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    ztracené heslo?
    TRUCEI:\truce\notes | | Le'Olam, Ever!
    TRUCE --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: cyve, cerna magie je proti tomudle kafe a zakusek odpoledne v parku
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    TRUCE: nojo vitej ve svete, ktery ja rad prirovnavam k cerny magii - jmenuje se to ekonomie, respektive ucetnictvi ... jako jeste ze to delat nemusim :o)
    TRUCE --- ---
    prvni tri vystavene faktury a uz v tom mam bordel...
    EVELINA --- ---
    TRUCE: díky za zprostředkování, přečetla jsem jedním dechem...jinak zdravím a pusenu na dálku posílám.....
    TRUCE --- ---
    Which compounds can be present in an impure batch of LSD?
    Which compounds can be present if inferior/erroneous precursors were used?
    Are any of these compounds psychoactive?
    1+2) worstcase scenario :
    depending on the Precursor but lets take Ergotamine Tartrate :
    - Unpure starting material with for example degraded Ergotamine.
    - Unreacted Ergotamine (can induce muscle-skeletal cramps and more)
    http://nursing.unboundmedicine.com/n...all/ergotamine ,
    -Ergot-dimers (different variations because there are a few amine within the ergot structure ,as far as i know not researched on physical effects),
    -some of the lose peptide after the KOH cleavage.
    -some KOH (very very unlikely).
    -some non-active-isomers of Lysergic-Acid, some non-active-isomers of LSD , some Lumi-lsd & Lumi-LA
    -some trace amounts of Pocl3 (poison) reagent if this route was taken.
    -some trace amount of Diethylamine if not washed well.

    Guess is that it is unreacted Ergotamine, some unknown (ergot)side products and the ergot-dimers are responsible for the "degraded" trip experience.

    Except for Ergot-poisoning is non of these compounds is known to be psycho-active , but some will most probably induce physical side effects.

    The "list in what differences in lsd batches" is different from the "list in differences in lsd experiences"
    because it always comes back on human subjective experiences.
    Set and Setting are just as (and probably more important) then purity and dose.
    Also if you have earlier experiences with the drug this will influence the up and coming trip.

    Read more: http://www.drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=164856#ixzz2pAdS3r5C
    TRUCE --- ---
    Leonard: What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?
    Sheldon: Screwed.!
    TRUCE --- ---
    it`s an old carton, it might not even work..!
    TRUCE --- ---
    kulturny vlozka
    lajny z bible

    Video — Tečka páteční noci — Česká televize
    TRUCE --- ---
    Interview: Amos Oz | Culture | The Guardian
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    ze pry super boty (nejlepsi na svete)
    Mia Ladies - Lifestyle - Ladies
    TRUCE --- ---
    libi se mi styl a anglictina zvlast, tohodle novinare:

    TRUCE --- ---
    prave jsem prijela...
    okamzite se chci vratit nazpatek!
    TRUCE --- ---
    co mi teda ale vubec nevadi je, ze google adwords se mi zobrazuji temer vyhradne v hebrejstine, kterou zatim neovladam jaksi, plynule ;)
    (nadavky v reklamach nejsou, ze:D
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    tak na papiru me casto nerozumneli ani cesky barmani .. :o)))
    TRUCE --- ---
    Moje prvni financni transakce v Tel Avivu byla na papiru v klubu a tak, ze jsem si ani neumela obejdnat, resp. ta cubka nerozumela rum & coke :DD
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam