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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    VEX --- ---
    VIRGO: Neskutečně jemnej "písek"
    VIRGO --- ---
    Curiosity testuje terén v oblasti tmavých dun

    THERIDANE --- ---
    NECROMAN: Kessler je zas o krůček blíž :-)
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Russia just successfully tested an anti-satellite missile - Business Insider
    ELECTRICKOTA --- ---
    CLUMP: Už se tuší co to může být ta světlá oblast?
    VIRGO --- ---
    CLUMP: Nářez!
    CLUMP --- ---
    A Distant Close-up: New Horizons’ Camera Captures a Wandering Kuiper Belt Object

    VIRGO --- ---
    Pathfinder´s own path:
    LISA Pathfinder is on its way!
    CLUMP --- ---
    Dawn Journal: Descent to LAMO | The Planetary Society

    Dawn's Chief Engineer and Mission Director Marc Rayman previews what's in store as the spacecraft moves into its final mapping orbit around dwarf planet Ceres.

    Dawn is flying down to an average altitude of about 240 miles (385 kilometers), where it will conduct wide-ranging investigations with its suite of scientific instruments. The spacecraft will be even closer to the rocky, icy ground than the International Space Station is to Earth’s surface. The pictures will be four times sharper than the best it has yet taken. The view is going to be fabulous!

    Dawn will be so near the dwarf planet that its sensors will detect only a small fraction of the vast territory at a time. Mission planners have designed the complex itinerary so that every three weeks, Dawn will fly over most of the terrain while on the sunlit side. (The neutron spectrometer, gamma ray spectrometer and gravity measurements do not depend on illumination from the sun, but the camera, infrared mapping spectrometer and visible mapping spectrometer do.)

    CLUMP --- ---
    Catalog Page for PIA20132

    One of the most intriguing features on Ceres, Occator crater, is seen in this oblique view from NASA's Dawn spacecraft. This crater is 60 miles (90 kilometers) across and 2 miles (4 kilometers) deep, and is home to the brightest areas on Ceres.

    This image was acquired from an altitude of 915 miles (1,470 kilometers). Dawn took this image on Oct. 18, 2015.

    CLUMP --- ---
    Today at 11:08 CET, Japan's audacious Hayabusa2 spacecraft made a critical Earth flyby to gain energy for its multi-year journey to asteroid Ryugu. The craft zoomed past our pale blue dot just 3000 km above the Pacific Ocean. On Saturday, ESA's 35m deep-space ground station at Malargüe, Argentine, will start providing crucial tracking support. ESA is delighted to assist this fantastic mission and the Hayabusa team kindly shared this animation, a mash-up of images taken just hours before closest approach as the craft neared between 200 000 to 36 000 km between 01:00-09:45 CET. Upon arrival at asteroid Ryugu in 2018, the high-tech craft will deliver several microlanders, deposit the European Mascot landing package, snatch a sample of primordial material and then return it safely to Earth in 2020. This animation has already been distributed to the media in Japan, and will appear tomorrow in the JAXA website.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    SVANC: ten Jupiter by už chtěl nějaký speciální opalovací krém s ochranným faktorem proti radiaci min. 10000 :-) a trochu teplejší spacák (o dost). a taky trochu víc paliva a zásob na cestu.

    já jsem celkem realista... moje sny jsou dnes technicky možné, jenom lidstvo se radši chce navzájem vybombardovat, než aby mi dopřálo menší výlet.
    SVANC --- ---
    XCHAOS: Proč tak při zemi? :) To já bych chtěl průlet sluneční soustavou, s důrazem na Jupiter a Saturn :D.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    VIRGO: popravdě, tenhle pohled bych hrozně chtěl vidět jako kosmický turista (bohužel, na palivo je to tak min. 3x náročnější, než prostá kosmická turistika na LEO + ještě by byl potřeba teplý spacák a zásoby proviantu tak na 3 týdny až měsíc...)
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    VIRGO: Tak se vlezli
    ESA Science & Technology: Liftoff for LISA Pathfinder
    VIRGO --- ---
    Zítřejší start LPF potvrzen.
    Rovněž zítra bude Hayabusa 2 provádět gravitační manévr kolem Země.
    「はやぶさ2」地球スイングバイ解説CG / Hayabusa2's Earth Swing-by CG

    Takhle blejskla náš dvojsystém 26/11 ze 3M km:

    XCHAOS --- ---
    VIRGO: paranoia nemůže být vyvrácena, jenom potvrzena (a to, že si NASA omylem smazala originály videozáznamů, trollům rozhodně situaci dost usnadnilo :-)
    DRAGON --- ---
    FATBOZZ: ktera je bohuzel nepravdepodobnejsi :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    LISA Pathfinder - start se přesunul na zítřejší ráno. Asi nejhustější startovní okno, co jsem zažil - 1 sekunda...
    Když cokoli selže, start se přesouvá přesně o 24 hodin :))

    FATBOZZ --- ---
    XCHAOS: Já se zas děsím téhle varianty

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