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    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění

    "My favorite art is the art I don't understand." Pae White
    "Umění chce tvořit konečnost, která vrací nekonečno." Deleuze a Guattari
    "The ‘value’ of particular artists after Duchamp can be weighed according to how much they questioned the nature of art; which is another way of saying “what they added to the conception of art” or what wasn’t there before they started. Artists question the nature of art by presenting new propositions as to art’s nature. And to do this one cannot concern oneself with the handed down ‘language’ of traditional art, since this activity is based on the assumption that there is only one way of framing art propositions. But the very stuff of art is indeed greatly related to ‘creating’ new propositions. That there is no ‘truth’ as to what art is seems quite unrealized." Peter Coffin z rozhovoru

    než začneš diskusi o tom, o co je to umění, čti: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - krátký a čtivý úvod do kritiky umění
    rozbalit záhlaví
    MAHISH --- ---
    kampak se ty obrázky schovaly!
    M_ABRAMOVIC --- ---
    PASHWAKA: tie skejty mi pridu ako od faganov na verejnych priestranstvach [a teda::: ne ne ne], ale stekance su fajne. to ja rada.
    THRAWN --- ---
    PASHWAKA: jep, tak tohle je presne jak by se reklo muj salek kavy :) parada, hned bych si neco nechal vysvihnout na skejta :)
    ATOMIC --- ---
    PASHWAKA: velmi hmm!
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    Thaddeus Strode (USA, *1964)

    Snowmen, 2008

    All the World Conspires , 2005

    The Wait, 2008

    The Cheerleading Squad (PULL!), 2007

    Pig in a Poke, you better start shakin, todays pig is tomorrows bacon, 2005

    pomalovany skejty http://www.mekanismskateboards.com/strode/thaddeus_strode.php
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    KHALAVERA: a ze rauch, ale brej
    KHALAVERA --- ---

    "A Sudden Gust of Wind", or Paul McCarthy's Giant Turd Crashes Into Swiss Orphanage

    Giant dog turd wreaks havoc at Swiss museum
    Inflatable artwork blown from moorings and brings down power line
    Jenny Percival and agencies
    Tuesday August 12 2008 11:49 BST

    A giant inflatable dog turd created by the American artist Paul McCarthy was blown from its moorings at a Swiss museum, bringing down a power line and breaking a window before landing in the grounds of a children's home.

    The exhibit, entitled Complex Shit, is the size of a house. It has a safety system that is supposed to deflate it in bad weather, but it did not work on this occasion.

    Juri Steiner, the director of the Paul Klee centre, in Berne, told AFP that a sudden gust of wind carried it 200 metres before it fell to the ground, breaking a window of the children's home. The accident happened on July 31, but the details only emerged yesterday.

    Steiner said McCarthy had not yet been contacted and the museum was not sure if the piece (pictured here) would be put back on display.

    The installation is part of an exhibition called East of Eden: A Garden Show, which features sound sculptures in trees and a football ground without goalposts. The exhibition opened in May and is due to run until October.

    The centre's website describes the show as containing "interweaving, diverse, not to say conflictive emphases and a broad spectrum of items to form a dynamic exchange of parallel and self-eclipsing spatial and temporal zones".

    ------ End of Forwarded Message
    MIKRON --- ---
    KHALAVERA: tak tohle je super
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Maximum Sorrow (Kevin Bewersdorf)

    Google Image Search Result for "Titanic" printed onto a pillow by Walgreens.com

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    KHALAVERA: dobre on., ja mel pocit, ze internetama prolitl jen ten strom.,
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    Rosemarie Fiore

    My oil paintings create a space in which man-made and natural landscapes interact. I am interested in fusing specific landscapes with complex conglomerations of urban infrastructure, failing systems and detritus. I begin the process by painting and responding to the landscape on site. I find these landscapes in upstate New York, Vermont and locally in abandoned lots and construcion sites in the Bronx and Brooklyn. In my studio, I construct sculptures and installations out of found materials, cement, caulking, acrylic paint and Gel Medium. These constructions are arranged and lit. I paint portions of them into the plein-air landscapes. The resulting paintings are hybrid landscapes through which we view our relationship to the natural world around us.

    "Yard", 2007, oil on linen, 60 in X 43 in

    "Meadow", 2007, oil on canvas, 48 in X 60 in

    "Firework Drawings" These large works on paper are made by exploding and containing live fireworks, resulting in bursts of saturated color that are overlaped and collaged into abstract compositions.

    "Firework Drawing #15", 2007, lit firework residue, collage on paper, 29 1/2 in x 41 3/4 in

    “Firework Drawing #20”, 2007, lit firework residue on paper, cardboard and collage, 38 1/4 in x 50 in

    "Death Scenes" My ceramic landscapes create new endings for the cartoon drama of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. In the cartoon, the coyote's rudimentary traps backfire. His efforts to catch the bird are always for naught. In my "Death Scenes", the traps succeed forcing the drama to end with the total destruction of the roadrunner.

    "Death Scene: While Enjoying a Cliff-top View, the Roadrunner's Throat is Chewed Through", 2003, fired stoneware, 38 in x 16 in x 29 in

    "Death Scene: The Roadrunner is Stabbed to Death in a Cactus Patch", 2003, fired stoneware, 20 in x 12 in x 10 in

    I created paintings using my hot rod lawn mower. Fiberglass inserts which fit between the blade and the frame of the machine captured bits of grass, paint and books as I ran over 50 self help books and whoopie cushions filled with house paint. A video camera, which was secured to the side of the mower at ground level, recorded the event. A video was created in conjunction with this project. This work was funded by Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.

    "Appetite", 2000, artist with hot-rod mower

    "Appetite", 2000, hot-rod mower, self help books, house paint

    "Royal Pine Tree" was included in "Yard", an exhibit at Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, NY. It was constructed out of 5,500 Royal Pine car freshners, rebar and a 35 foot telephone pole. It had a very stong odor. This work was funded by Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY.

    "Royal Pine Tree", 2003, 5,500 Royal Pine car freshners, rebar, telephone poles 28 ft x 7 ft x 7 ft

    "Evel Knievel Pinball Paintings" Entire games of pinball were recorded in oil paint while playing my 1979 Evel Knievel pinball machine. As I played, pinballs covered with oil paint moved across vellum fitted to the machine's playboard creating the paintings. A video, "Balls of Steel" is exhibited with the paintings.

    Evel Knievel Pinball Machine, 1979

    "Evel Knievel Pinball
    Paintings", 2002, Evel Knievel Pinball machine, oil on vellum

    "Evel Knievel Pinball
    Paintings", 2002, Evel Knievel Pinball machine, oil on vellum. pinball glass size and shape of machine's playboard

    In collaboration with The Lower East Side Print Shop in New York, I completed two variable editions of dry point prints using found graffiti-scratched New York City MTA subway windows as plates. The windows I printed were taken from the Number 33 and 36 cars (The World’s Fair cars, aka Redbird cars). Ink was rubbed into the layered scratches and printed onto light green paper cut to the shape of the windows. The prints were then collaged onto white paper reflecting the location of the windows on the original train. Each print created a unique image that is a visual record of time spent in transit in New York City.

    "Subaru Rear Wiper Paintings" were created using the rear windsheild wiper of a Subaru Legacy wagon. Transmission fluid, engine treatment, motor oil and car wax were squirted out of the rear wiper onto paper cut to the size and shape of the Subaru's rear window. The motion of the rear wiper transformed these car fluids into toxic rainbows.

    "Subaru Rear Wiper Painting", 1999, Dirty motor oil on paper, size and shape of Subaru rear windsheild

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Paul Casaer

    rainbow, 2007


    NOIK --- ---
    M_ABRAMOVIC --- ---
    NOIK: haha, ahoj noik. usmial si ma svojim pozdravom. toto je zoznamka? :-))
    KHALAVERA --- ---
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