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    ztracené heslo?
    DANYSEKCo vam prave prislo za dementni maily?
    ROENICK --- ---
    my mame zase "dealerskou blaženost"
    ruzny spokojenosti, rozvoje, synergie a tak...jako manazersky bingo bys vyskrtal behem chvilky :)
    FINSON --- ---
    Úryvek z mailu od ředitele:

    Prosím o motivaci zaměstnanců.

    JIMMI15 --- ---
    COOLER: a tos jeste nevidel ten obrazek 2000, co byl v priloze :)
    ROENICK --- ---
    lepsi je vesmirna drubez, lidi uz jsou pase :)
    COOLER --- ---
    kurna kdo to má číst ... tak budto zářivé světélko nebo zářivý světýlko, ale co je tohle za patvar? to je podobnej blaf jako svědkové jehovovi
    JIMMI15 --- ---
    From: "Zarive svetylko" <zarivesvetylko@centrum.cz>
    To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@avas4.tiscali.cz>
    Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 19:43:54 +0100


    ROENICK --- ---
    MIKEE: to je NEJVIC :)

    No tak CoD je až na 3 miste na 1 miste mam školu už abych ju měl za sebou už my zni mrda v bedně ale aspoň nemusím poslouchat že su gembler doma od taty ale když je doma mamka tak radši drží ústa J no na 2 místě rodina,kámoši,slečny a fotbal no na 3 je to my CoD no prostě pařbá stoletý J

    ROENICK --- ---
    mno na ten vek uz se rozjel chlapec :D
    Clan Leader,Manazer,Admin,Webmaster :)
    MARECEK --- ---
    ZVIRATKO: :-DDD doufam že si se aspoň z hecu zeptal jak by si to představoval.. :-DDD
    KAREN --- ---
    od spoluzacky z ffuk...

    mam pro vas jednu nabidku, a to specialni podprsenky, ktere ve sluzbe nosi prislusnice americke armady. Jsou bez kostic,
    protistresove a pohodlne - hodi se treba na aerobik.... Normalne v obchode u nas nejsou k sehnani, ale kamarad se ted
    vratil z Iraku a vyfasoval tam toho tolik, ze uz je rozdava za pakatel, tj. za 250 Kc. Puvodne staly v prepoctu kolem 700
    Kc. Nechci tu pusobit jako nejaka dealerka, koneckoncu z toho nic nemam:) , jen si myslim, ze je skoda, aby to hnilo nekde
    ve sklade. Tak to zvazte.
    Mejte se
    HELLMAKER --- ---
    ZVIRATKO: ja bych si ten klan koupil ;-) (ale jen na serveru)
    NASA --- ---
    Dobrý den

    Z bezpečnostních důvodů a pravděpodobnému úniku části databáze obsahující
    uživatelská jména i hesla bylo Vaše heslo změněno.

    Doporučujeme změnit si i heslo do mysql, případně postgresql
    pokud využíváte některou z těchto databází.

    === Přístupové heslo do http://user.ic.cz ===
    Uživatelské jméno : nasa
    Heslo : mxp4v5x7

    === Přístupové heslo na FTP ===
    Host : nasa.ic.cz
    Uživatelské jméno : nasa
    Heslo : mxp4v5x7

    Případné dotazy zasílejte do fóra na http://phorum.ic.cz
    nebo na email baz@ic.cz

    S Pozdravem
    Team serveru IC.cz
    ZVIRATKO --- ---
    ja si uplne predstavil toho 14letyho manika na zakladce v zadni lavici jak pise na svym super mobilu s emailovym klientem v jave tenhle spam :)) jinak nevim jak to muze nekdo s mozkem vyplodit...
    ROENICK --- ---
    ROFL :)
    no byl bys blbej kdybys s nima nespolupracoval :D
    ZVIRATKO --- ---
    tohle nemuze myslet ten clovek vazne....

    Dobry de jsme manazer multigaming clanu ironix a chtel bych se svama domluvit na spolupraci mezi vasi firmou a nasim multiclanem na podminkach by smese dohodli jsme mezi nejlepsimy klany CR dekujem za odpoved
    HONZAF --- ---
    ZVIRATKO: jo to je dobry :) zazacatku to sice vypada jako prosty nigerijsky dopis, ale pak to nabira necekany smer :))
    VANEK --- ---
    Mě na tomhle spamu pobavil ten jazyk:

    From: "Esetera" radoslava@surimail.com
    To: "Chen" (moje pracovní adresa)
    Subject: My little pumpkin, we must review the process in no time.

    I did my groundwork well. It turns out our little abode has a higher value.
    As I have researched the home-lending programs arena, I've come to
    comprehend many things.
    I didn't comprehend this, but it turns out that we can get dollars at the
    same time.

    Individuals at this host-site get hold of the smartest rates.
    I would like to get my case done speedily, which means I can get a sports
    car earlier.
    These folks specialized in selecting great plans respond to the questions
    in the same day.


    Enjoy your weekend,


    refused to mesh, and the delay caused by this, while he twist pushed the
    lever surface into reverse and backed the car a few tourist inches before
    have mole nothing, old thief. You would old moustache not make medicine to
    do this, unaware but do not fit remember seeing perfectly her resume her
    place: in the
    ZVIRATKO --- ---
    tenhle je povedenej :))
    Late Michael Zviratko??? :))))

    Avocats Associés Zone
    Industriel Quartier des Elites,
    Cotonou-Benin Republic.
    Tel; (+229)95790374.
    Private E-Mail: barr_bonoitschnel @yahoo.de

    ATTN: Zviratko,

    I am Barrister Benoit Schnel, private attorney to Late Michael Zviratko, a national of your country, who used to work as the Director of Société Nationale de Commercialisation des Produits Pétroliers (SONACOP)Oil Company in Benin Republic West Africa, Here in after shall be Referred to as my client. On the 21st of April 1999, my client, His wife and their three Children were involved in a car accident Cotonou-Abome express-road. All occupants of the vehicle Unfortunately lost their lives. Since then I have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives but all efforts was just in vain.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track His last name over the Internet, to locate any member of his Family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in Repatriating the money left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank Of Africa Benin Republic West Africa. These huge deposits were lodged particularly, with the "Société Générale des Banques du Benin" where the Deceased had an account valued at about $14.5 million dollars (fourteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).

    The Bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated. Since I have been unsuccessful in Locating the relatives for over six years. Now I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have The same last name so that the proceeds of this account valued at $14.5 million dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can Share the money 50% to me and 50% to you.

    I will procure all Necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make. All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us seeing this Deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law or you can call me at (+229)9579 0374.

    And the way we are going to achieve this is I will need the following information from you, Your Full Name and Address, Your Age, Occupation and Position, Your Telephone Mobile and Fax Number for Communication Purpose.

    I await your Call and reply ASAP.

    For privacy please reply to this E-Mail Address: barr_bonoitschnel @yahoo.de

    Best Regards,
    Barrister BENOIT SCHNEL.
    Tel: (+229)9579 0374

    Sarah Connor, Moshammer oder Papst Benedikt – die Top-Suchen 2005.
    ROENICK --- ---
    mno ale jsou i jine aspekty sponzoringu :)

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam