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    ztracené heslo?
    TRUCEI:\truce\notes | | Le'Olam, Ever!
    TRUCE --- ---
    kdo nema Hatesville od Boyda Rice

    ..ja vim, urcite se nad nim rozplyval Over ve svem auditku,
    ale ja ho nesleduju takze o tom nevim.
    navic si stale myslim, ze neni primarni nodou v systemu ;)

    eat this! :)

    TRUCE --- ---
    kdo jde dnes na PSYCHIC TV do Chmelnice ??

    TRUCE --- ---

    to je jeste vetsi, donebevolajici pitomost, nez navrh zakazu pouzivani anonymizeru na slovensku
    jeste ze tu ta piratska strana je.
    TRUCE --- ---
    “I'm sorry," Žižek says, ending the anecdote with a cackle. "I'm an old-fashioned continental European. Theory is sacred and we need it more than ever."

    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    no, a treba v nedeli je v arse lydia lunch

    a v prosinci industrial festival .. proste prodigy bych dala v okurkove sezone nekdy, ale ne v hlavni :)

    TRUCE --- ---
    ne, na prodigy nejdu...predpokladam ze budou drahe listky .. a
    staci ze bude laibach+juno reactor, psychic tv, do shasha!, diamanda galas....proste je toho primoc, takze si vybiram z jine vylohy ...
    NESERMI --- ---
    Zdar,des na prodigy, bo je to moc obycejna muzika?
    TRUCE --- ---
    You're not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone
    TRUCE --- ---
    dasi boyd rice ;)


    je tam tato pisnicka:

    Get Used To Saying No!

    Get used to saying no
    Turn your back on the deceiver
    Whose whispers in your ear complicate your life
    Willpower, energy, example
    What has to be done is done
    Without wavering
    Without worrying about what others think

    Let obstacles only make you bigger
    Get rid of those useless thoughts
    Which are at best a waste of time
    Don't waste your energy and your time
    Throwing stones at the dogs that bark at you on the way
    Ignore them
    Don't put off your work until tomorrow
    Don't succumb to that disease of character
    Whose symptoms are a general lack of seriousness
    Unsteadiness in action and speech
    In a word: frivolity

    If you clash with the character of one person or another
    It has to be that way
    You're not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone
    If your character and that of those around you
    Were soft and sweet like marshmallows
    You would never become the person destiny's ordained
    Don't stop to think about excuses
    Get rid of them, and do what you should

    You say you can't do more?
    Couldn't it be, that you can't do less?
    You never want to get to the bottom of things
    At times because of politeness
    Other times -- most times -- because you fear hurting yourself
    Sometimes, again, because you fear hurting others
    But always because of fear
    With that fear of digging for the truth
    You'll never be a man of good judgment
    Don't be afraid of the truth
    Even though the truth may mean your death

    tady v projektu Spell - desne se mi libi fotka, no jo

    CTALKEP --- ---

    CTALKEP --- ---

    TRUCE --- ---
    paradni vec
    zkusila bych si vyrobit..

    TRUCE --- ---
    Hannu Raittila - CANAL GRANDE

    Prave jsem docetla.
    Kniha ma dva plus jeden hlas a kazda z postav klapky na ocich,
    cimz se prave dosahuje efektu spletitosti politickych machinaci.
    Vyborna vec, sucho sarkasticky vtipna, s mocnym rozuzlenim na pozadi benatskeho karnevalu (kam se timto chci vypravit) a skutecnych socialnich pomeru soucasne Evropy v kontrastu s chladnou prakticnosti Finu, kteri horkokrevne Italy vnimaji s detskou odlidstenosti.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    TRUCE: pošli původní verzi, jestli chceš :o), moc ráda bych si přečetla
    TRUCE --- ---
    mohu poslat puvodni verzi ;)
    je sice trochu dlouha..

    ne, dam to na blog. jen musim vyresit potiz s hostingem co tam mam ..
    TRUCE --- ---
    v A2 mam clanek!
    na celou, 37.stranu ;))

    CONTINUITY --- ---
    TRUCE: hmm, presny
    ted jsem si neco precetla v auditku makrobiotika o nekterych svych navycich, a ackoli beru takove info s rezervou, presne to sedi....paradox, clovek neco dela, resp. ji, pije, aby si udelal psychicky dobre, a ono to ma takovej efekt v tele, ze mu to udela za chvili psychicky spatne.... to samy s "inaktivitou", neboli clovek je unavenej ci bez nalady a nic se mu nechce, a pokud se nerozhybe, je pak za chvili z toho nehybani jeste unavenejsi.
    ale jak uz je zkusenost, ze existuje i jinej stav, je to v zasade ok :)) ...nebo kdyz ke mne konecne pronikne ta informace, resp to vedomi, co ten kterej zvyk dela
    TRUCE --- ---
    For a lot of people, “sleeping” happens every night, but “recharging” doesn’t. How do you know if this is happening to you? If you wake up as tired (or more tired) than you were before you went to sleep, then you didn’t recharge. You just took a breather, but you’re still exhausted. Naturally, you want more than that out of your night.

    The key to restful, recharging sleep is to do the same thing I do to the AA batteries I have at home when I want them to recharge – unplug them first. Unplug your mind from the stress of the day, from all your worries and obligations, and give your mental wheels a chance to spin down and cool off for the night.

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