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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    VER_MASLE --- ---
    STRYX: tak to děkuji za doporučení, asi bych to mohla zvládnout...
    VIRGO --- ---
    Bez jednoho dne za 3 měsíce dorazí Juno k Jupiteru!

    VIRGO --- ---
    BROUKOID --- ---
    BIDAK: presne, ja vzdycky zacnu zurit kdyz ctu ve zpravach jak "Orbital Sciences opet predbehly SpaceX".
    Navic to co predvadeji BO uz bylo realizovano pred vice nez 20 lety na DC-X Delta Clipperu, coz byl podle me projekt mnohem, mnohem zajimavejsi, uz proto, ze cilem nebylo realizovat to, co zvladali lide uz v roce 1943 (tj doskocit do 100km), ale single-stage-to-orbit, coz je podle me neco co stale ceka na uspesnou realizaci..

    A mam pocit ze jsem cetl, ze Blue Origin najmul lidi co delali prave Delta Clipper.. coz vysvetluje mnohe :)
    Takze ten jejich New Sheepfarts je vazne jenom hracka, jak rikas :)
    ESTEN --- ---
    KAERO: opet: f9 ma s jedinym merlinem na minimalni tah porad vetsi thrust/weight ratio nez 1, takze levitovat neumi, musi to dat na prvni pokus dokonale presne.

    Ale to nemeni nic na tom, ze BO je super cool a mam z nich radost a respekt :)
    BIDAK --- ---
    KAERO: A mnohem riskantnější. To co dělá BO je proti tomu co chce udělat SX dětská hra.
    KAERO --- ---
    TOXICMAN: prislo mi ze pri tom pristani zbytecne dlouho visel nad zemi. kdyz jsem koukal na pristani spacex, tak to bylo takove hladsi, palivove uspornejsi...
    SEJDA --- ---
    TOXICMAN: kdy dostanou povoleni k testu v nejake zajimavejsi lokalite? Nevim, jestli je takovy poustni vyhled to, co si zakaznici predstavovali.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Parádní modelace: kráter Occator v měřítku s běžným dopravním letadlem:
    Airliner shown in scale with the Occator Crater on Ceres
    HADIAK --- ---
    CLUMP --- ---
    New Horizons is Still Only Halfway Through Its Download from Pluto | Daily Planet | Air & Space Magazine

    In December, when the team wrote the papers that appeared in the Science (academic publishing is not a quick process), the spacecraft had only sent home about a quarter of the data it gathered during its Pluto flyby last July. Since then, another quarter has “landed,” as principal investigator Alan Stern puts it, and mission scientists are busy analyzing it. That leaves half the flyby data—including thousands of images, chemical spectra, and other information—still stored on two solid-state drives aboard New Horizons, awaiting download.

    Also still to come are information on the composition and structure of Pluto’s atmosphere and data that scientists will use to look for rings around Pluto. The last of the data won’t reach Earth until late October.

    “We try to do it in priority order, so that the most important stuff was sent last year, and the least important stuff will be at the very tail end,” says Stern.

    New Horizons sent the last of the highest-resolution images of Pluto and Charon earlier this month.

    THERIDANE --- ---
    NECROMAN: :-) váhal jsem, jestli to sem dám, nakonec jsi byl rychlejší. Pro zajímavost, tady je to zdrojový video (s raketou):

    Rocket ride 2000 Meter/ Second DLR - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Fresh fruit is on the way! Here are some of the best pics taken from @Space_Station during today’s #Progress launch.
    NECROMAN --- ---
    Vite, co to je Yo-Yo despin?
    Can a satellite do a yo-yo trick?
    VIRGO --- ---
    TOXICMAN: Tak k tomu ještě přidám jednu krajinku. Curio Sol 1296

    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Oppy ♥
    A shadow and tracks of NASA's Mars rover Opportunity appear in this March 22, 2016, image, which has been rotated 13.5 degrees to adjust for the tilt of the rover. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

    VIRGO --- ---
    BLACKHEAD: Já taky. Jinak zechovaný hlas ruského komentátora mi připomněl Blade Runner! :)
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    VIRGO: Dik! Jsem to akorat stihl...
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