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    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    VIRGO --- ---
    CLUMP: Procesing v barvách oblasti Enceladova severního pólu.

    Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
    Date: October 15, 2015
    Processing: Elisabetta Bonora & Marco Faccin/aliveuniverse.today

    CLUMP --- ---
    Prvni vedecka publikace o Plutu vychazi v zitrejsim vydani casopisu Science. Na webu je k precteni zdarma.

    The Pluto system: Initial results from its exploration by New Horizons

    ABSTRACT: The Pluto system was recently explored by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, making closest approach on 14 July 2015. Pluto’s surface displays diverse landforms, terrain ages, albedos, colors, and composition gradients. Evidence is found for a water-ice crust, geologically young surface units, surface ice convection, wind streaks, volatile transport, and glacial flow. Pluto’s atmosphere is highly extended, with trace hydrocarbons, a global haze layer, and a surface pressure near 10 microbars. Pluto’s diverse surface geology and long-term activity raise fundamental questions about how small planets remain active many billions of years after formation. Pluto’s large moon Charon displays tectonics and evidence for a heterogeneous crustal composition; its north pole displays puzzling dark terrain. Small satellites Hydra and Nix have higher albedos than expected.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Dnes skutečně úroda... :)
    Hi res snímek plutónské oblasti Sputnik Planum zařízení MVIC vznikl kombinací modré, červené a infračervené:

    VIRGO --- ---
    CLUMP: Úžasné snímky!
    CLUMP --- ---
    Cassini’s Close Flyby of Enceladus Yields Surprising, Perplexing Imagery

    If you thought Saturn’s moon Enceladus couldn’t get any more bizzare — with its magnificent plumes, crazy tiger-stripe-like fissures and global subsurface salty ocean — think again. New images of this moon’s northern region just in from the Cassini spacecraft show surprising and perplexing features: a tortured surface where craters look like they are melting, and fractures that cut straight across the landscape.

    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: beautiful
    VIRGO --- ---
    Neskutečná fotka!
    První kryotesty pro konstrukci optického systému JWST:

    NEBULA --- ---
    THERIDANE: olala :)
    CLUMP --- ---
    HiRISE | PDS Release: October 2015 Images
    Our monthly image catalog update! Over 400 new observations, part of our release to the Planetary Data System.

    THERIDANE --- ---

    Astronomers may have found giant alien 'megastructures' orbiting star near the Milky Way | World | News | The Independent
    DRAGON --- ---
    VIRGO: no to sem samozrejme zadal, ale neprislo mi to jako Hubble kvalita, ani jeden ten snimek... ok
    VIRGO --- ---
    DRAGON: ???
    Google images: Hubble Shoemaker Levy:
    hubble shoemaker levy - Hledat Googlem
    CLUMP --- ---
    Cassini Solstice Mission: Cassini Begins Series of Flybys with Close-up of Saturn Moon Enceladus

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft will wrap up its time in the region of Saturn's large, icy moons with a series of three close encounters with Enceladus starting Wednesday, Oct. 14. Images are expected to begin arriving one to two days after the flyby, which will provide the first opportunity for a close-up look at the north polar region of Enceladus.

    The Oct. 14 encounter will serve as a prelude to the main event, a flyby of Enceladus on Wednesday, Oct. 28, during which Cassini will come dizzyingly close to the icy moon, passing a mere 30 miles (49 kilometers) above the moon's south polar region. During this encounter, Cassini will make its deepest-ever dive through the moon's plume of icy spray, collecting images and valuable data about what's going on beneath the frozen surface. Cassini scientists are hopeful data from that flyby will provide evidence of how much hydrothermal activity is occurring in the moon's ocean, and how the amount of activity impacts the habitability of Enceladus’ ocean.

    DRAGON --- ---
    NEBULA: presne, jen nechapu, proc nikde nemuzu dohledat snimky z Hubblu, protoze se to odehralo tusim mesic po tom, co byl uveden znovu do provozu s novou optikou a byl v perfektni kondici.
    CLUMP --- ---
    NEBULA: taky si na to pamatuju, i kdyz mi bylo neco kolem 12 a o vesmir jsem se zrovna tak aktivne nezajimal (narozdil od uplneho detstvi, kdy jsem si stavel modely slunecni soustavy z plasteliny.)) pro me je asi nejvetsi vesmirny zazitek letosni pluto. a skvely je, ze proud dat bude jeste mnoho mesicu pokracovat.
    NEBULA --- ---
    CLUMP: Vzpomínám, když na Jupiter dopadaly části komety Shoemaker- Levy 9, byla to neuvěřitelně krásná podívaná, měla jsem pocit, že vidím něco absolutně neuvěřitelně jedinečného, myslím, že to byl a zůstane můj největší vesmírný astronomický zážitek v životě. Jeden z celkově největších zážitků v životě, nepřekoná porod, ale je hned za ním, dál dlouho nic a pak třeba úplné zatmění slunce. :)
    CLUMP --- ---

    It's a comparison of the horizon from the sol 1100 Mastcam panorama (stretched vertically by a factor of 2) to an "unwrapped" orbital view. After spending too long staring at it I decided that we can't see the Murray Buttes yet, just the ridge of washboard terrain that splits the barchan dunes that Curiosity will be exploring next. I hadn't realized until making this how much of a ridge the hematite ridge actually is. The light blue dots mark a rough outline of Curiosity's future path.

    zdroj: http://www.unmannedspaceflight.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=7988&view=findpost&p=226622
    CLUMP --- ---
    VLA reveals spectacular 'halos' of spiral galaxies

    A study of spiral galaxies seen edge-on has revealed that "halos" of cosmic rays and magnetic fields above and below the galaxies' disks are much more common than previously thought.

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