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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    VIRGO --- ---
    Nepříznivé důsledky dlouhodobého pobytu v mikrogravitaci
    A Gorilla Was Just Spotted On International Space Station
    CLUMP --- ---
    Pluto’s ‘Hulk-like’ Moon Charon: A Possible Ancient Ocean?

    Pluto’s largest moon may have gotten too big for its own skin. Images from NASA’s New Horizons mission suggest that Pluto’s moon Charon once had a subsurface ocean that has long since frozen and expanded, pushing outward and causing the moon’s surface to stretch and fracture on a massive scale.

    CLUMP --- ---
    This 'Classified Alien Music' the Internet Is Freaking Out Over Is Not Classified, Alien, or Music
    ALWA --- ---
    This is the bumper sticker NASA’s New Horizon team have on their cars...

    BROUKOID --- ---
    BROUKOID: Navic by asi brzy vyrostla "laserova pohonna zakladna" na marsu (nebo spise na orbitalni draze nebo v nejakem Lagrangeove bode mars-slunce, a ta by mohla brzdit priletavajici plachetnice :)
    BROUKOID --- ---
    CYBERWOLF: bud aerobraking, nebo tohle: . Co se manevrovani tyce:
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    JVMLOK: nebo :)
    JVMLOK --- ---
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    CYBERWOLF: vypustí kapsli nad oběžnou dráhou, ne? .)
    CYBERWOLF --- ---
    NECROMAN: akorát mi moc nedochází, jak by se s tím dalo manévrovat, nebo nedej bože brzdit. Protože dostat sondu k Marsu za 3 dny je sice boží, ale jak jí pak zbrzdit dost na to, aby na tom Marsu mohla přistát, nebo ho alespoň obíhat?
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Laser propulsion system could get us to Mars 'in three days' (Wired UK)
    CLUMP --- ---
    Lost Tapes Reveal Apollo Astronauts Heard Unexplained ‘Music’ On Far Side Of The Moon

    "It sounds like, you know, outer space-type music."
    "You hear that? That whistling sound? Whooooooooo!"
    "Well, that sure is weird music!"
    "It's unbelievable! You know?"
    "Shall we tell them about it?"
    "I don't know. We ought to think about it."
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    VIRGO: Dobrý spánek je taky důležitý :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    :/ Tož bitvu som presrál, hale dobre sa vyspál...
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    Astro-H se úspěšně oddělila od nosiče. To vzali pěkným fofrem.
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    DARKMOOR: Tam mají mikrofony nějak blízko rampy, jsem málem ohluchl jak odstartovala.
    Let probíhá v pohodě, boostery už byly odhozeny. Vypadá to dobře.
    DARKMOOR --- ---
    Stream ze startu Astro-H na youtube moc nejede tak pro případné zájemce tu mám náhradní.
    Live coverage: H-2A rocket counts down to liftoff | Spaceflight Now
    CLUMP --- ---
    Support grows for a return to ice giants Uranus and Neptune | Science News

    Thirty years ago, the Voyager 2 spacecraft tore past Uranus, then flew by Neptune less than four years later. These quick sojourns introduced scientists to two planets that had been vague blue splotches in their telescopes. In the years since, bigger and better instruments have teased out a bit more information and revealed a few surprises.

    But there’s only so much planetary scientists can learn from a couple billion kilometers away. That’s why researchers in both the United States and Europe think it’s time to go back to Uranus or Neptune — the solar system’s “ice giants.” Unlike the show-stopping flyby of Pluto in 2015, a new mission to one of the blue worlds would have more time to take in the view.

    CLUMP --- ---
    A new hope for a microphone on Mars: Enhancing Mars 2020 science with sound | The Planetary Society

    When the Mars 2020 rover lands, we may finally hear the first audio recordings from the Martian surface. The Planetary Society has been working for decades to land a Mars Microphone, something that would add a second human sense to the amazing imagery we currently get, and would be very engaging and exciting for not only scientists, but also for the general public. Unfortunately, the only two such instruments to have launched suffered sad fates. The first Planetary Society Mars Microphone crashed with Mars Polar Lander. The second microphone to fly to Mars, on Phoenix, was never turned on because of the potential for an electronic problem. The payload of the ExoMars 2018 rover may include infrasound and pressure sensors that could produce sound-like recordings. In an abstract submitted to the 2016 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (PDF), members of the Mars 2020 SuperCam team explain how including a microphone on their instrument could support their science -- and record sounds on Mars.

    VIRGO --- ---
    DARKMOOR: Konečně! Už se těším.
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