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    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    CLUMP --- ---
    Dawn data from Ceres publicly released: Finally, color global portraits! | The Planetary Society

    A few days ago, Dawn officially released the first big pile of data from the Ceres mission phase. The Framing Camera portion of the release amounts to roughly 4500 images. The data release includes everything through "Rotation Characterization 3," when Dawn was about 14,000 kilometers above Ceres and could still see the whole globe in a single photo.

    This is huge news, because for reasons I've never understood, the Dawn mission has yet to release a color global portrait of Ceres. But there is a ton of data to make color global portraits, and now that it's been released, amateur image processors can do that! So, without further ado: the first views of Ceres as they might look to your eyes, if you were riding aboard Dawn.

    NASA / JPL-Caltech / MPS / DLR / IDA / Daniel Macháček

    NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA / Daniel Macháček
    CLUMP --- ---
    Pluto in 3-D

    Global stereo mapping of Pluto’s surface is now possible, as images taken from multiple directions are downlinked from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. Stereo images will eventually provide an accurate topographic map of most of the hemisphere of Pluto seen by New Horizons during the July 14 flyby, which will be key to understanding Pluto’s geological history.

    CLUMP --- ---
    zoom in

    Last of Pluto’s Moons – Mysterious Kerberos – Revealed by New Horizons | NASA
    VIRGO --- ---
    Srovnání velikostí:

    CLUMP --- ---
    Cosmic 'Death Star' is destroying a planet

    Astronomers announced today that they have spotted a large, rocky object disintegrating in its death spiral around a distant white dwarf star. The discovery also confirms a long-standing theory behind the source of white dwarf "pollution" by metals.

    "This is something no human has seen before," says lead author Andrew Vanderburg of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). "We're watching a solar system get destroyed."

    The evidence for this unique system came from NASA's Kepler K2 mission, which monitors stars for a dip in brightness that occurs when an orbiting body crosses the star. The data revealed a regular dip every 4.5 hours, which places the object in an orbit about 520,000 miles from the white dwarf (about twice the distance from the Earth to the Moon). It is the first planetary object to be seen transiting a white dwarf.

    Vanderburg and his colleagues made additional observations using a number of ground-based facilities: the 1.2-meter and MINERVA telescopes at Whipple Observatory, the MMT, MEarth-South, and Keck.

    Combining all the data, they found signs of several additional chunks of material, all in orbits between 4.5 and 5 hours. The main transit was particularly prominent, dimming the star by 40 percent. The transit signal also showed a comet-like pattern. Both features suggest the presence of an extended cloud of dust surrounding the fragment. The total amount of material is estimated to be about the mass of Ceres, a Texas-sized object that is the largest main-belt asteroid in our solar system.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Petr Tomek: Vážení přátelé kosmonautiky! Dovolte abych vás pozval na Říjnovou Kosmoschůzku
    Kosmoschůzka se uskuteční na státní svátek 28. 10. od 18. hodin v salonku restaurace Zorto Nekázanka 6. Praha 1.

    Program: Julie Novakova , Tomáš Petrásek: Život, vesmír a vůbec na EPSC
    Letošní Evropská planetologická konference, která se uskutečnila na přelomu září a října ve francouzském Nantes,
    přinesla celou řadu zajímavých novinek k tématům od aktivní geologie na Marsu, původu Ceres či dějů v Saturnových
    prstencích až po modely procesů v hlubinách oceánských exoplanet. Prezentovány byly i připravované planetární mise,
    jejichž cílem se stanou ledové měsíce Jupiteru i asteroidy ohrožující naši planetu. Představíme dění na konferenci
    i ve stručnosti výběr velmi zajímavých příspěvků a jejich dopady.

    Jaroslav Kousal: Daedalus po 37 letech
    "Realistických" konceptů mezihvězdných lodí a sond už bylo navrženo mnoho, ale jedním z nejpromyšlenějších zůstává
    projekt Daedalus od British Interplanetary Society. Dokázal by doletět ke hvězdám?

    Sledujte též na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/events/1062603220425034/
    REDGUY --- ---

    Why Did The CIA Kidnap This Cold War Spacecraft?
    VIRGO --- ---
    Začíná pětiměsíční fáze komplexního testování pro OSIRIS-REx v centru Lockheed Martin Space Systems.
    Budou se simulovat účinky vakua, extremních teplot, odolnost proti mechanickým vibracím, rázům při
    separaci či rozvinutí solárních panelů, akustickému namáhání, ale i proti elektromagnetickému rušení.

    VIRGO --- ---

    Largest astronomical image of all time
    RUB researchers compile Milky Way photo with 46 billion pixels
    It is the largest astronomical image of all time: 46 billion pixels, 194 Gigabyte file size, and numerous stars.
    The Milky Way photo contains data gathered in astronomical observations over a period of five years.
    Largest astronomical image of all time - RUBIN Science Magazine - Ruhr-Universität-Bochum

    THERIDANE --- ---
    FAJL: však to není písek, je to posprejovaný
    VIRGO --- ---
    Věčné působení jemného marsovského prachu na plášti Curiosity. Po stranách fotomozaiky čísla solů.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    tohle je stejně můj oblíbený kosmický program:
    Meet the Copenhagen Suborbitals, Denmark’s Home-Grown Space Travelers
    Having discovered that the Vertigo ride at Copenhagen's Tivoli Gardens had the same g-force as their rocket, they hired the ride for a day and ran tests in the tourist hot spot.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JONAS3: Nějaké výtažky/shrnutí z původního článku na Slate, který mi přijde nejlepší - sice má nejvíce skeptické formulace, ale taky shrnuje nejzajímavější data a vysvětluje, proč žádné "normální" vysvětlení nefunguje

    KIC 8462852: it’s clear something weird is happening there

    The Kepler data for the star are pretty bizarre: There are dips in the light, but they aren’t periodic. They can be very deep; one dropped the amount of starlight by 15 percent, and another by a whopping 22 percent!
    Straight away, we know we’re not dealing with a planet here. Even a Jupiter-sized planet only blocks roughly 1 percent of this kind of star’s light, and that’s about as big as a planet gets. It can’t be due to a star, either; we’d see it if it were. And the lack of a regular, repeating signal belies both of these as well. Whatever is blocking the star is big, though, up to half the width of the star itself!
    The problem with that is that there’s no excess of infrared light from the star. Dust created in such impacts warms up and glows in the IR.
    Comets are a good guess, but it’s hard to imagine a scenario where they could completely block 22 percent of the light from a star; that’s a huge amount. Really huge.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JONAS3: vzpomněl jsem si na Vernora Vinge a jeho hvězdu OnOff :-)
    SUMAC --- ---
    PANTARIL: a pak ze kosmonauti jsou suchari :D
    PANTARIL --- ---
    Na odlehceni - nejake transkripty z mise apollo 11:)

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