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    ztracené heslo?
    TRUCEI:\truce\notes | | Le'Olam, Ever!
    TRUCE --- ---
    hledic na ty obrazky co mam na home ..
    mam otazku, chteli jste nekdy nekoho znasilnit?
    udelali jste to? .. zvlast me zajima pokud jo
    a jaky by jste chteli aby to bylo, a co by jste pro to udelali?

    mam za to, ze zenskou co radsi spolupracuje znasilnit nelze, ale mozna me vyvedete z omylu

    TRUCE --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: ok, tak ja si ho nahraju na lokal nyxu ;)*

    TRUCE --- ---
    jsou otazky na ktere bych se verejne nikdy nezeptala, ackoliv sama si je kladla mockrat

    nevedli k nicemu, byly esenci nepochopeni, a tusila jsem to..
    jejich fotony na nepropustne desce me mysli udelali par znacek,
    ktere jsem posleze zacala vnimat jako hvezdy
    TRUCE --- ---
    Krev, muj oblibeny motiv.

    Sacrifice has been used in the past to create fear or terror, or
    to invoke the gnosis of pain in support of Goetic type
    evocations. However, this method easily exhausts itself and
    the sorcerer may end up wading in oceans of blood, much as
    the Aztecs did, for very little result. Blood sacrifice is most
    effective and most easily controlled by the use of one's own
    blood, which is customarily allowed to fall upon the sigil or
    talisman of the demon. However, the power to control blood
    sacrifice usually brings with it the wisdom to avoid it in
    favor of other methods.
    TRUCE --- ---
    To: alt.magick.chaos
    From: tyagi mordred nagasiva
    Subject: Auto-rite: 'Breakage' (For the Jovial Pelting) (9407.autorit.tn)
    Date: 49940703


    ___ |\
    / B | \
    / R | \
    / E | \
    /________ A | \/
    | K \|
    A E
    G (for tzimon)

    the tune-up barely helped
    "As long as it will make it to the mountains," I said.
    it stalled four times getting to six-thousand feet
    luckily I knew something of auto-repair
    only the third time were parts required

    secluded in a mountain glade
    popped the trunk, out comes the kerosine
    backpack contained the robes and other tools

    sunsetting in the month of Kaos
    later, I knew, the Jovial Pelt would be visible
    now I dove into the cold waters of streamblood
    purifying myself before the purge, I shivered to the bone
    rolling in pine needles, naked, sap-strewn

    having fasted for two weeks on fruit-juice, I rattle foil pans
    robing, scenting myself with mugwort and juniper
    splashing the kerosine, the last of sunlight
    Barney in the driver's seat with a flower

    secluded in a mountain glade
    cleared of debris, open to starlight
    attaching flint to my staff, sunglint off polished steel roof

    in goes the tape, the ritual begins
    blaring music, the birds leave in a cloud
    suddenly the drugs take full effect
    a wild animal in the wilderness
    twisting, turning, heavy guitar, swinging the staff

    secluded in a mountain glade
    one with the fury of sound
    out on the edge, down comes the flint


    conflagration rips heat across my body
    searing off eyebrows, all my armhair
    music screaming, I flail away, diving
    roll, moving to the metal noise, metal pyre
    elated, the burn of a futile society

    chanting the Agni invocation, application of corn
    POP! the host is born
    bashing the fuck out of the smoldering carcass
    staff blows to slow jazz roll
    boulder smashing the remains, buried trash

    secluded in a mountain glade
    black of soot, rubber smell
    rabidly quaffing cornpop and cornwhiskey
    sleeping on the remains, dreaming of peacocks
    backpacking to the highway, walking home

    elendraug i69!

    TRUCE --- ---
    jeste k teme nabozenstvi, Peter Carroll to tak pekne podava v Psychonaut/Liber Null.....

    * magical, mystical and religious enterprises seek to fulfill five
    basic human needs, which can be identified as follows:

    to provide techniques of emotional engineering
    to give life a sense of meaning
    to provide some means of intercession and intervention
    to supply an explanation of death
    to formulate a social structure or cult
    TRUCE --- ---
    * if it makes us feel any better we can call this chaos, the tao, or
    god, and imagine it to be benevolent and human-hearted. there are
    two schools of thought in magic. one considers the formative agent
    of the universe to be random and chaotic, and the other considers
    that it is a force of spiritual consciousness. as they have only
    themselves on which to base their speculations, they are basically
    saying that their own natures are either random and chaotic or
    spiritually conscious.
    TRUCE --- ---
    okno ktere navrhoval, v katedrale sv. Vita

    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---

    TRUCE --- ---
    no a Mucha! ted nekdy byli v navrhy tetovani auditku paradni jeho veci...takove plnovyznamove, zeny a diademy, ne jen salonni vily, vypadalo to tak staroslovansky, vznesene

    no a na netu jsem nasla takovoudle


    TRUCE --- ---
    ts, nemozno linkovat. tak si to otevrete v jinem tabu ;)
    TRUCE --- ---
    ty kraje se mi desne libi vsechny jsou uzasne..
    ale tento nejvic ;)

    (je to z tohoto webu: http://beardsley.artpassions.net/ - staci klikat na texty a pak na previous, chvili mi trvalo nez sem na to prisla;)

    TRUCE --- ---

    Aubrey Beardsley! libi moc, konecne zjistuju autora a dalsi jeho dilo ;]]
    TRUCE --- ---
    * chaos, the life force of the universe, is not human-hearted. therefore
    the wizard cannot be human-hearted when he seeks to tap the force of the
    universe. he performs monstrous and arbitrary acts to loosen the hold of
    human limitations upon himself.

    * ...out of chaos arise the two prime forces of existence, the solve et coagula of existence.
    the light power and the dark.
    TRUCE --- ---
    neres obrazky v zahlavi
    vidis ze je mam na haku...
    TRUCE --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: dej ji na zadek;)
    TRUCE --- ---
    _ELPH_: presne ako pise Overdrive..
    a s tou omsou to mam rovnako, nedavno avizovane roraty bol taky pokus. aj som myslela ze to pojde, ze su to len symboly, ale nejako ku me teraz prichadza len to, ze dako nie - a nie mojou vinou. oni trvaju na doslovnosti, uhnivajuca vetev imho.
    aj ked oni sa domnievaju, ze strom.

    dalo by sa to vnimat z historickych suvislosti, v doba ked krestanstvo zacinalo sa velmi podobala nasej. mnoho sekticiek, marnost intelektualismu, moralny upadok
    ak chceli ti nevzdelanci, a spociatku sa im za to aj vsetci grecki a rimski filozofi vysmievali, nejako prezit, nemohli stavat na 'logismu' ale na slepej viere
    az postupne okolo toho vystavali teologiu
    odmietali vsetko, a ja neviem ci si chytry Jezis vybral particku rybarov len preto, aby jeho slova skomolili, alebo preto, ze boli schopni prijat novy myslienkovy system... teda skor skutkovy.
    inac cirkev broji za cistotu "moralky" odjakziva. a nikdy sa jej to nastastie nepodarilo uplne.
    zaujimalo by ma, co tym myslia? preco tym dokazu zit? co su to za ludia? mnohi z nich su vzdelanci... je to len reakcia na to ze "svet je zly" ?? (to mi inac hovorieval moj otec;)) ..vlastne vsetci)
    a tak sa radi chytia do tohoto uzavreneho sebapotvrdzujuceho systemu, v ktorom netreba riesit ziadne moralne dilemata (inac je to druhostupnova konvencna moralka, tvariaca sa postkonvencne), a ktory potvrdzuje sam seba...

    utek od sveta. niekto nam postavil lepsi.
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: tak to potom chapam. ja tiez tak nejako. na nejake obdobie som zavrhol kvoli katolikom uplne cele krestanstvo a az neskor som sa zacal k tomu vracat.
    sa teraz dokonca chystam sa ist pozriet na omsu do kostola cirkvi bratskej. raz som tam mal koncert a tomu knazovy sa pacilo co som hral, tak sa skusim ist pozriet ci sa mne nebude mozno pacit nim vedena omsa.
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