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    ztracené heslo?
    TRUCEI:\truce\notes | | Le'Olam, Ever!
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE: pohledam nejakou kosilku s fizi ;)
    TRUCE --- ---
    Turecko. (nadhera.! videli jste film Girl on the Bridge? vetsina se odehrava v Turecku, a je cely o stesti - mit ci nemit. O vrhaci nozu a krasne asistentce.)

    TRUCE --- ---
    falesny pav ;)

    TRUCE --- ---
    toto jsem uz v minulosti postovala http://synapticstimuli.com/
    ale postuju znovu protoze pridavam do ctecky
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    kdyby chtel nekdo nekomu poslat Bravo debile ;]

    TRUCE --- ---
    URZA --- ---
    Btw jak jsme se tu bavili o google reader- a rss.. trochu jsem hledal cosi kdesi a dopadlo to tak ze jsem si zalozil http://urza.soup.io/ ktery agreguje do jednoho streamu prave moje vysdilene clanky, ale taky moje booknute obrazky, videa, tweety a tak..
    URZA --- ---
    TRUCE: do knihy o drogach bez! :) A zacit muzes treba na zacatku, tzn vzit to chronologicky, tak jak jsi se s drogami seznamovala ty. Me by se asi libila vic nejaka autenticka hniha jako tvuj pribeh nez nejake suche zavery o jednotlivych drogach nebo co :)
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE: takze odpovedi, jo?

    1. kdybych mela dost penez, nepracovala bych. vymyslela bych. nemela bych existencni depky. investovala bych do lidi, co umi grafiku a it. mozna i dalsi veci co me ted nenapadaj.

    2. kdybych mela umrit v nasledujicich 5-10 letech, znenadani, vysrala bych se na praci, a zacla delat neco poradnyho - ergo vic bych pracovala aby tu po me neco zustalo.

    3. a kdybych mela umrit zitra...litovala bych, ze jsem nebyla schopna napsat tu knizku o drogach, kdyz uz je mam prozkoumany az na dren. (kdyz ale stale nevim jak zacit, ze.)

    TRUCE --- ---

    motivacni pro tvurce webu a uzivatele klonu shopu...

    read this! ;]

    TRUCE --- ---

    Helleu - Daydream
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---

    What happens to a dream deferred?
    Does it dry up
    Like a raisin in the sun?
    Or fester like and sore --
    And then run?
    Does it stink like rotten meat?
    Or crust and sugar over --
    Like a syrupy sweet?
    Maybe it just sags
    Like a heavy load.
    Or does it explode?
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---

    The 3 questions were developed by George Kinder, CFP. Mr. Kinder is the founder of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning and author of The Seven Stages of Money Maturity: Understanding the Spirit and Value of Money in Your Life. He developed these three questions as way to explore his client’s underlying values, hopes and dreams. Without this information, financial planning is simply numbers without purpose. So here are Kinder’s 3 questions (and watch out for #3, because it’s really the one question that gets to the root of your heart’s desires):

    Question 1: Imagine that you have enough money to take care of your needs, now and in the future. How would you live your life? Would you change anything?

    Question 2: Imagine that your doctor says you have only five to 10 years to live. You won’t feel sick, but you’ll never know when death will come. What will you do? Will you change your life? How?

    Question 3: Now imagine that your doctor says you have only one day left to live. Ask yourself: What did I miss? What did I not get to be or do?

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