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    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China's Tianwen-2 spacecraft recently arrived at the launch site for its upcoming May 2025 mission to asteroid Kamoʻoelewa. This mission will collect samples from the 40-100 meter asteroid and deliver them to Earth by 2027. Kamoʻoelewa is a small, "quasi-satellite" of Earth with an unusually rapid rotation rate.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    China's SpaceX Copy Destroyed in Bizarre Test Failure - Booster Static Fire Becomes Flight Test
    XCHAOS --- ---
    GIOMIKY: plus Číňani to plánují rozšiřovat, což je pro ně až tak jednoduché, jako vypustit záložní kopie modulů, které stejně vyrobily pro případ havárie při startu (prostě všechno vyrobili 2x). Budou to mít jen za cenu nosné rakety...
    China to send new modules and co-orbiting spacecraft to Tiangong space station - SpaceNews
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China completes first 10-kilometer vertical takeoff and landing flight test of reusable launch vehicle successfully - Global Times
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China Names Its Manned Lunar Exploration Vehicles Mengzhou, Lanyue
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China’s Landspace conducts first VTVL test for reusable stainless steel rocket - SpaceNews
    NANUQ --- ---
    China launches new Beidou satellites, rocket booster lands near house - SpaceNews
    GIOMIKY --- ---
    China’s New Space Nuclear Reactor Might Be 100 Times More Powerful Than NASA’s
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China Details Solar System Exploration Plans - NASASpaceFlight.com
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China's Mars Rover Discovers Signs of Recent Water in Martian Sand Dunes - Slashdot
    XCHAOS --- ---
    China Scraps Expendable Long March 9 Rocket Plan In Favor of Reusable Version - Slashdot
    SUMAC --- ---
    jinak kolem zeme opet krouzi prvni stupen Long Marchu so vynesl Wentian a opet se nevi kdy a kam dopadne. to same se bude asi opakovat zase za mesic se tretim modulem

    China's human spaceflight agency says it is tracking the Long March 5B first stage. The booster was in an orbit of 176.6 x 263.2 km inclined by 41.4 degrees at 0800 UTC today. No reentry prediction provided.
    SUMAC --- ---
    There's some reporting that the 500-meter aperture FAST radio telescope in Guizhou, China has detected candidates for signals from extraterrestrial intelligence, including a suspicious signal from exoplanet target observation data. This is interesting, but don't get too excited.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    "SPaCe iS jUsT eXtReMeLy EnORmOusE, aND satELITES aRe _VeRy_ TiNy"

    Breakup of China’s Yunhai-1 (02) satellite linked to space debris collision - SpaceNews
    The 18th Space Control Squadron (18 SPCS) of the U.S. Space Force has identified the breakup of the Yunhai 1-02 meteorological spacecraft (2019-063A) last year to be an accidental collision with a small, mission-related debris object (1996-051Q) associated with the Zenit-2 launch vehicle for the deployment of the Russian Cosmos 2333 military signals intelligence satellite in 1996
    “the event was likely caused by a piece of debris in the 1-10 centimeter size range.”

    The breakup of Yunhai-1 (02) is the fifth confirmed accidental collision between two cataloged objects, according to the report. A total of 37 fragments from the collision have been cataloged by the 18 SPCS and as of 1 October 2021, with four of these having reentered the atmosphere.


    Open Access Hub
    Following the previous news on the Sentinel-1B anomaly that occurred on 23 December 2021, the resuming of the operations was carefully prepared including the on-board configuration changes preventing the anomaly to occur again.

    However, during the preparation of the recovery operations, it became clear that the initial anomaly was a consequence of a potential serious problem related to a unit of the power system of the Sentinel-1B satellite. The operations performed over the last days did not allow to reactivate so far a power supply function required for the radar operations.

    Further investigations to identify and remedy the root cause will be performed over the next days.
    SHEFIK --- ---

    China and Russia team up to establish joint moon base - Asia Times

    China and Russia plan to set up a joint moon base by 2027, eight years earlier than originally planned.
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    už se objevují detaily

    Starlink satellites typically orbit at around 550 kilometers above the surface of the Earth, but the pair had lowered their altitudes, apparently as part of active deorbiting maneuvers at the end of the satellites’ life.

    This saw the pair drift into the path of China’s Tianhe, the first module for the country’s space station. Both times Tianhe was inhabited, by the three-person crew of the Shenzhou-12 mission in July, and the ongoing Shenzhou-13 mission during the October close approach.

    Satellite tracker Jonathan McDowell, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, confirmed the two close approaches and avoidance burns using data published by U.S. space tracking. The October pass appears to have been within three kilometers.

    China’s space station maneuvered to avoid Starlink satellites - SpaceNews

    to je ta notifikace https://www.unoosa.org/res/oosadoc/data/documents/2021/aac_105/aac_1051262_0_html/AAC105_1262E.pdf
    SHEFIK --- ---
    China Reportedly Working on “Ultra-Large" Spacecraft That's Miles Across
    SHEFIK --- ---
    China plans mass rocket launch to divert asteroid that could wipe out life on Earth | The Independent
    JONAS3 --- ---
    3 astronauts enter China's space station core module
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Evropské sondy MEX a TGO se v nejbližších dnech (s první příležitostí snad již zítra) zapojí do přenosu dat z čínského roveru Ču-žung. Dosavadní přenos dat probíhá rychlostí cca 20 až 30 MB za den. Zapojení ESA je vidět i z umístění jejího loga na aerodynamický kryt rakety CZ-5.
    #china #mars
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