades. It's not the worst brain to run on.

    You don´t have to be very good at solving puzzles if the system that you are already implements the solution.

    The weird thing is we don't exist in the physical world. We do exist inside of a story that the brain tells itself.

    Nerds are people for whom the primary goal of conversation is to submit their thoughts to peer review while for most other people, the primary goal of conversation is to negotiate value alignment.

    In some sense the "you" is the model of the system that is in control. It´s a story that the system tells itself about somebody who is in control and the contents of that model are being used to inform the behavior of the system. So the system is completely mechanical and the system creates that story like a loom and then it uses the contents of that story to inform its actions and writes the results of that actions into the story.

    (Joscha Bach)
    CRS --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    You need food in order to survive and be healthy, but if you eat too much, or if you eat too much of the wrong stuff, it´s bad for you. It´s the same with the information, food of the mind. If you eat too much or wrong kind, you will get a very sick mind. Balanced information diet also includes information fasting. Information needs time for digesting. If you are constantly in the news cycle, you are losing perspective. Organic identities unlike computers are cyclic and needs rest. Without rest, collapse will come.

    I don´t think humanity will survive unless we have more boredom. If you ask me, what is wrong with the world in 2023, I would say that everybody is far too excited. People don´t understand the meaning of this word. They think it´s like being happy. Exciting is not happy, it´s not always good. Organism excited all the time will die. Excitement means, that body is in "fight or flight" mode, all the neurons are firing, all the muscles are tense. Very often negative things excite us - fear is excitement, hate is excitement, anger is excitement. When I meet good friend, I am often relaxed to meet him, not excited. We have got far too many exciting politicians doing exciting thinks. We need more boring politicians doing less exciting things.

    Brain is wired to pay attention to excitement and to crave it. But brain evolved in situations where you did not have constant stream of excitement. Now our brains are being hacked. We are also losing our ability and skill to be bored. People will rather take electric shock, than do nothing. You can´t get to any level of peace of mind, if you don´t know how to handle boredom.

    Peace and boredom are the neighbours, same way like excitement and outrage are neighbours. If you don´t know how to handle boredom, you will never experience the peace of mind. If humans don´t experience the peace of mind, there is no way the world as a whole will be peaceful.

    (Yuval Noah Harari)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    You will be amazed to discover how much of your decisions are not result of some mystical free will. They are the result of cultural and biological factors. This also means that you are vulnerable to be deciphered and manipulated by political parties, by corporations, by AI. People with this kind of mystical belief in free will are the easiest people to manipulate. Because they dont think, that they can be manipulated. And obviousy they can.

    Humans usually understand how to manipulate something long before they understand the consequences of manipulations. We are manipulating world without understanding of consequences. Something similar can happen with the world inside us. The power to manipulate is not the same thing as understanding the complexity of the system and the consequences of manipulation.

    (Yuval Noah Harari)
    QWWERTY --- ---
    SBSTRD --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Duše přijímá svět, život v celku. I se strašlivostí vesmíru, s drtivostí věčna a nekonečna. Osoba jen zčásti; ale považuje tuto svou část za všechno, za celý život, celý svět." (Josef Čapek)
    PERPLEX --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "It goes without saying, I believe, that if we understood ourselves better, we would damage ourselves less. But the barrier between oneself and one´s knowledge of oneself is high indeed. There are so many things one would rather not know!" (James Baldwin)

    "If you have never believed yourself to be entitled to anything, you are less likely to turn against others than you are to turn against yourself." (Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor)

    "We can be hard and critical on structures, but soft on people. This is the opposite of the discourse that dominates today, the one that is so very hard on people and far too soft on structures." (John A. Powell)

    "When our actions begin to integrate with our beliefs, when we are doing some of the work that we know needs to be done, we have less need for the various doubles our culture offers up disguised as a good life. The allure of disappearing into our digital avatars wanes. Doubles are our opiates, we have less need for them when there is less pain and dissonance to escape." (Naomi Klein - Doppelganger, a trip into the mirror world)

    "You are stuck in your body right here, but in a technical way you could be said to be in India and Iraq, you are in the sky causing storms, and you are in the sea herding whales towards the beach. You probably don´t feel your body in those places. It is as if you have two distinct bodies. You have an individual body in which you exist, eat, sleep and go about you day-to-day life. You also have a second body which has an impact on foreign countries and on whales...a body which is not so solid as the other one, but much larger." (Daisy Hildyard - The Second Body)

    "At some point you´d have to live as if the truth was true." (weather station/tamara lindeman - loss).

    "When people and societies enter into a state of shock, they lose their identities and their footing. Calm is a form of resistance. Calm is not a replacement fo righteous rage or fury at injustice, both of which are powerful drivers for necessary change. But calm is the precondition for focus, for the capacity to prioritize. If shock induced a loss of identity, then calm is the condition under which we return to ourselves." (Naomi Klein - Doppelganger, a trip into the mirror world)

    "Conspiracy theorists get the facts wrong but often get the feeling right - the feeling of living in a world with Shadow Lands, the feeling that every human misery is someone else´s profit, te feeling of being exhausted by predation and extraction, the feeling that important truths are being hidden. The word for the system driving those feelings starts with c, but if no one ever taught you how capitalism works, and instead told you it was all about freedom and sunshine and Big Macs and playing by the rules to get the life you deserve, then it´s easy to see how you might confuse it with another c-word: conspiracy. Conspiracy theories are a misfiring of a healthy and justifiable political instinct: suspicion. But suspicion directed at the wrong target is a very dangerous thing." (Naomi Klein - Doppelganger, a trip into the mirror world)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "The people who are the exploiters of this planet are people who put themselves first. Unable to unself even for a moment. Put a little differently, the climate crisis can be understood as a surplus of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. It can also be understood as a surplus of self - a result of all the literal and figurative energy it takes to perform and perfect the selves fortunate enough to live outside the Shadow Lands"

    (Naomi Klein - Doppelganger, a trip into the mirror world)
    FEROBAGR --- ---

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