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    ztracené heslo?
    DANYSEKCo vam prave prislo za dementni maily?
    QUAACA --- ---
    From: S, Monika
    Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 1:10 PM

    Subject: RE: PROSINEC 20%

    Ahoj všem,

    Nabízím polštářek ve tvaru slona s vánočním motivem cca 35x30 cm (250 Kč) a ve stejném motivu polštářek psa jezevčíka cca 25/30 cm (130 Kč). Vhodné i jako vánoční dárek. Lze i každé zvlášť.

    K nahlédnutí v kanceláři č. 140.

    BETSABE --- ---
    LEXXA --- ---
    COOLER: tys to jeste nezavedl? ja blokuji pulku netu. :)
    COOLER --- ---
    BIGJOINT: na tom neni nic dementního. to samé zvažuji v mé firmě
    BIGJOINT --- ---

    v souladu s nejaktualnejsimi smernicemi XXX o pouzivani pocitacu pouze k pracovnim ucelum bude aplikovano omezeni v pristupu ke strance www.facebook.com
    Doporucuji seznamit se s dokumenty na M:\Public\IT Safety\

    Omezeni se na jednotlivych PC zacne projevovat dnesnim vecerem.

    KAREN --- ---
    IKA: to je zacatek mailu;)
    IKA --- ---
    KAREN: to na zaciatku ale nemyslia ako oslovenie, ci hej?:)

    JIMMI15: vyborne:))
    JIMMI15 --- ---

    (to je vsechno :)
    KAREN --- ---
    Subject: Novinky z predvanocni knihovny
    From: Městská knihovna [informace@mlp.cz]

    Pernicky, rohlicky, linecke...

    ...jedlicky, smrcky, borovice. Dalsi Vanoce jsou ve vzduchu, at se nam to libi, nebo ne. Take knihovna si pro vas prichystala nabidku pro svatecní dny, a doufa, ze si z ni vyberete:

    Jiz potreti jsme sestavili vyber knih, ktere nas v prubehu roku zaujaly a myslime si, ze by mohly byt vitanym vanocnim darkem pro vase blizke. Ve vyberu najdete od titulu pro nejmensi ctenare, az po knihy pro dospele. Stahnete si z www.mlp.cz.

    Premyslite nad originalnim darkem pro sve blizke – naruzive ctenare? Mame pro vas tip. Nadelte jim pod stromecek ctenarsky prukaz Mestske knihovny v Praze a s nim i pristup ke sbirkam nejvetsi ceske verejne knihovny. Darkovy prukaz je k dostani ve vsech nasich pobockach (www.mlp.cz/knihovny) za 80,- Kc.
    BETSABE --- ---
    KAREN: na to se da rict jen:

    KAREN --- ---
    BETSABE: yesss! jdes do toho? ,D
    BETSABE --- ---
    Vážená paní XXX, YYYYY a ZZZ, zdravíme Vás v agentuře XXXXXXX!

    Na základě předchozího rozhovoru Vám zasíláme nabídku na spolupráci s naším časopisem MOTORÁJ s celorepublikovou působností.

    Těšíme se na odpověd.

    PS: zařídila jsem, aby Vám časopis byl doručen co nejdříve a nejrychleji přímo do XXXXXX! Hezké počtení:O)

    BETSABE --- ---
    BIGJOINT --- ---

    Moc se omlouvam, stejne stále verim, ze jsem krecka nezabila a koupim Vám nového.


    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Hello my friend!!!!
    How is your day? I saw you on dating site, and decided to write you.
    I will be happy to get acquainted with you and perhaps in the future
    we could be good friends, possibly more:)
    About me:
    My name is Alla. As you can see in my photo I am a girl, I am 29 years old.
    All my life I have lived in Russia, it vast country with a beautiful culture,
    interesting places and different people.
    If you are interested to know me, you can answer me: lovely_detka@hotmail.com
    I will be glad to receive your mail and I will tell more about yourself.
    Sincerely yours Alla.
    BETSABE --- ---
    WYCLEFF: nevim, jestli se mam smat, neboco:))
    WYCLEFF --- ---
    Subject: Automatická odpověď v nepřítomnosti

    Omlouvám se, ale příštích 14 dní budu k zastižení pouze na mobilu.

    V pondělí 16.11.2009 zahajuji řádné magisterské denní studium na právnické fakultě v Plzni.
    Studium ukončím 30.11.2009 obhajobou dizertační práce.
    Poslední dva dny dovolené budu úplně mimo dosah, protože musím opsat dizertační práci.

    Díky za pochopení.
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Subject: Please take a moment of silence...
    To: everyone@xxxxxx.com

    in your respective countries to honour Remembrance Day/Veteran's
    Day/Armistice Day.
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Lest we forget...........

    A lesson that should be taught in all schools . . And colleges

    Back in September, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a social
    studies school teacher at Robinson High School, did something not to be
    forgotten. On the first day of school, with the permission of the school
    superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all
    of the desks out of her classroom.

    When the first period kids entered the room they discovered that there were
    no desks.

    'Ms.. Cothren, where're our desks?'

    She replied, 'You can't have a desk until you tell me how you earn the right
    to sit at a desk.'

    They thought, 'Well, maybe it's our grades.'

    'No,' she said.

    'Maybe it's our behavior.'

    She told them, 'No, it's not even your behavior.'

    And so, they came and went, the first period, second period, third period.
    Still no desks in the classroom.

    By early afternoon television news crews had started gathering in
    Ms.Cothren's classroom to report about this crazy teacher who had taken all
    the desks out of her room.

    The final period of the day came and as the puzzled students found seats on
    the floor of the deskless classroom, Martha Cothren said, 'Throughout the
    day no one has been able to tell me just what he/she has done to earn the
    right to sit at the desks that are ordinarily found in this classroom. Now I
    am going to tell you.'

    At this point, Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and
    opened it.

    Twenty-seven (27) War Veterans, all in uniforms, walked into that classroom,
    each one carrying a school desk. The Vets began placing the school desks in
    rows, and then they would walk over and stand alongside the wall... By the
    time the last soldier had set the final desk in place those kids started to
    understand, perhaps for the first time in their lives, just how the right to
    sit at those desks had been earned..

    Martha said, 'You didn't earn the right to sit at these desks. These heroes
    did it for you. They placed the desks here for you. Now, it's up to you to
    sit in them. It is your responsibility to learn, to be good students, to be
    good citizens. They paid the price so that you could have the freedom to get
    an education. Don't ever forget it.'

    By the way, this is a true story.

    Please consider passing this along so others won't forget that the freedoms
    we have in this great country were earned by War Veterans.
    ANARCHY --- ---

    oznamují vám, že se právě vstřebávám ze ztráty 2 týdnů svého života.

    pokud se bude něco dít v nejbližším termínu, prosím, dejte vědět, já mám ve všem strašný binec a nevím, co se kde děje.

    doma jsem jen výjimečně k zastižení.

    pro ty, koho zajímá to, co se se mnou stalo - vyrovnával jsem se se ztratou.

    s úctou, XXX
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam